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State Procurement Process for Statewide Voter Registration System January 26, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "State Procurement Process for Statewide Voter Registration System January 26, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Procurement Process for Statewide Voter Registration System January 26, 2004

2 Wisconsin Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) Project Background

3 3 Project Update Campaign Finance Reform (2001 WI Act 109) Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) Statewide Voter Registration Requirement Study and Request for Information (RFI) Municipality Focus Group Sessions and Technology Resource Sharing Request for Proposal (RFP) 20012002200320042005 Creation of a State Plan Where we are today Initiated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Process 2000 Presidential Election

4 4 Project Background ■The Presidential Election of 2000 –Close Presidential Election results and Recount in Florida focused the nation’s attention on diverse processes and procedures in place for administering elections within the State of Florida. –Called attention to the need to rebuild public confidence in election process. ■The Campaign Finance Reform portion of 2001 Wisconsin Act 109 –Required the SEB to conduct a study to determine the most efficient and cost effective manner in which to design, develop and implement a statewide voter registration system. –Currently, there are 1,850 municipalities, 1,550 of those do not require voter registration. ■Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) –Signed by President Bush on October 29, 2002. –Made sweeping reforms in the way elections are conducted. –Set minimum standards to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the voting process. –Charged the State with increased responsibility for election administration to achieve greater uniformity and consistency in the election process.

5 5 Project Background ■State Plan (HAVA Requirement) –Under HAVA, Kevin Kennedy, chief state election officer, appoints and convenes a State Plan Committee. –Committee comprised of county and municipal election officials, SEB board member, representatives of advocacy groups and other citizens. (appended) –Plan to meet HAVA requirements represented collective input and recommendations of the Committee members, citizens, and legislators. ■Related SEB Election Initiatives (HAVA requirements) –Implementing a Toll Free Telephone Line –Implementing a program to inform voters about the election process –Increase access to the election process for people with disabilities –Train all election officials (chief inspector training) –Purchase and deploy voting equipment meeting HAVA accessibility requirements –Implementing a centralized Statewide Voter Registration System

6 6 Project Background – Phase 0 (The Study) ■Requirement for Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) –“each State…shall implement, in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner, a single, uniform, official, centralized, interactive computerized statewide voter registration list defined, maintained and administered at the State level…” –Implemented by January 1, 2006. –After deployment, the SVRS will replace current municipal voter registration systems ■The SEB Study and the Request for Information (RFI) of 2003 –Obtained funding from Legislature to conduct study in December 2002 –Held group meetings with municipal and county clerks, and other users of voter registration lists. –Developed preliminary business requirements –Received assistance with issuing RFI from Elizabeth Snider, Department of Electronic Gov. –Issued a RFI to vendors of large voter registration systems on VenderNet –Met with 3 vendors of large voter registration systems for demonstrations –Oversight of a Steering Committee comprised of state agency information technology representatives, SEB staff and SEB board member. (appended) –Study Issued May 15, 2003 Conclusion of Study: To follow up study by developing new relationships with local clerks and leverage the body of expertise in statewide voter registration systems found with package vendors.

7 7 ■Municipality Focus Group Sessions –Approx 75% municipality turnout; 100% county participation –Provided SVRS Overview –Validated business requirements; gathered others –Introduced Technology and Resource Sharing; Collected Initial Intent –Approx. 25% remaining municipal clerks contacted by mail and SEB staff ■Technology and Resource Sharing –Enabled by 2003 Wisconsin Act 265 –Must be another municipality or the county - Cannot be privatized –Some counties doing it already –100% of counties on board to be providers ■MOU Process –Will get a signed document from ALL municipalities –Agreements between providers and reliers –Agreements between providers and SEB Project Background – Phase 1 (Focus Groups and Finalization of Business Requirements)

8 8 ■Steering Committee –Kevin Kennedy, SEB Executive Director, chair and project sponsor –Members consist of leadership personnel from the SEB, including a SEB board member, DOA/DET, the municipal clerk community and the county clerk community (appended) –Overall responsibility for project oversight ■Standards Committee –Barbara Hansen, SVRS Project Director, chair and facilitator –Members consist of nominees from Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Assn., Wisconsin County Clerks Assn., League of Wisconsin Municipalities and Wisconsin Towns Assn. (appended) –Advises SEB on design standardization across current non-standard process for voter registration –Advises SEB on design decisions relative to SVRS standard reports, data standards, standard screens and standard processes Project Background – Phase 1 (Focus Groups and Finalization of Business Requirements)

9 Wisconsin Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) Procurement Process

10 10 Procurement Process Request for Proposal (RFP): ■Prepared RFP – Phase 2 –A “Statewide Voter Registration System, including software, customizations to meet Wisconsin’s business and technical requirements, implementation services, data population strategy and conversion, training, service desk, and maintenance and support.” –RFP is for the purpose of soliciting proposals for the SVRS as required by HAVA. –Met with Mark Saunders, DOA legal counsel; Michael Pohlman, DOA purchasing; and Jane Pawasarat and Karen Aasen, State Bureau of Procurement, to review initial draft RFP and give comments - March 24, 2004 –Refined RFP document with review and input by Karen Aasen; Sarah Whitt, Doug Bingenheimer and other DET staff; and Mark Saunders –Sharrie Hauge, SEB, was RFP Manager and Point of Contact –Submitted Request for Purchasing Authority (RPA) to State Bureau of Procurement - April 29, 2004 –DOA approval of RPA issued - May 5, 2004

11 11 Procurement Process Request for Proposal (RFP): ■Notices –Submitted Notice to Wisconsin Professional Employees Council, Local 4848 (WPEC) - April 21, 2004 –Bid Announcement posted on VendorNet - May 6, 2004 (also on SEB website) –Legal Notice published in WI State Journal - May 15 & 22, 2004 –Deadline to submit questions about RFP - May 21, 2004 –Responded to questions; posted on VendorNet and SEB website –WPEC responded to Notice encouraging the use of State employees - May 27, 2004 –Deadline for Proposals - June 8, 2004, 3:00 PM CT –Response sent to WPEC - July 13, 2004 –Kevin Kennedy, as appeal authority, must be a non-participating staff member

12 12 Procurement Process Request for Proposal (RFP): ■Evaluation –Committee of 5 comprised of 2 SEB staff, 2 DET staff and 1 Municipal Clerk –DET provided 7 advisors as technical subject matter experts in security, GIS and addressing, data center, data integration, and Level 1 Support –Karen Aasen, State Bureau of Procurement, and Mark Saunders, DOA legal counsel, as advisors –Proposals reviewed by Sharrie Hauge, RFP manager, for checklist criteria

13 13 Procurement Process Request for Proposal (RFP): ■Evaluation –First meeting of Evaluation Committee - June 8, 2004 ■Training in scoring methodology and tools ■Each portion of RFP given a point spread ■Evaluators not scoring Cost Proposal ■Review of timeline ■Review of Proposals done independently by each evaluator –Reports by DET advisors; all day meetings - June 21 & 22, 2004 –Evaluation Committee Initial Scores due - June 23, 2004 –Demonstration Invitations sent to selected vendors - June 30, 2004

14 14 Procurement Process Request for Proposal (RFP): ■Demonstration Evaluation –Vendor A Demonstration – July 7 – 9, 2004 (cancelled – vendor withdrew) –Vendor B Demonstration - July 14 - 16, 2004 –Vendor C Demonstration - July 21 - 23, 2004 –Reference Check Phone Calls - July 19 - 27, 2004 –Evaluator Team Final Scores submitted to RFP Manager – August 12, 2004 –Best and Final Offer (BAFO) request sent to 2 finalist vendors - August 17 & 18, 2004 –BAFO responses due - August 23, 2004 –Final scoring completed by RFP Manager to include Cost Scores, reflecting BAFO - August 27, 2004

15 15 Procurement Process Contract: ■Contract Negotiation –Preliminary Meeting of Contract Negotiation Team - August 30, 2004 –Team Leader – Mark Saunders, DOA Legal Counsel –Team Members – Karen Aasen, State Bureau of Procurement, and Barbara Hansen, SEB staff –Supported by SVRS Team members from DET and SEB –Draft Contract: Terms and Conditions, Cost, Statement of Work, Business and Technical Requirements, Service Level Agreement, and License Agreement –Draft contract discussions begin with vendor - September 28, 2004 –Issued Intent to Award with Accenture LLP - October 15, 2004 –Informed SEB Board members of Intent to Award – October 20, 2004 Board Meeting

16 16 Procurement Process Contract: ■Contract Negotiation –WPEC, Local 4848 issued Notice of Intent to Protest - October 21, 2004 –Vendor B met with RFP Manager to review all the documents –SEB submitted request to Sec. Marotta, DOA, to permit proceeding with contract award - October 25, 2004 –SEB received permission to continue - October 25, 2004 –WPEC submitted a Protest - October 29, 2004 –SEB responded to WPEC Protest - November 5, 2004 –SVRS Contract signed with Accenture LLP - November 12, 2004 –Informational Materials distributed to Board Members, Legislators and Public – November 30, 2004

17 17 Where To Go For More Information ■Barbara Hansen – SVRS Project Director ■SVRS Project Team Contact –608.266.0395 – –http://elections.state.wi.us

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