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P OLITICAL R EGIONS OF C ANADA. FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL &TERRITORIAL FLAGS Today we have 10 provinces and 3 territories Alberta British Columbia Manitoba.

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Presentation on theme: "P OLITICAL R EGIONS OF C ANADA. FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL &TERRITORIAL FLAGS Today we have 10 provinces and 3 territories Alberta British Columbia Manitoba."— Presentation transcript:


2 FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL &TERRITORIAL FLAGS Today we have 10 provinces and 3 territories Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland Saskatchewan Nova Scotia Ontario PEI Quebec North West Territories Nunavut Yukon

3 W HAT IS G OVERNMENT ? Defined as: exercising power in a group Groups need people to make and enforce decisions that control the conduct of the group. Purpose: A government’s basic task is to make a set of laws to allow people in a society to live together in peace and security.

4 T HERE ARE 3 FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT Legislative function is the making of laws or the passing of legislation. Executive function is putting the laws into effect on a daily basis. Judicial function is to decide if an individual has broken society’s laws and to punish the guilty.

5 C ANADA ’ S GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE FOLLOWING : DEMOCRACY : Is a system of government in which the people rule or have the power. In Canada, we elect others to represent us in governing the country.

6 C ANADA ’ S GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE FOLLOWING : MONARCHY: The monarch is the source of all authority. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada. She is represented by the Governor General.

7 C ANADA ’ S GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE FOLLOWING : PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM: Canada’s parliament consists of the Queen represented by the Governor General, the Senate, whose members are appointed the House of Commons, made up of representatives elected by the Canadian voters.

8 C ANADA ’ S GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE FOLLOWING : CABINET : Cabinet minsters carry out the executive functions of the government. Cabinet ministers must be elected to the House of Commons or have seats in the Senate. In order to stay in office they must have the support of the majority of the members of the House of Commons.

9 C ANADA ’ S GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE FOLLOWING : FEDERATION: two levels of government: a national or central government and provincial governments. Canada is a federation of provinces and territories because both levels of government have the power to make laws


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