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ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CAUSES OF WORLD WAR II. Review Causes of Worldwide Depression German reparations Dominance of U.S. in global economy – Overproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CAUSES OF WORLD WAR II. Review Causes of Worldwide Depression German reparations Dominance of U.S. in global economy – Overproduction."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review Causes of Worldwide Depression German reparations Dominance of U.S. in global economy – Overproduction in U.S. High protective tariffs – Drives prices up (inflation) Excessive expansion of credit Stock Market Crash of 1929

3 High unemployment in industrial countries Bank failures and collapse of credit – No investment leads to no growth Collapse of prices in world trade Nazi Party’s growing importance of Germany – Blame European Jews for economic collapse Unstable economy leads to unstable democracies Review Effects of Worldwide Depression

4 Its title is 'Lost but not forgotten land.' The poem under the map reads: You must carve in your heart These words, as in stone - What we have lost Will be regained! JUST READ!

5 Cause #1: Failures of the Treaty of Versailles  Allies used the Treaty to harshly punish Germany: pay the Allies $30 billion in reparations, or war debts ($2.7 trillion – modern equivalent) give up land reduce the size of military accept full blame for causing WWI  Italy also felt mistreated by the Treaty of Versailles  As a result, Germany and Italy wanted revenge…



8 Cause #2: Weakness of the League of Nations  U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty and U.S. never joined  Isolationism  No power to enforce decisions  Dictators chose aggressive foreign policies without fear of retaliation





13 Cause #3: Tendencies towards isolationism and pacifism in Europe & United States  Negative perceptions of WWI  Great Depression  Disarmament – reduce armed forces/weapons  Pacifism – opposition to all war

14 “One People, One Nation, One Leader!” JUST READ!

15 ‘The Seed of peace, not dragon’s teeth.’ The cartoon above is from the magazine Kladderadatsch. It dates from after Germany's illegal occupation of the Rhineland, but presents Hitler as a statesmanlike sower of peace. The figure of Peace is shown in the background. JUST READ!

16 ‘Long live Germany!’

17 Propaganda pamphlet making the case that Italy is a prisoner in the Mediterranean because it lacks control over Gibraltar, the Suez Canal, and the Dardanelles. (1940) JUST READ!

18 Cause #4: Extreme nationalism  Germany –Hitler used it to gain support for Nazis  Italy – Mussolini used it for support of restoring the greatness of the Roman Empire  Japan – sacrifice, commitment, & honor to the Emperor was common

19 Cause #5: Aggression by the totalitarian powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan  Japan wanted to control the Pacific Korea (1905), Manchuria (1931), and China (1937)  Italy wanted to control the Balkans & North Africa (return to Roman Empire) Invaded Ethiopia (1935), assists nationalists in Spanish Civil War (1936), and Albania (1939)  Germany violates Treaty and rearms (1935), invades Rhineland (1936), annexed Austria (1938), and invaded Czechoslovakia (1938 – 1939)



22 Cause #6: Appeasement  appease – pacify; to make peace with  policy towards Adolf Hitler's ambitions in the Munich Agreement of 1938 - leaders, including Britain's Neville Chamberlain, agreed to allow Hitler to occupy land in Eastern Europe (Sudetenland) in order to avoid war

23 Neville Chamberlain holding the paper containing the resolution to a crowd at Heston Aerodrome on 30 September 1938. Later that day, Chamberlain stood outside Number 10 Downing Street and concluded: "My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time." JUST READ!


25 Aug. 1939: Hitler & Stalin sign pact of Non- Aggression Sep. 1, 1939: Hitler launches Blitzkrieg attack on Poland. Stalin attacks from the east (nice, Ally!) Sep. 3, 1939: Britain & France declare war Winter 1939-40: “Sitzkrieg”..western front is quiet Apr. 1940: Hitler attacks Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium May 1940: Hitler attacks France, French/Brit Troops retreat to Dunkirk, 300,000 escape to G.B. June 1940: France surrenders Cause #7: German Invasion of Poland

26 Reflection Questions: 1.Why did the Treaty of Versailles Fail? 2.Why was the League of Nations weak? 3.Why would a nation want to be “left alone?” Why is pacifism dangerous? 4.Why would a defeated nation (Germany after WWI) still have nationalistic feelings? 5.Why did each nation desire to expand their power? 6.Why did countries give in to totalitarian dictators?

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