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Event Tourism – around World By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Tourism – around World By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event Tourism – around World By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law 1

2 Learning Objectives Task I: EVENT Define Events : Festivals and special events Aware of why events have evolved in human society the role of events in daily life Distinguish between different types of events the (UK) traditions of events Task II: EVENT INDUSTRY Understand the event industry the emergence and growth of an events industry (UK) The structure of the event industry Task III: EVENT MANAGEMENT Discuss the attributes and knowledge requirements of an events manager List the types of organization involved in the delivery of event management training Career opportunities in events 2

3 World Famous Events (4)  Leisure Events  Balloons Albuauerque Int’l Balloon Fiesta: U.S.A., Sep.-Oct. since 1972, world biggest Bristol international Balloon Fiesta, U.K.,Mid-Aug., since 1978, biggest in Europe. Saga ( 佐贺) Int’l Balloon Fiesta, Japan, Oct., since 1980 Daejeon ( 大田 )Int’l Balloon Fiesta: Oct., since 2005, Night Balloon Show  Horse Racing Siena’s Palio Horse Race (June – Aug.)  Bull-running Pamplola (Span: San Fermin, July 6 th -14 th ), since 1591, 6 bulls every morning.  Tomato Fight Bunol, Span, Last Wed. of Aug., Since 1945, 100,000 tons of tomato 3

4 World Famous Events (5)  MICE Events  World Expo. Kunming & Aizhi Paris  Political Summit: APEC Davos G8 summit of leading industrialized nations Bo’ao Asia Forum  U.K.: London Design Festival : Exhibitions &. Forums  Cartoon & Animation Festivals Seaul & Tokyo 4

5 World Famous Events (6)  Religion, Tradition, &. Folks  Christmas Day  Chinese New Year  Malaysia World Islamic Civilization Festival: June-Sep., since June 17 th, 1994  Holland Bloemencorso Bollenstreek: April, Tulips.  Sweden Midsummer Festival: June 22 nd, all Sweden, esp. Skansen ceromony  Korea Kwangju Kim Chi Festival (光州泡菜节)  Thailand Loykratong Festival (泰国水灯节) Water Festival 5

6 What do you think of from above info.?  Globalization or Localization?  Spontaneous or Planned gala?  Are they pseudo-events or authentic events? Do people like pseudo-events? Why? 6

7 Philosophical Perspectives  Heortology – the study of festivals  Understanding human experience  Ritual as symbolic language  Leisure as celebration – Pieper  Festivals as sacred times: cessation of normal activity  Festivals as intrinsic fulfillment of human nature 7

8 Historical Foundations  Understanding the needs and aspirations of humankind  Celebrations highlight  Traditions of a culture  Heritage of a people or place  Beliefs about the unexplainable  Fears and control of nature and death  Human excellence through performance and competition 8

9 Historical Foundations  Festivals include and incorporate  Music, dance and the arts  Competition and domination  Pageantry  Religious beliefs and superstition  Political power  Performance and/or Participation 9

10 Festivals in Ancient Egypt Pantheism – celebrating the gods The role of the Pharaoh Fertility Harvest Festival of Opet – Link between worldly and religious power – Flooding of the Nile – Processions – Detailed record keeping 10

11 Ancient Greece  Festivals as Anapaula, a breathing time, a break from the necessary work of survival – Plato  Honoring the gods  The sacred games – the Olympic tradition  The gymnikos athlon  Arete, honor and tradition  Competition, pageantry, bureaucracy and site management 11

12 Ludi Romani  Greek Olympic style competition  Amphitheatres and the circus  Religion and blood sports  Bread and circuses  Political/religious control  Pax Romani 12

13 The Christian Tradition  Effect of the Parousia – the imminent second coming  Links to the agricultural past  Rejection of Roman practices  The Christian Sabbath  Martyrs and feasts 13

14 Questions 14

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