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All credit to Dr. Steve Husarik.  VALUE  Black, white, and all degrees of gray.

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Presentation on theme: "All credit to Dr. Steve Husarik.  VALUE  Black, white, and all degrees of gray."— Presentation transcript:

1 All credit to Dr. Steve Husarik


3  VALUE  Black, white, and all degrees of gray

4  Chiarascuro

5  SHAPE  Geometric and organic outlines of objects

6  Line  Connection between two points  Implied  Explicit


8  TEXTURE  Density of pattern  Surface  Visual


10  COLOR  A high band frequency in the visual spectrum  Saturation  hue



13  UNITY  Repetition of elements

14  VARIETY  Opposite of unity

15  FOCAL POINT  Point of main interest

16  SYMMETRICAL BALANCE  One half is identical to the other

17  ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE  One half differs from the other

18  SCALE AND PROPORTION  Relative size of objects portrayed

19  DIRECTION  Vertical, horizontal, or diagonal axes

20  LINEAR PERSPECTIVE  Diagonal lines converge on single point

21  ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE  Objects take color of atmosphere  Lose contrast  Fuzzy in distance

22  CLOSED  Objects don’t trail off edge

23  OPEN  Objects trail off edge

24  LINEAR  Hard edges

25  PAINTERLY  Fuzzy edges

26  SEQUENCE  Logarithmic repetitions

27  DOMINANCE  Stressing one element of art over another

28  SUBORDINANCE  One element of art is eclipsed by another

29  TROMP L’OEIL  Trick of the eye

30  Your turn to try…




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