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Ancient Egypt 2-3 The Middle and New Kingdoms. Essential Questions Explain the importance of Hatshepsut’s rule and some of it key features. Explain the.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt 2-3 The Middle and New Kingdoms. Essential Questions Explain the importance of Hatshepsut’s rule and some of it key features. Explain the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt 2-3 The Middle and New Kingdoms

2 Essential Questions Explain the importance of Hatshepsut’s rule and some of it key features. Explain the importance of the discover of King Tutankhamen's tomb.

3 Vocabulary Tribute - Forced payment made by one group to another to show loyalty or for protection Incense - A material burned for its pleasant smell.

4 Middle Kingdom 2050 BC – 1670 BC The capital city moved from Memphis to Thebes Egypt starts to take over more land, including Nubia to the south Force conquered people to send tribute, or forced payments, to the pharaoh.

5 Middle Kingdom Achievements Art, literature and architecture flourish during the Middle Kingdom Added waterways and canals


7 Valley of the Kings Pharaoh stop building massive tombs and choose to be buried in hidden tombs cut into cliffs.


9 Hyksos Attack In1670 BC, the Hyksos, invaders from the middle east, attacked and conquered Egypt. Will rule for the next 120 years

10 Ahmose Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt His reign started the New Kingdom

11 New Kingdom It is during the New Kingdom that the Egyptians begin to call the rulers pharaohs, as a sign of respect Egypt continues to grow and become a major world power

12 Hatshepsut One of the few women to rule Egypt Became ruler after her ½ brother, Thutmose II, died (Thutmose’s son was too young too rule). She was suppose to be a temporary ruler, but she ruled for 20 years! More interested in trade than military action Brought great wealth to Egypt

13 She had a temple built in her honor with large obelisks in front

14 Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple at Deir el-Bahri

15 Inside Hatshepsut’s Temple

16 Hatshepsut’s Obelisks. The one on the right is partially walled off.

17 Obelisks in the USA


19 Hatshepsut’s mummy

20 Museum of Fine Arts Boston – Sarcophagus originally made for Hatshepsut. She had it re-engraved for her father, Thutmose I, when she moved his mummy into her tomb. At the last minute, it was discovered that the sarcophagus was too small for Thutmose I’s mummy, still in its original wooden coffin. Therefore, the insides of the box had to be cut back to receive it.

21 She was concerned with improving the HOME LIFE of Egypt, not enlarging the empire – She focused on peace Achievements - Trade Expedition (giving Egypt goods such as ivory, gold, ostrich feathers etc) -Restored Temples -Workers mined the desert for ore Ivory comb Iron ore

22 Thutmose III Nephew of Hatshepsut and ruled after her death (and possibly co-ruled with her) Was a very successful military leader – His victories brought Egypt great wealth Many nations sent gifts to Egypt as a sign of friendship (and out of fear) Enslaved many people Ordered carvings and statues of Hatshepsut to be destroyed (never proven)

23 Destroyed reliefs of Hatshepsut


25 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) Married to Nefertiti Introduced a new religion with one God, Aton – Never a good idea to mess with peoples religion. This will cause many to hate him. People refused to accept this new religion Neglected his duties as pharaoh.

26 Nefertiti

27 Tutankhamen (King Tut) Son of Akhenaton 10 years old when he inherited the throne Ruled for only 9 years Most famous of all the pharaoh due the discovery of his tomb – Discovery by Howard Carter in 1922 – Only intact pharaoh’s tomb ever found – Inside Tut's Tomb Inside Tut's Tomb


29 1920s Fashion (“Tut-Mania) The New York Times reported on America's Tutmania: "There is only one topic of conversation … One cannot escape the name of Tut-Ankh-Amen anywhere. It is shouted in the streets, whispered in the hotels, while the local shops advertise Tut-Ankh-Amen art, Tut-Ankh-Amen hats, Tut-Ankh-Amen curios, Tut-Ankh-Amen photographs, and tomorrow probably genuine Tut-Ankh- Amen antiquities. Every hotel in Luxor today had something a la Tut-Ankh-Amen … There is a Tut-Ankh- Amen dance tonight at which the piece is to be a Tut- Ankh-Amen rag."

30 “Tut-mania” of the 1970s Steve Martin - KING TUT

31 Ramses II Reigned for 66 years. Did more than any other pharaoh to be remembered forever. Built several major temples. Not only used for religious ceremonies, but also as BANKS Believed by Christians to be the pharaoh Moses confronts in Exodus. Building projects were huge, had his name engraved on all of them. Ordered four huge statues of himself placed in front of the temple built in his honor. After Ramses II, Egypt’s power faded and it was conquered by many outside groups.


33 Colossus of Ramses II at Karnak

34 Egyptian Achievements Art: – 1) Built great temples (showing their success in architecture & engineering – 2) Created beautiful painting on temple walls (to honor and serve the kings & gods)  Science:  1) invented a more accurate lunar (moon) calendar – better than Babylonian  2) Medicine – doctors wrote a scientific handbook for surgeons  Indigestion: Crush a hog's tooth and put it inside of four sugar cakes. Eat forfour days.



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