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VENUS Venus was named for the Goddess of love and beauty llan.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: "VENUS Venus was named for the Goddess of love and beauty llan.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1 VENUS Venus was named for the Goddess of love and beauty llan.jpg

2 venus1.jpg

3 Venus in comparison with the Earth Distance from Sun: 67 million miles Year Length: 225 days Diameter: 7526 miles Rotation: 244 days Distance from Sun: 93 million miles Year Length: 365 days Diameter: 7926 miles Rotation: 1 day content/uploads/2008/05/venus_pvo.jpg

4 Atmosphere of Venus Atmosphere of Earth -1_600.jpg

5 The Atmosphere of Venus The atmospheric pressure of venus is about 90 times more than Earth’s Carbon Dioxide makes up about 97% of Venus’ atmosphere, the source being all of the volcanoes on it’s surface. Only ~1% Carbon Dioxide makes up Earth’s atmosphere.

6 Atmosphere of Venus (cont.) ComponentsEarthVenus Carbon DioxideLess than 1%~97% Nitrogen78% in Atmosphere3.5% in Atmosphere WaterAround 1%N/A Oxygen21%No life to produce it

7 huisen%20_domes.jpg bs/clearinghouse/labs/Compplanets/images/ pancakes1.gif enus/volcano_big.gif Volcanoes of Venus

8 The Sapas Mons volcano is 250 miles long and about 1 mile high Over 1500 volcanoes on Venus greater then 20 kilometers long have been mapped.

9 The Greenhouse Effect

10 Runaway Greenhouse Effect -Venus is nearly the same size as Earth and is also very close to it, but the surface temperatures of Venus reach an upwards of 900 Fahrenheit. -These extreme surface temperatures are caused by the mass 97% Carbon Dioxide making up Venus’ atmosphere. The huge concentration of Carbon Dioxide allows heat from the Sun to be trapped within the planet, eventually creating temperatures as seen today on Venus.

11 Runaway Greenhouse Effect (cont.) -Since Venus lacks plant life or any other process that removes Carbon Dioxide, it is abundant and makes up the entire atmosphere. The majority of the Carbon Dioxide has come from the out gassing of the volcanoes on Venus.

12 Exploration About 20 spacecraft have visited, more than any other planet –American Mariner 2 and Mariner 5 passed within 35,000 km in 1962 and 1967 –Mariner 10 grazed Venus at 6000 km in 1974grazed Venus gravitational boost

13 Exploration (cont.) –Soviet Venera 4 through 12 parachuted into the atmosphere between 1967 and 1978 Venera 7 was the first spacecraft to soft- land on Venus, in 1970Venera 7 survived for 23 minutes of radio transmissions back to Earth –Venera 15 and 16 orbiters send back detailed radar maps of the northern hemisphere in 1983

14 –Pioneer Venus - 1978 orbiter at 150 km sent multiprobe into atmosphere resulting in detailed information produced radar images of most of the surface –Magellan - August 1990Magellan produced spectacularly detailed surface images resolution of about 120 m Exploration (cont. 2)

15 It takes longer for Venus to rotate on its axis one times then it does to make one full revolution around the sun. ( A year on Venus is 225 Earth days and a day on Venus is equal 244 Earth days.) Venus is the second planet from the sun. It’s orbit around the sun is almost a perfect circle. 09d10a0fef7c9fdbc1f8a2.jpg Venus

16 Venus is a terrestrial planet. Which means it has similar features to Earth unlike Jupiter, which is a gas planet.

17 Over 80 percent of Venus’ surface is covered in volcanic flows u/~lclose/teaching/a202/venus _volcano.jpg

18 Venus from space s/venus_full_clouds-NASA.GIF

19 Venus’ surface map_surface-NASA.jpg

20 Bibliography Pics: 40/images/venusmap_surface- NASA.jpg 40/images/venusmap_surface- NASA.jpg mages/venus_full_clouds-NASA.GIF ching/a202/venus_volcano.jpg venus.jpg d534e58a09d10a0fef7c9fdbc1f8a2.jpg

21 1.What is the surface temperature of Venus? A. – 30 F B. 250 F C. 85 F D. 900 F

22 2. How many Earth days does it take for Venus to revolve around the Sun? A. 78 days B. 225 days C. 180 days D. 420 days

23 3. In Earth time, how long does it take for Venus to make one complete rotation? A.244 days B.16 hours C.3 days D.122 days

24 4. What gas takes up about 97% of Venus’ atmosphere? A.Water Vapor B.Nitrogen C.Carbon Dioxide D.Oxygen

25 5. Volcanoes produce large amounts of Carbon dioxide and there is no plant life on Venus to counter-act this. Due to this, heat trapping occurs. What is this process called? A. Superheating B. Runaway Greenhouse Effect C. Heat Trapping D. Carbon Concealing

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