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Harnessing the power of social media Neil Morris Ged Hall/Kirsten Thompson Becky Malby Research and Innovation Support Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Harnessing the power of social media Neil Morris Ged Hall/Kirsten Thompson Becky Malby Research and Innovation Support Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harnessing the power of social media Neil Morris Ged Hall/Kirsten Thompson Becky Malby Research and Innovation Support Conference

2 Introduction to social media Neil Morris Director of Digital Learning

3 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Partner relationships Funder expectations Need to demonstrate relevance Multi-channel content Digital literacy skills Prevalence of multi-functional mobile devices Opportunities to reach global audiences Focus on research impact Open access publication A changing technology landscape

4 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Technologies to support researchers Event capture Collaboration tools Social media Blogs Multimedia resources Online courses Dissemination events Digital publications Research tools

5 Data from Pew Internet & American Life Project (2011 and 2012 data sets). See: for full details 65% of American adult users make use of a social networking site like Facebook, LinkedIn or MySpace 61% of online Americans under 30 use a social networking site on a daily basis 32% of American internet users aged 50-64 use a social networking site on a daily basis (up from 20% in 2010)

6 25% of American adults own a Tablet computer, up from 4% in 2010. 71% of online Americans use video sharing sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. 15% of American internet users make use of Twitter, with 8% using it on a typical day, quadrupling since 2010. Data from Pew Internet & American Life Project (2011 and 2012 data sets). See: for full details

7 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Content – Audience – Channel Strategy News Research output Multimedia Opinion Marketing Recruitment Collaborations Academic community Funders External partners Current students Potential students Business / industry General public Publisher Web publication Blog Twitter LinkedIn Blog Press Release YouTube Content Channel Audience

8 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Vision for use of social media The University of Leeds will harness social media channels in appropriate ways to showcase and disseminate the excellence of our research and student education, and to communicate and interact with staff, students and social media users around the world. Our use of social media will be aligned to our University vision, strategy and values. DRAFT

9 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Principles for use of social media Use of social media will be aligned to one or more of the following principles: Social media will be harnessed to demonstrate our excellence in research and student education to global audiences; Social media will be used as a communication channel for current staff and students, prospective students, alumni, partners and the general public; Our use of, and engagement through social media will be responsible, ethical and aligned to our values; We will support our staff and students to use social media so that their participation aligns with our ethos and values; Use of social media will be within the University’s code of practice (Appendix A) and guidance (Appendix B) on social media and other pertinent policies, and will be informed by best practice at all times; Use of social media will have a clear and defined purpose and audiences, appropriate ownership and governance; Use of social media will be part of an integrated communication strategy (at both central and local levels).

10 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Why should researchers engage with social media? Raising academic profile Attracting external partners Evidencing impact of research with potential funders Disseminating research to wider (public) audience Raising profile of the institution Requirement of research funders

11 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Benefits of for research Allow people to subscribe to a public version of your profile (populated with professional content) Use Pages for department/group profiles Encourage sharing of your content (“people talking about”) Illustrate joined up social media profile Illustrate your ethos / personality Remember Google often puts social media site results above web- page results

12 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Benefits of for research Reaching out to new audiences Using hashtags Building communities Tweet your research news Evidence your impact in grant applications (e.g. increase in number of followers; click-throughs etc) Link to your blog where there is more detail Maintain relationships with Masters and PhD students

13 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Benefits of blogging for research Publically available in ways your research article may not be Useful account of the story of doing the research; problems encountered / solved Describe your ideas for potential uses of the research Linked to other ongoing work Allows the community to contribute to the discussion (e.g. users of your research) Link to social media for increased readership

14 Research and Innovation Support Conference 7 Steps to Developing a Social Media Strategy Ged Hall Kirsten Thompson

15 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 1. Review Your digital identity = everything about you on the web You cannot control your digital identity but you can manage it Review your existing presence Delete any unused accounts Monitor chatter about you and your research

16 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 2. Plan What are you aiming to achieve? Identify platforms used by your peers and/or target audience Research policies from any relevant bodies to which you belong Understand platform terms of use Consider boundaries between personal and professional identities

17 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 3. Brand Be consistent Use vanity URLs Use your professional title Include “own views” Be clear about your professional interests

18 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 4. Protect Online conduct: Existing laws apply Privacy and anonymity do not = protected Impact of sharing opinion Mobile and security: Use official and trusted third-party apps Location services – what else are you sharing? How secure is your mobile device?

19 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 5. Connect Be selective regarding who you connect with publicly online Most employers screen prospective candidates on social media Make relevant professional connections No rules about duration of social media relationships/connections Use mobile apps to keep in touch with your networks

20 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 6. Engage Level and frequency = your choice but considers your aims, global audience Mode of address and language Keep it relevant Think/read before you post, share, like Acknowledge those who communicate with you but ignore, block and report spammers Consider developing a communication policy – manage expectations

21 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 7. Evaluate Continue to review your digital identity and evaluate your social media activity Keep updated with platform developments to platforms Monitor your privacy settings Keep apps updated Keep updated with legal developments Have an exit strategy

22 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Further support and resources LSE’s Impact of Social Sciences Twitter guide Lots of posts re social media on LSE Impact blogLSE Impact blog Research Information Network social media project report SDDU provision: Digital datesDigital dates: short informal sessions Introductory online resource Introductory online resource (highlights follow on workshops) Embedding Impact in ResearchEmbedding Impact in Research 16 th May (break out session on social media)

23 Research and Innovation Support Conference Case study two: Using Social Media to spread research knowledge Becky Malby Director Centre for Innovation in Health Management @CIHM_Becky

24 Research and Innovation Support Conference Social media policy and guidelines Rich Ashby

25 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Overview Very active and vibrant social media landscape Over 90 official Twitter feeds, and over 50 official Facebook pages Many researchers and staff managing and contributing towards social media channels Mixture of personal and professional usage

26 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 The process Social Media Working Group (researchers, marketing and communications staff, learning technologists, IT and technical staff) Guidelines were drafted and went through multiple iterations Awaiting VCEG approval Will be published on the Communications website and shared widely

27 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 The audience Aimed at anyone managing social media channels at the University of Leeds but includes: Researchers and academic staff PhD students Learning technologists Support and administrative staff

28 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 What’s included Code of practice Social media professional guidelines Twitter platform guide Facebook platform guide Logo and branding guidelines

29 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Key aims High quality and clear communications Consistent audience experience Guidelines to drive high standards Increase the reach of our social media channels Improve levels of engagement with our social media channels Legal compliance Clear performance metrics and monitoring

30 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Next steps Complete set of documents will be available on the Communications website Visit

31 Engaging with the Region: Better Together Research and Innovation Support Conference Engaging with the Region: Better Together #RISCONF13 Further information Thanks for listening Contact me at Or email Or call 0113 343 4976

32 Q&A Neil Morris Ged Hall/Kirsten Thompson Becky Malby Rich Ashby Research and Innovation Support Conference

33 The End Thank you Research and Innovation Support Conference

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