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SENnet Case Study TURKEY Ministry of National Education.

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Presentation on theme: "SENnet Case Study TURKEY Ministry of National Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENnet Case Study TURKEY Ministry of National Education

2 This study is realized at Mehmet ULUCAN SEN School for autistic children in Ankara by SEN teacher Berat ÇELİK. Berat ÇELİK; An expert teacher on autistic children Giving ICT education

3 Our teacher gave many in-service teacher trainings on this subject: Manisa Celal Bayar University Communication Platform Ministry of Family and Social Affairs-Good examples in autism Autism Foundation-Technology Usage National SEN Congress,etc.

4 CASE STUDY METHODOLOGY Interview with the teacher Interview with a parent Research on internet A video study

5 The study has been prepared in the coordination of Ministry of Education, Innovation and Education Technologies Directorate

6 Autistic students who can use the tablets are being educated nearly for 4 years by Berat ÇELİK. He has been sponsored by Apple Company.

7 All the applications used in the study belong to Apple Company. They are all free for the children. Berat ÇELİK also benefited from international digital resources which are existent on EBA(Educational Informatic Networks).

8 EBA is a national educational web site where all digital contents are shared with teachers and students as free. The teachers and students also can share their own contents(videos, news,etc.) on this web site.

9 The target students are between 8-10 years old. They are in 4th grade in elemantary school. The students of the school belong to low or middle class society. The aim is to gain students to be oriented in their daily lives and start using educational technologies with the support of private institutions to get tablets or computers.

10 4 students in every classroom 2 teachers in every classroom One of the teachers work for the government, the other one is generally a volunteer staff(specifically parents).

11 The main objective of the tablets in this study To orient these children into social life To make them learn reading and understand texts they read To learn time telling(clock) To Express themselves To learn the objects they use in their lifes

12 Teaching Methodology The teacher introduces the students basic concepts. He shows these concepts on the tablets. After learning these concepts after a long time, they are able use them in their daily lives.

13 The applications used in the tablets Time teaching

14 The applications used in the tablets Games An award for success

15 The applications used in the tablets Puzzles When the student learns The puzzle and succeed İn completing it, he gains his self confidence

16 The applications used in the tablets Expressing themselves Berat Çelik uploaded many words and pictures in a program when they click Word on a tablet whatever they want to tell you can understand what they want to say!

17 Conclusion The parents are also very glad with this method. We also uploaded a video related to the ideas of a parent.

18 Thanks for your kind attention

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