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Chapter 14.2 Turbulent Centuries in Africa European traders had gone to Africa for hundreds of years. In the 1400s they begin trafficking in human cargo.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14.2 Turbulent Centuries in Africa European traders had gone to Africa for hundreds of years. In the 1400s they begin trafficking in human cargo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14.2 Turbulent Centuries in Africa European traders had gone to Africa for hundreds of years. In the 1400s they begin trafficking in human cargo. 12-17 million slaves taken from Africa Most to Brazil and Caribbean 5% to U.S.

2 Focus Q: December 17 Tell me everything you know about slavery. Began? Who’s involved? Who went where? Why? How many? Conditions?

3 Chapter 14 vocab Cartographer 1Circumnavigate 1 Prince Henry1Vasco da Gama 1 Treaty of Tordesillas 1 Affonso I 2 Malindi 2 Plantations 2 Macao 4Matteo Ricci 4

4 What you’ll learn……..Why…………. 1.Portuguese get established along the African coast. 2.Slaves are the most valuable cargo from Africa. 3.Most go to the America’s. 1.Slave trade has a huge impact on Africa and the Americas. 2.What impact?

5 Portugal Gains a Foothold 1.Remember the Portuguese are trying to get to Asia and the source of spices and not pay Arab middlemen. 2.As they explore West Africa, they build small forts along the coast to collect food, water, and repair ships. 3.Also start trading posts—trade muskets, tools, and cloth for gold, ivory, hides, and slaves.


7 Portugal Gains a Foothold 1.Also attack ***Malindi and Mombasa, East African coastal cities that were hubs of international trade*** Expel the Arabs who controlled the E. African trade 2.Mostly, Portuguese don’t venture inland— don’t know the land, Africans resist 3.So when their empire declines in 1600s, Portuguese leave a weak legacy in Africa


9 Slavery is Not New 1.Slaves become the most important commodity of African trade 2.Slave: comes from SLAVS who were taken from southern Russia in Roman times 3.Africans, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Aztecs, Indians all had slaves— usually P.O.W.’s 4.Many became artisans, soldiers, merchants, others became leaders even though they were slaves

10 Europeans Enter the Slave Trade 1.Portuguese, English, French, Dutch all trade for slaves 2.Many slaves work on ***plantations: large farms in the America’s and elsewhere—grow sugar, rice, tobacco*** Source of cheap labor, considered property

11 Europeans Enter the Slave Trade ***Europeans rely on Africans to bring slaves to the coastal trading posts*** 3.Europeans trade textiles, metalwork, rum, tobacco, weapons, gunpowder Any surprises?

12 Elmina Castle, Ghana

13 Slave Castle, Ghana, West Africa


15 Babylon—Ghana

16 Shama--Ghana

17 Ghana

18 Auction Block

19 Cell Window

20 African Captives in Yokes

21 Slave Trade in the Congo

22 African Leaders Resist ***Affonso I, ruler of Kongo, tried to stop slave trade in Kongo*** 1.Affonso I—becomes King in 1505—converted to Christianity—he asked the Portuguese to help him make Kongo a modern Christian state 2.Wanted contact w/ Europe, but to end slave trade 3.He failed 4.Leader of present-day Senegal tried too


24 Effects of Slave Trade in Africa 1.In West Africa, the loss of millions of young men and women cause some small states to disappear ***other African rulers compete (wage war) with each other to dominate the slave trade***

25 Humorous diversion After a talking sheepdog gets all the sheep in the pen, he reports back to the farmer: “All 40 accounted for.” “But I only have 36 sheep,” says the farmer. “I know,” says the sheepdog. “But I rounded them up.”


27 “Black” Gold for Sale!


29 Slave Ship Plan

30 “Coffin” Position: Onboard a Slave Ship

31 Slave Ship Interior

32 Onboard the Slave Ship

33 African Captives Thrown Overboard Sharks followed the slave ships across the Atlantic!

34 The Triangular Trade

35 The Asante Kingdom 1.In present-day Ghana—late 1600s ***Osei Tutu, military leader, monopolized slave and gold trade to build the powerful Asante Kingdom*** 2. Trades slaves for guns 3.Played Europeans against each other to protect themselves


37 European Presence Expands 1.1600s as Portuguese power declines French, British, Dutch take over their trading forts. 2.Unlike the Portuguese, they establish permanent footholds throughout the continent ***1652 Dutch colonize Cape Town at southern tip of Africa—1 st permanent European settlement***


39 European Presence Expands 1.***Boers: Dutch farmers who settled around Cape Town*** Over time they kill, enslave, or drive out all Africans who live there Have Calvinist beliefs—they are God’s chosen See Africans as inferiors 2.As they push north, have conflict w/ many African groups

40 Dutch kick butt….14.3 question ***The Netherlands captured Malacca from the Portuguese and developed a monopoly on trade in the Spice Islands***

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