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STI’s and STD’s What they are and how to protect yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "STI’s and STD’s What they are and how to protect yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 STI’s and STD’s What they are and how to protect yourself

2 The Most Common STI’s

3 Trichomoniasis  Caused by a protozoan that infects the urinary tract or vagina.  Symptoms In Males:Painful urination, a clear discharge from the penis, and some itching. In Females: Itching or burning in the vagina, an unpleasant smelling, yellowish discharge, and pain when urinating.

4 Trichomoniasis  Doctor can prescribe medicine to cure the infection.  If not treated: In Males: can lead to Urethritis In Females: can lead to Vaginitis.

5 Trichomoniasis Over 7 million people are infected with Trichomoniasis each year.

6 Human Papilloma Virus  Also known as HPV  Most Common VIRAL STI.  Causes no symptoms, so people are unaware that they have contracted it.  Some forms lead to Genital Warts. Can itch or burn.

7 Human Papilloma Virus  Sometimes the body’s immune system will destroy the infection  Sometimes it remains in the body for life.  Can lead to Cervical Cancer Pap Tests can help to prevent this

8 Chlamydia  The most common STI caused by BACTERIA in the USA.  Can be cured by antibiotics.  Infects nearly 13 million people per year.

9 Chlamydia  Infected Males experience: Painful, frequent urination Colorful discharge from the penis  Infected Females experience: Yellowish, vaginal discharge Can lead to PID  Leads to infertility and/or ectopic pregnancies.

10 Hepatitis  Hepatitis B and C  Infections that attack the liver  Can also be spread through Blood  People are often unaware of infection  Common Symptoms are: Fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice

11 Gonorrhea  Bacterial infection  Symptoms in Males: Thick, pus like discharge from penis, & painful urination  Symptoms in Females: Painful urination, discharge. Often unnoticed.  Can lead to: Infertility in both genders and PID in females.

12 Genital Herpes  Caused by the herpes simplex virus  One out of every 5 people are infected  Can have little to no symptoms, but often include: Painful blisters around the mouth or genitals.  Can be passed from person to person, regardless if there is a blister present.

13 Syphillis  Less common than it used to be  First stage, you get a chance sore  Second stage, you get sore in mouth and flu-like symptoms  Third Stage, symptoms disappear but bacteria attacks internal organs.  Can lead to death in untreated.

14 Pubic Lice and Scabies  Insects and mites that infest in the hair around the genitals  Symptoms include itching around the genitals and a rash.  Can be passed through physical contact, or infested clothing or bedding.  Must use medicated shampoo to treat.

15 HIV and AIDS  Transmitted through: Sexual Contact Shared Needles Contact with Blood Mother to baby  Symptoms include: Weight loss, persistent fever, diarrhea, fungal infections. May not appear for 7 to 10 years.

16 PROTECT YOURSELF!  Practice Abstinence  Avoid Drug Use  Avoid Contact with Blood or Blody Fluids  Sexual Infidelity in Marriage  Barrier Protection

17 Seeking Treatment  If you suspect you have an STI: Refrain from having sexual activity Inform all sexual partners Seek help from a medical professional immediately

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