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Imperialism Unit 3 Chapter 4. Essential Questions 1.Explain the factors led the United States to begin imperializing in the late 1800s. 2.Describe U.S.

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1 Imperialism Unit 3 Chapter 4

2 Essential Questions 1.Explain the factors led the United States to begin imperializing in the late 1800s. 2.Describe U.S. involvement in Hawaii in the 1890s.

3 Lecture #1: The Imperialist Vision A.Imperialism  When a stronger country takes over a weaker country for economic or political purposes 1. Reasons for American Imperialism  Global competition with other superpowers  New markets (countries) for trade  Natural resources for industrialization  Military needs for our growing navy (more naval bases)  Alfred Thayer Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon History  Belief in our racial and cultural superiority  Rudyard Kipling’s poem The White Man’s Burden

4 The White Man’s Burden Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. Take up the White Man's burden-- In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride; By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain To seek another's profit, And work another's gain.

5 B. Annexing Hawaii 1. McKinley Tariff  Increased taxes on sugar and fruit  American investors put pressure on the US govt. to annex Hawaii to avoid losing $ 2. Queen Liliuokalani (1891)  Wanted to return political and economic power to native Hawaiians by removing American investors 3. Planters Overthrow the Monarchy (1893)  Stanford B. Dole and US marines stationed in Hawaii overthrew Queen Liliuokalani and instituted a new govt. controlled by American businessmen 4. Hawaii’s Annexation (1898)  Hawaii was officially added to the US empire by President William McKinley

6 Review and Summarize Your Learning Step 1: Review your notes and create headings/questions/pictures on left hand side of your Norco Notes. Step 2: Complete the summary section of your Norco Notes. Make sure you answer the essential questions and include the highlighted vocabulary.

7 Essential Questions 1.What factors played a role in the United States involvement in the Spanish-American War? 2.What rights did the US government extend to its newly acquired empire?

8 Lecture #2: The Spanish American War A.The Spanish-American War 1. Spain and the Cuban Revolution  Jose Marti led the Cuban people in a revolution against their Spanish rulers  Spain placed revolting Cubans into concentration camps 2. Americans Support the Cubans  Yellow Journalism- exaggerated stories about the Cuban Revolution in newspapers owned by Hearst and Pulitzer  Americans identified with Cuba’s struggle for independence 3. Calling Out for War (April 1898)  DeLome Letter (Feb. 1898)-written by Spanish govt. official criticizing U.S. president  Explosion of the USS Maine (Feb. 1898)-exploded off the coast of Cuba, Spain blamed for the attack  War Declaration (April 1898)  Teller Amendment-part of the war declaration that stated Cuban would be granted its independence if the U.S. won the war

9 The USS Maine

10 Political Cartoon on Yellow Journalism

11 Key Battles of the Spanish American War Commodore Dewey Manila Bay, Philippines TR and the Rough Riders San Juan Hill, Cuba

12 B.An American Empire is Born 1. Peace Treaty  Cease fire on August 12, 1898; war only lasted 16 weeks  U.S gained Puerto Rico, Guam, and the option to purchase the Philippines  President McKinley opted to buy the Philippines to “Christianize and Civilize” them 2. Cuba and the Platt Amendment  Cuba was to gain its independence  U.S. forced Cuba to add the Platt Amendment giving up total freedom and allowing the U.S. to intervene in their affairs

13 3. Annexation of the Philippines  Revolutionary leader, Emilio Aguinaldo led a revolution for independence against the U.S.  Philippine-American War (1900-1903)-U.S. military against Filipino revolutionaries; during which we placed the Filipinos in concentration camps and denied them their basic needs 4. The Insular Cases (1901-04)  Supreme Ct. case that denied the citizens of conquered lands citizenship rights  “The Constitution does not follow the flag”

14 Review and Summarize Your Learning Step 1: Review your notes and create headings/questions/pictures on left hand side of your Norco Notes. Step 2: Complete the summary section of your Norco Notes. Make sure you answer the essential questions and include the highlighted vocabulary.

15 Essential Questions 1.What was the purpose and the effects of the Open Door Policy? 2.Why was the Panama Canal constructed and why was it important to the US? 3.How did TR’s Big Stick diplomacy differ from Taft’s Dollar diplomacy and Wilson’s Moral diplomacy?

16 Lecture #3: New American Diplomacy A.Theodore Roosevelt’s Rise to Power 1. The Election of 1900  McKinley won re-election and took Theodore Roosevelt to the White House as his Vice President 2. TR Becomes President  President McKinley is assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist and later dies from an infection caused by the shooting  TR becomes the next US president; he ushers in a period of major domestic and foreign policy changes that will have a lasting impact on the US

17 B.American Diplomacy in Asia 1. John Hay’s (Secretary of State) Open Door Notes  Established the Open Door Policy  Created a sphere of influence (economic imperialism) in Asia by forcing China to allow equal access to its ports to all countries 2. Boxer Rebellion (1900)  Chinese rebellion against western influence in the eastern world; rebellion put down by joint forces from the US and Europe 3. Russo-Japanese War (1905)  TR brokered an agreement between Japan and Russia to end fighting  Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; 1 st President to win honor 4. Tour of the Great White Fleet (1907)  TR sent the new U.S. Navy out on tour to major countries, especially in Asia  Wanted to show off the military power of the US

18 French Political Cartoon The global super powers carving up (imperializing) China

19 C.A Growing Presence in the Caribbean 1. Revolution in Panama (1903)  US govt. supported Panama’s revolt against Colombia for its freedom  Panama Canal-newly independent Panama gave the U.S. the right to build a canal connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific 2. The Roosevelt Corollary (1904)  “Big Stick” Diplomacy- TR’s foreign policy of “speak softly but carry a big stick”=have a powerful military  Monroe Doctrine reiterated  Warned European nations to stay out of Latin American and Caribbean  Established the U.S. as the policeman of the western hemisphere 3. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy  Taft was not as aggressive in foreign policy as TR  Gave American loans to Latin American countries to keep Europe out of the western hemisphere

20 4. Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy 1. The Mexican Revolution  Wilson believed it was our moral responsibility to help the people in Mexico overthrow their corrupt and oppressive govt. 2. Wilson Sends Troops into Mexico  Tampico Incident (April 1914)-U.S. naval men arrested by Mexican authorities  Marines Invade Vera Cruz-Begins U.S. invasion of Mexico  Venustiano Carranza becomes President-puppet of the U.S. govt.  Pancho Villa-Leads revolt against Carranza’s presidency and the U.S. military led by Pershing invade Mexico to attempt to halt him = failure

21 Review and Summarize Your Learning Step 1: Review your notes and create headings/questions/pictures on left hand side of your Norco Notes. Step 2: Complete the summary section of your Norco Notes. Make sure you answer the essential questions and include the highlighted vocabulary.

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