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1 u Welcome to the Planning Workshop about the 2016 NCLS Preparations

2 Our Agenda Part A:Overview of the survey & promotion Part B:Logistics, ordering and conduct of the survey Part C:What local churches and denominations receive

3 Part A: Introductions, overview of the survey and promotion

4 Acts 2 Alliance (A2A) Anglican Church Apostolic Church Australian Christian Churches (ACC) Baptist Churches Catholic Church Christian & Missionary Alliance C3 Church Christian Reformed Churches CRC Churches International Church of the Nazarene More than 20 denominations and movements are expected to participate in the 2016 NCLS including: Churches of Christ Congregational Church Foursquare Gospel Church International Pentecostal Holiness Churches International Network of Churches (INC) Lutheran Church Presbyterian Church Seventh-day Adventist Church The Salvation Army Uniting Church in Australia Vineyard Churches Independent churches NCLS Research – a collaboration

5 2016 NCLS – October & November Maps the life of churches nation-wide Shares stories of positive activities Reflects strengths of core qualities Provides leaders with valuable feedback The 2016 NCLS will involve up to: 400,000 attenders across 3,000 churches 7,000 leaders and surveys in 8 languages

6 … to the nation about the Australian Church and its people … to denominations, states, regions, and dioceses about their vitality and about the life of their churches … to local churches about their strengths and directions … to local church leaders about their people’s hopes concerns and commitment … to researchers about the nature of church today Every five years NCLS Research has gathered the voices of Australian church attenders and so been able to speak with authority… National Church Life Survey 1991 - 1996 - 2001 - 2006 - 2011 - 2016

7 Experienced 25 years across all churches Australian Based on the Australian context. Customised results Participants get their own results. Equipping Pastoral and strategic leadership is informed. Inclusive Across geographical, cultural and social diversity Reliable Largest collection of data on church life in the world Enlightening Trends are discerned. A thorough research agenda. Innovative Innovations in worship, mission, advocacy, welfare, education and social activities are identified. National Tells a story of church life beyond myths and stereotypes. International Learning from and teaching others around globe Some features: National Church Life Survey

8 The NCLS is a research project. As well as church health and vitality, it covers research areas including church governance, personal well- being, religious faith and practice, attitudes and behaviours related to issues of social and political importance, civic contributions of individuals and churches and more. Summary of NCLS Research Programs NCLS Research has five broad research programs. A. Program 1: Leadership and organisational effectiveness in Australian local churches and denominations B. Program 2: Mapping the intersection between church and community C. Program 3: Spirituality, wellbeing and psychology of religion in church life D. Program 4: Who goes to church and tracking trends in church life over time E. Program 5: Cultures and generations In addition, the 2016 NCLS will have two extra programs to cover commissioned research. F. Program 6: Denominational Commissions G. Program 7: Other Commissions NCLS Research Programs Outputs up to 2015 ~ 25 books and workbooks ~ 100 research reports, papers and fact sheets 50+ academic outputs (journal papers and book chapters)

9 2016 NCLS: Research Programs and Projects Overview Map

10 3 Key Reasons Why Churches Take Part 1.To shape the future of their local church 2. To help their own denomination better understand the gifts and challenges of local churches 3. To be part of the national snapshot of the whole Australian Church

11 Why Churches Take Part: for their own local benefit Reason 1: To shape the future of their local church All voices heard The National Church Life Survey gives every church attender a voice. It captures attenders’ discernment about vision and direction, their gifts and personal commitment to growth. Each church is also given: national and denominational benchmarks Previous historical survey results of their own local church Identify strengths already in each local church Results will identify strengths in local churches. This can be an effective first step toward future vitality. A positive inclusive process Every church benefits from taking time to reflect and review. The NCLS offers a local church a positive inclusive process that helps them evaluate and act.

12 Why Churches Take Part: for their own local benefit Reason 1: To shape the future of their local church Churches receive Church Life Pack, containing Profile, Workbook, and other resources Results showing change-over-time trends and region comparisons To have the most successful survey experience Communication to church attenders throughout Intentional focus on appropriate level of planning Resource Pack includes: Church Life Profile (survey results) Workbook (planning processes) Enriching Church Life e-book (research trends) to help churches engage their results and make steps of action.

13 Planning Processes: Churches are encouraged to engage their results in a process of review and planning for the future. Options are provided in the Church Life Profile Workbook and online. Supporting Resources for Local Churches Research findings: Churches are provided with research trends and findings in the Enriching Church Life eBook.

14 Series of Magazines on key areas of church life Articles, opinion pieces and church stories SAMPLE ONLY Potential resources for Local Churches

15 Having a Successful Survey

16 Five Steps for a Successful Survey

17 Building a sense of group ownership of the survey process begins with sharing the purpose of the survey with your churchgoers and affirming the value of their contribution to this reflective process. Show an invitational video in church Use NCLS Publicity Templates to promote the survey in your church bulletin or website

18 Ensuring the survey is well planned and organised will help you achieve the best participation rates at your church, hearing from everyone. Give notice of your survey date to attenders Use NCLS audio visual resources to help promote the survey Distribute surveys to all church services, small groups and activities of spiritual nurture

19 Reflecting on your survey results in your leadership team helps to clearly identify the discernments, opinions and experiences of your church attenders. Ask what attenders are saying and listen to their feedback Identify key areas of strengths that can be utilised to grow Seek God’s guidance together with a sense of calling or leading

20 Sharing the findings of your survey with the whole church helps people own any future plans, directions and mission goals. A strong sense of collective confidence in directions and vision leads to a more healthy and vital church. Provide a summary with the whole church Celebrate your strengths and unique giftings Discuss and pray together as you discern insight and wisdom

21 Forming an action plan that empowers attenders to contribute their gifts and skills can be a powerful stepping stone for a church community. Move forward together harnessing the motivations of attenders. Set a vision together Enact a plan for ministry and mission Participate with God in mission and connect with the local community

22 Three Planning Processes ( Three Options from Church Life Profile Workbook) Short Planning Session - Single 2 hour session Reflection / Action Planning Process - 2 x 3 hour sessions Comprehensive Planning Process - 6 sessions over 6 months Appropriate level of planning Using the survey results to plan for mission and ministry is at the heart of the survey’s purpose. Emphasising the practical application can help people see the value of their contributions to the overall process.

23 Prepare, Communicate and Promote A range of materials are available to help to communicate and promote the survey: Invitational Videos ( 2 samples) Promotional Brochure Publicity Templates (use in Church Bulletins, websites) Media Releases Graphics and Audio-Visual resources Church stories Leader endorsements Worship Service resources

24 Reason 2. To help their denomination or movement better understand the gifts and challenges of local churches The NCLS is an opportunity for local churches to inform their denomination about a range of issues – from church health to attitudes to social issues. This will help denominational and regional leaders discern the current place in the wider body of Christ. track trends over time evaluate progress against goals improve denominational resources and support for local churches Having a diverse range of churches take part, in collaboration with each other, is critical to form a credible evidence base for informed decisions. Why Churches Take Part: for their denomination or movement

25 Why Churches Take Part: A National Snapshot The NCLS maps the presence of churches nation-wide and shares the stories of the positive contributions churches make to their local communities. It is essential for church and civic leaders to better understand the place of the Christian church in Australian society. International academic colleagues also learn from this longitudinal study into church life. National overview of trends in church life Each National Church Life Survey creates an historical snapshot of Australian churches. CHURCH IN SOCIETY OPERATIONS/ SYSTEMS LEADERSHIP CHURCH VITALITY WHO GOES TO CHURCH Reason 3. To be part of the national snapshot of the whole Australian Church

26 Part B: Logistics, ordering and conduct of the survey

27 Taking part – the six steps Step 1:Sign Up to take part and order your surveys between January and June 2016 Step 2:Receive your survey pack by end of September 2016 Step 3:Complete your surveys in October and November 2016 Step 4:Return your completed surveys by end of December 2016 Step 5:Receive your Church Life Profile of results along with a pack of resources by March 2017 Step 6:Use your results to have informed discussions and plan for ministry and mission

28 Timeline of the NCLS 2016 2016 Jan-JuneDenominations/ local churches place survey orders. 30 th JuneAll survey orders completed. Aug-OctoberDispatch of survey packs to local churches. October- November National Church Life Survey - complete surveys. DecemberChurches return completed surveys. 2017 MarchChurches receive results in Church Life Packs. April-MayRegions and Denominations receive Church Life Profiles and overview reports.

29 Brochures and order forms mailed to churches Brochure Order Form

30 The Standard Survey Order

31 Attender Survey Leader Survey Operations Survey Children’s Survey Types of Surveys

32 Attender Survey $1.50 per survey form ordered To be completed by church attenders aged 15 years and over Available in 8 languages Available as paper survey and online Types of Surveys

33 Children’s Survey Optional to order $1.50 per survey form ordered To be completed by church attenders aged 8- 14 years Available as paper survey Types of Surveys

34 Leader Survey Free- included with participation To be completed by church leaders e.g. anyone significantly involved in ministry and direction setting Available as paper survey and online Types of Surveys

35 Operations Survey Free- included with participation To be completed by church leader or administrator About church activities and context Available as paper survey Types of Surveys

36 Churches Sign Up by Ordering Surveys Site for Regional Co-ordinators:

37 Ways to order 1. Site for Regional Co-ordinators:

38 Ways to order 2. Local leaders order online:

39 Ways to order 3. Local leaders use paper form: Mail to NCLS

40 The cost of participation in the 2016 National Church Life Survey is $250 participation fee per church/parish/group entity plus $1.50 per survey form ordered (+GST) Small churches: For small churches with less than 30 attenders, a flat rate of $250 applies. (No additional cost for survey forms ordered). About Costs and Payments

41 1.Small church flat rate: churches with less than 30 attenders are capped at $250 (ex GST). 2.Denominational bulk order discount: Denominations will get a bulk discount when most churches in a region or state take part. 3.Clusters: Small churches may work together in clusters for the survey to reduce costs. This is normally arranged through the NCLS Regional Coordinator in that region or denomination. 4.Denominational subsidy: Some regions and denominations provide a subsidy for their churches, perhaps paying the base fee on behalf of the local churches (while others will pass on costs to the local church). 5.Wider sponsorship: The 2016 NCLS receives some wider sponsorship, to enable costs to be kept to a minimum for participating churches. Discounts and subsidies There are various ways we aim to keep costs down for churches including the flat rate for small churches, subsidies from denominations and bulk order discounts.

42 About Payment When churches place their order for surveys, no payment is required at the time of submitting their order. In general, NCLS Research works through Regional Coordinators from each denomination, state or region. After survey orders have been placed, invoices will be generated for denominations or regions, showing costs for local churches and incorporating any relevant discounts. Each denomination or region will have their own financial arrangements regarding how they liaise with their own local churches.

43 About Payment (cont’d) In cases where there is no active Regional Coordinator, then local churches may liaise directly with the NCLS Research office Full documentation detailing arrangements are available for Regional Coordinators.

44 Churches can choose to complete their surveys anytime in October or November 2016 At any activity of spiritual nurture e.g. worship service, small group, youth group To be completed once only by each attender Surveys are confidential Full instructions are provided online and in survey kit How the Survey is Completed

45 Part C: Church Life Pack - What local churches and denominations receive

46 Resources for Local Churches Churches receive a Church Life Pack Resource Pack includes: Church Life Profile (survey results) Workbook (planning processes) Enriching Church Life e-book (research trends) to help churches engage their results and make steps of action.

47 Churches receive a full colour Profile of their survey results Nine core qualities of church vitality Three attendance measures Inflow and Outflow patterns Attender demographics and involvement Children’s Survey results (optional ) Church Life Profile of results


49 The Nine Core Qualities of Church Life FAITHAlive and Growing WORSHIPVital and Nurturing BELONGINGStrong and Growing VISIONClear and Owned LEADERSHIPInspiring and Empowering INNOVATIONImaginative and Flexible SERVICEPractical and Diverse FAITH-SHARINGWilling and Effective INCLUSIONIntentional and Welcoming

50 Planning Processes: Churches are encouraged to engage their results in a process of review and planning for the future. Options are provided in the Church Life Profile Workbook and online. Supporting Resources for Local Churches Research findings: Churches are provided with research trends and findings in the Enriching Church Life eBook.

51 Resources for Regions and Denominations 28 PAGE CHURCH LIFE PROFILES Reports showing your denomination’s and region’s survey results, including change over time 9 core qualities 3 attendance measures demographics of attenders optional children’s survey results and denominational comparison table. Denominational Church Life Profile and Regional Church Life Profile PLUS 2 page executive summaries of each CHURCH VITALITY WHO GOES TO CHURCH

52 Resources for Regions and Denominations Denominations and Regions receive Overview Reports of Leaders and Church Activities PLUS 2 page executive summaries of each OVERVIEW OF LOCAL CHURCH LEADERS A report showing an overview of your leaders, ministers, pastors, priests and staff, including staff roles, length of time in ministry, team vs individual placements, training, demographics etc. OVERVIEW OF LOCAL CHURCH ACTIVITIES A report of your churches showing their activities in wider society. See what social capital your churches contribute to their local communities e.g. community service, children and youth programs. CHURCH IN SOCIETY OPERATIONS/ SYSTEMS LEADERSHIP

53 Resources for Regions and Denominations Regional leaders can access their churches’ CLP reports online. With appropriate protocols depending on organisational structure of each denomination or movement. Regions receive Regional Online Access to participating churches’ Church Life Profiles

54 National Results: Fact Sheets and Occasional Papers FREE Collection of 2011 results It includes research reports, fact sheets, academic papers, book chapters, workbooks and more. Table of contents Who Goes to Church Church Health Leadership Churches in the Public Sphere Social and Political Views Spirituality and Wellbeing Resources for Local Churches Commissioned Reports Available on in the Research Papers section. (~10mg) Fact Sheets Occasional Papers

55 With innovations over the years seeking to best serve and equip the Church in a changing society, the heart of the NCLS Research team remains: We are a group of researchers praying that we might help your churches and leaders to have.. to the full.. Conclusions

56 Information online Contact the NCLS Research office PO Box 968, North Sydney NSW 2059 Phone +61 2 9701 4479 Email: More information is available online A website section for Coordinators is available for your reference:

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