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Kick Off – November 12, 2013 1. King Phillip II of Spain saw himself as leader of the A) Protestant ReformationB) Renaissance C) Catholic ReformationD)

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Presentation on theme: "Kick Off – November 12, 2013 1. King Phillip II of Spain saw himself as leader of the A) Protestant ReformationB) Renaissance C) Catholic ReformationD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick Off – November 12, 2013 1. King Phillip II of Spain saw himself as leader of the A) Protestant ReformationB) Renaissance C) Catholic ReformationD) Spanish Succession 2. Absolute monarch in France is best associated with which king? A) Cardinal RichelieuB) Phillip II C) Louis XIVD) Henry IV 3. One cause of the French Revolution was A) the strong leadership of Louis XVI B) nearby revolutions in Germany and Austria C) record government surpluses D) inequalities in society

2 Chapter 20.2 THE REPUBLIC

3 Early Revolution Review!

4 Government Factions Members of the National Convention grouped themselves into three main factions  The Mountain (Montagnards): part of the radical Jacobin club, supported by lower middle class and poor  The Girondins: moderates, resented influence of Parisian mob  The Plain: swing voters, originally supported Girondins, switched to Mountain

5 Radical Leaders Jean-Paul Marat: advocated violence, leader of sans-culottes, radical Georges-Jacques Danton Maximilien Robespierre: became increasingly radical, led the revolution through its most blood-thirsty time

6 The Execution King Louis XVI placed on trial King Louis XVI Wanted to execute the king to ensure a republic Decapitated via guillotine guillotine Europeans reacted to his death with horror

7 Transforming Society National Convention set up Committee of Public Safety to manage military defense  Instituted a draft  Set up Revolutionary Tribunal to eliminate threats to the revolution from within Leaders wanted to erase all traces of the Old Order  Replaced churches with Cult of the Supreme Being (worshiped the Revolution)  Created metric system of weights and measurements  New calendar

8 The Reign of Terror Many began to criticize the Revolution, leaders feared they would lose control  Took action to avoid a counter-revolution  Series of executions, and trials known as the Reign of TerrorReign of Terror  Guillotine claimed many victims including Robespierre

9 Comic Strip Create a comic strip with at least 3 panels illustrating one of the following  Causes of the French Revolution  Reign of Terror  The French Revolution

10 NAPOLEON! Chapter 20.3

11 After the Terror New gov. called Directory elected along with a new constitution Weak and corrupt, France’s troubles continued No one really in power

12 Objectives: 4/13/11 Understand how the ambitions of Napoleon Bonaparte affected France and much of Europe Analyze the role of other European powers in restoring order after the fall of Napoleon

13 Rise To Power Napoleon Bonaparte was a brilliant military leader Napoleon Bonaparte  national hero Decided to seize power in a coup d’etat (overthrow of the state)  Directory (gov’t) was weak and ineffective  People were tired of the chaos of the Revolution, wanted stability  Pledged to uphold key revolutionary reforms

14 Emperor Napoleon Named first Consul of France  Submitted a plebiscite: “want to declare France an empire?” Yes!  Named Emperor Napoleon I Began to build an empire  Fought Napoleonic Wars to gain territory in Europe  France became most powerful nation in Europe, main rival was Great Britain


16 The Continental System Napoleon planned a blockade of Britain to disrupt their trade  Called Continental System  Couldn’t enforce


18 Napoleon’s Policies Made an agreement w/ pope called Concordat  Acknowledged Catholicism in France, though did not force people to be Catholic Bank of France to regulate economy New system of law-Napoleonic Code  Order and authority over individual rights Established strong education system Helped fuel sense of nationalism  Sense of identity and unity as a people

19 Kick Off – November 13, 2013 Identify the term or person that best fits the description. 1. A forced transfer of power 2. Napoleon’s plan for cutting off trade to enemy countries 3. Execution device that dropped a heavy blade through the victim’s neck 4. Classes of French society WORD BANK Indemnity Three estates Arms Plebiscite Continental System Napoleonic Wars Coup d’etat Guillotine

20 Disaster and Defeat Decided to invade Russia  Soldiers lacked loyalty, training, proper supplies from beginning Russian troops constantly withdrew, drawing Napoleon further into Russia  Burned all fields and supplies along the way Moscow deserted and in flames  Forced to retreat  Harsh winter was devastating, only 94,000 of 600,000 troops returned


22 Exile to Elba Disaster in Russia gave enemies new hope New French troops were inexperienced Allies took Paris Napoleon was exiled to island of Elba off the coast of Italy

23 The Last Campaigns Allies restored monarchy in France, Louis XVIII and returned original boarders Napoleon returned from exile after one year, took back throne for the Hundred Days Allied troops defeated Napoleon at the Battle of WaterlooBattle of Waterloo  Napoleon exiled to St. Helena in middle of Atlantic  He died six years later

24 Congress of Vienna People: Goals: Accomplishments: Use pages 617 – 618 to complete the graphic organizer!

25 Congress of Vienna Meeting to restore order and stability to Europe Led by Klemens Von Metternich of Austria  true conservative, wanted to restore monarchies and put down revolutions  Reactionary – opposed progress Redrew map of Europe and forced France to pay large indemnity (compensation for damages)

26 The Revolution’s Legacy Never again would European monarchs be secure in their privileged positions Common people realized their own power Ideals influenced the world for next two hundred years  Inspired further revolutions in Europe  Inspired colonial upheaval in Latin America

27 Historical Head With your partner, create a historical head for Napoleon Fill it with at least 6 events from his life, ideas, and effects of his reign  Visuals are better than words Use color  Go over pencil lines!

28 Visual Study Guide Cut out each of the pieces (they don’t have to be perfect!) Arrange them in an order that makes sense to you  Which thoughts go with which person?  Was the person part of the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, or the American Revolution? Check out the example if you get stuck Textbook pages 568 - 585

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