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Introduction By Dr. Nimer Khraim DVMS,BVMS,MVSc.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction By Dr. Nimer Khraim DVMS,BVMS,MVSc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction By Dr. Nimer Khraim DVMS,BVMS,MVSc


3 Introduction Radiology:- Study of science of the diagnostic and therapeutic use ionizing radiation Radiologest:- Person certified as competent to practice radiology Radiography:- Art and science of producing radiographs

4 Introduction X-ray:- Electromagnetic radiation of high energy and low wave length. the speed of ray similar to speed of light (186.000.mile/second) the speed of ray similar to speed of light (186.000.mile/second)

5 Introduction X-ray Light X-ray Light Un visible visible Not collected by lens collected by lens Straight line un straight line The X-ray wave measured by angestrone (A) = 10^-7millimeter


7 Introduction X-ray machine consist from X-ray tube Tube stand Transform Control panel


9 Introduction X-ray tube:- Consist of a glass tube which has been evacuated to produce a high voltage and in to which are sealed to electron. the cathode (-) and anode (+). the cathode (-) and anode (+).

10 Introduction It is the passage of particular high voltage current ( massive in KV) across in a tube which result in production of X-ray and the electrode are so constricted as to facilitate this cathode the negative terminal of in x- ray tube

11 Introduction that contain a heated electron emitting surface which have TWO function act as negative electrode for high tension small spiral tungsten set in shallow cup it supplies the electron to carry the high tension current across the vacuum in the tube

12 Introduction Anode: – Consist of solid part of copper in alignment with the cathode of the face opposite the cathode filament a small slip of tungsten target (focal spot) of high atomic number 74 and high moving point (3380 c ) is inset of to preserve the bombardment of the electron a small slip of tungsten target (focal spot) of high atomic number 74 and high moving point (3380 c ) is inset of to preserve the bombardment of the electron

13 Introduction Transformer:- The current supplied through the mains may be converted into suitable form for the operation of in X-ray tube they include

14 Introduction A -) Auto transformer- This allow fluctuation in the mains input voltage to be corrected before the current is fed to the high tension transformer.

15 Introduction B-) step-down of filament transformer- This permits supply of suitable reduced current to the cathode filament

16 Introduction C-) high tension transformer- The purpose of this produce of sufficient high voltage from 40kv up ward for the production of X-ray

17 Introduction Tube stand:- Used to support the X-ray tube during the performance of radiography. Control panel Contain the kv lage selector millimeter selector timer, volts meter, on/off switch and fluoroscopy control

18 Introduction Factor necessary for X-ray production source of electron. high voltage to acceleration the electron from cathode to anode in X-ray tube. target for electron bombardment. vacuum

19 Introduction Kilo volt (kv) :- as supply to radiographic technique indicate the voltage applied across in X-ray tube from cathode to anode the x-ray control regulate penetration power of x-ray beam

20 Introduction The reason for use high kv increase in tissue thickness (1.5kv each cm of soft tissue ) 1.(1kv for each cm of chest) 2.(2kv for each cm of bony area).

21 Introduction to reduce the exposure time when using operation of low mA out put. the relation between kv and mAs is complicated increase 10 kv when permit to decrease mAs 50% the relation between kv and mAs is complicated increase 10 kv when permit to decrease mAs 50%

22 Introduction soft x-ray:- it has long wave length and less penetrating. hard x-ray:- it has short wave length and more penetrating.

23 Introduction properties of x-ray 1-) penetration power x-ray can penetrate solid, gases,liquid material, and the degree of penetration depend on :- a-) atomic number. b-) wave length. c-) density of mater. d-) thickness of mater.

24 properties of x-ray The structure of bone consist of calcium and phosphor → absorption of x-ray wave less than soft tissue so that the bone appear gray in color.

25 properties of x-ray 2-) florescent effect Certain crystal such as : zinc sulfide,calcium tungsten, barium lead sulfide, become fluoresce when expose to in x-ray beam

26 properties of x-ray the florescent effect is used in diagnostic radiographs in 2 ways a-) as intensifying screen b-) direct fluoroscopy (or screening)

27 properties of x-ray 3-)photographic effect x-ray effect photographic emulsion which consist of silver halide grain suspended in gelatin. When an x-ray hits organ of silver halide a complex inter change of electron take place which liberate halide atom and leave metallic silver.

28 properties of x-ray 4-) ionization effect Electron is completely remove from atom so that the atom leaves positively change.

29 properties of x-ray 5-) biological effect a-) genetic effect damage of chromosome case mutation of gene in reproductive cell b-) somatic effect which are efficient during an individual life time (ex … radiation burn or leukemia)

30 there are 4 factor which are importance when taken the radiograph: KV kilo volt 1 mA milliamper second (time) distance ----- is important when we taken the x-ray because it effect detailed of the radiograph

31 Type of x-ray machine 1-) portable x-ray machine It can easily be taken to pieces and the component part transported by car use in general veterinary practice suitable for radio graphing the extremities of large animal 1.Kv (70-90) 2.MA(15-30)


33 Type of x-ray machine 2-) Dental x-ray machine Use to examination of cat and small dog kv 70 * MA 10*


35 Type of x-ray machine 3-) Mobile x-ray Examination of fore limb, hind limb, Head and neck In large animal In small animal these machine are very suitable for dog and cat



38 Type of x-ray machine 4-) Fixed x-ray machine In large animal facilitate radiographic of the tranck KV (125-200) * MA(40-300) *




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