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 Possible answer: ◦ Telescopes gather and focus light to make the object easier to observe.

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2  Possible answer: ◦ Telescopes gather and focus light to make the object easier to observe.

3  Possible answer: ◦ The focal point of a refracting telescope is not close to the eye piece. This can create a blurry image. ◦ A refracting scope cannot focus all wavelengths of light to the same point, which can create a blurry image.

4  Possible answer: ◦ Reflecting scopes can focus all wavelengths of light to the same focal point. ◦ The focal point is often very close to the eyepiece.

5  Possible answer: ◦ A person with abnormal vision often has a cornea that focuses light BEFORE the retina. The image is NOT focused when it reaches the retina which makes the brain receive a blurry image. A person with normal vision has all of the light focused on the retina.

6  Possible answer: ◦ When the cornea is reshaped, then the light is focused on the retina. This allows the image to be focused when the brain receives the signal from the retina.

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