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Chapter 2, Section 4 Life in the Colonies. Colonial governments were influenced by political changes in England. Colonial Assemblies Passed laws 1685:

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1 Chapter 2, Section 4 Life in the Colonies

2 Colonial governments were influenced by political changes in England. Colonial Assemblies Passed laws 1685: 1689: King Less power Parliament More power North colonies Formed new Assemblies/ Charters MA Courts Enforced Bible laws Protected Indiv. freedoms

3 The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment led to ideas of political equality among many colonists. Great Awakening Religious movement that swept through colonies –Tried to spread religious feeling at “revivals” –Leaders: Jonathan Edwards; George Whitefield –People of all races/classes attended –Ministers from different colonies shared info. G.A. affected colonial politics –G.A. preached spiritual equality –Some colonists started expecting political equality. –Revivals popular places to talk –Less free colonists heard about colonies with more democracy

4 The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment led to ideas of political equality among many colonists. The Enlightenment 1600s: Scientists discovered laws that govern nature Social movement that influenced many colonists. –Reason and logic to improve lives –Formed ideas of how government should work. Social contract between govt. and people –John Locke said people have “natural rights” Liberty and equality

5 The French and Indian War gave England control of more land in North America. Late 1600s to mid-1700s: France and Britain struggled for control of North Am. –Br. Settlers wanted control of Ohio River Valley for fur trade; expand colony –Fr. Believed Br. Settlers hurt fur trade profits Standoff in Ohio R.V. –Fr. Build three forts –1753: fighting as Br. Troops move to ORV Led by George Washington 1754 Wash. Forced to surrender Marks start of French/Indian War 1756: “Seven Years War” begins in Europe between Fr. And Br.

6 The French and Indian War gave England control of more land in North America. Treaty of Paris of 1763 changes balance of power in North Am. –1759: turning point in war Br. Take city of Montreal War dragged on 4 years. –1763 Signed Treaty of Paris Terms of the treaty –Britain gets all French land east of Mississippi River –Britain gets FL from Spain –Spain gets New Orleans/Louisianna


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