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T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA 92399

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2 T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA 92399 TLBrink@

3 Dance of Life

4 The Dance of Life A cognitive & contextual theory of adult development

5 The Dance of Life


7 Criteria for a good theory Explain the past

8 Criteria for a good theory Explain the past Predict the future

9 Criteria for a good theory Explain the past Predict the future Change what happens

10 Erikson Trained under Freud Never left psychoanalytic movement

11 Erikson Trained under Freud Never left psychoanalytic movement Extended Freud to eight stages by adding three adult stages

12 Erikson Trained under Freud Never left psychoanalytic movement Extended Freud to eight stages by adding three adult stages Toned down the sexuality

13 Erikson Trained under Freud Never left psychoanalytic movement Extended Freud to eight stages by adding three adult stages Toned down the sexuality Emphasized rituals & interpersonal relations

14 Erikson’s stairs

15 Erikson Oral: basic trust, hope Anal: autonomy vs. shame & doubt Phallic: initiative vs. guilt Latency: industry & competence Adolescence: identity vs. diffusion Early adulthood: intimacy vs. isolation Middle adulthood: generativity vs. stagnation Old age: integrity vs. despair

16 Erikson’s stairs hope autonomy initiative competence identity intimacy generativity integrity

17 Erikson’s Limitations 1) northamerican rather than global;

18 Erikson’s Limitations 2) mid twentieth century rather than interacting with ever changing technology;

19 Erikson’s Limitations 3) male- oriented rather than gender neutral;

20 Erikson’s Limitations 4) hetero-normative rather than reflective of L/G/B/T experiences;

21 Erikson’s Limitations 5) upper and middle class normative rather than reflective of the experiences of the disenfranchised;

22 Erikson’s Limitations 6) more concerned with failure to complete developmental tasks than with free will, resilience and hardiness;

23 Erikson’s Limitations 7) difficult to employ in a therapeutic application.

24 Erikson’s Limitations 1) northamerican; 2) 20 th century; 3) male-oriented; 4) hetero-normative; 5) class normative; 6) failure focused; 7) application

25 The Human Life Span is Not stairs

26 but People movers

27 People movers at airport

28 Adult life is juggling roles

29 The six C’s Context

30 The six C’s Context Cohort

31 The six C’s Context Cohort Cognition

32 The six C’s Context Cohort Cognition Continuity

33 The six C’s Context Cohort Cognition Continuity Challenge

34 The six C’s Context Cohort Cognition Continuity Challenge Coping

35 The five R’s Role overload


37 Case Study Petra, 67

38 Case Study Petra, 67 Disabled spouse

39 Case Study Petra, 67 Disabled spouse Works two jobs

40 Case Study Petra, 67 Disabled spouse Works two jobs Teen grandson

41 The five R’s Role overload Rapid role transition



44 Case Study Edgar, 63

45 Case Study Edgar, 63 retired

46 Case Study Edgar, 63 Retired Moved to Florida

47 Case Study Edgar, 63 Retired Moved to Florida Wife had stroke

48 The five R’s Role overload Rapid role transition Role timing


50 Case Study Millie, 82

51 Case Study Millie, 82 Runaway 13 Granddaughter

52 The five R’s Role overload Rapid role transition Role timing Role deficiency


54 Case Study

55 The five R’s Role overload Rapid role transition Role timing Role deficiency Role incompatibility


57 Holland’s theory of vocationally related personality

58 Case Study Alica, 62

59 Case Study Alica, 62 lesbian

60 Case Study Alica, 62 Lesbian Married at 18

61 Case Study Alica, 62 Lesbian Married at 18 Widow = free

62 Adult life is juggling roles

63 Application 1. Take a life history.

64 Application 1. Take a life history. 2. Plot out the client ’ s life course as roles that stop and start and compete.

65 Application 1. Take a life history. 2. Plot out the client ’ s life course as roles that stop and start and compete. 3. Identify and discuss past, present, and foreseeable problems (the five Rs).

66 Application 1. Take a life history. 2. Plot out the client ’ s life course as roles that stop and start and compete. 3. Identify and discuss past, present, and foreseeable problems (the five Rs). 4. Encourage and empower

67 The Dance of Life A cognitive, contextual, theory of adult development

68 T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA 92399 TLBrink@

69 Dance of Life


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