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Cardiac Assessment Involves: 1) Inspection of patient’s skin color 2) Evaluate temperature of extremities 3) Listen to the heart.

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2 Cardiac Assessment Involves: 1) Inspection of patient’s skin color 2) Evaluate temperature of extremities 3) Listen to the heart

3 Skin Assessment Cyanosis (blue skin color) SSkin, mucous membranes, or nailbeds IInsufficient oxygen through the body Paleness of the skin DDecreased blood flow

4 Other Skin Assessments  Red face high blood pressure  Cool, cold skin of extremities decreased blood flow

5 Pulse and Heart Rate Assessments  Weak Pulse decreased circulation  Abnormal Heart Sounds murmur or heart condition

6 Listening to the Heart  The stethoscope is an instrument used to auscultate or listen to the heart. The normal beat is “lub-dub.”

7 Pulse Oximeter  An external monitor that is placed on the patient’s finger to measure the amount of oxygenated blood in the circulatory system.  A normal reading is between 96 to 100 percent oxygen saturation (poor oxygenation 90 or below).

8 Fetal and Newborn Circulation  The fetal heart beat begins at 3 weeks gestation. Fetal circulation compensates for the nonfunctional lungs by providing oxygen from the placenta.

9 Fetal Circulation Through the Heart 1) Arterial blood is returned to the right side of the heart. 2) Oxygenated blood goes through an opening in the atrial septum called the foramen ovale. 3) Blood flows into the left side of the heart.

10 Fetal Circulation (cont.) 4) Blood is pumped out through the aorta. 5) Remaining blood is pumped by the right side of the heart through the pulmonary artery to another opening called the ductus arteriosus. 6) These openings are called fetal shunts.

11 Fetal Circulation

12 Newborn Circulation  After birth, the baby’s lungs inflate and oxygenation begins.  Circulatory changes occur immediately.  The foramen ovale closes within 1 hour after birth.  The ductus arteriosus closes within 10 to 15 hours after birth.  Normal blood flow through the heart to the lungs and back to the heart begins.

13 Newborn Heart Rate Range between 100-160 beats per minute.

14 Ventricular Septal Defect and Atrial Septal Defect:  Both defects mix blood from right and left side of the heart  Both defects needs surgery to repair

15 Newborn Murmur  Type of irregular heart sound  Referred to as a innocent murmur; Heard several days until the fetal shunts are closed.  A persistent murmur may indicate the incomplete closure of a fetal shunt and could lead to more serious problems. Common Congenital Heart Defect Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) – persistent opening of the ductus arteriosus

16 Common Congenital Heart Defect  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA): persistent opening of the ductus arteriosus

17 Procedures and Surgeries

18 Angiography  A radiographic (x-ray) study of the blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium (dye). angio means blood vessel -graphy means recording

19 Angiocardiography  Uses a contrast medium and chest x-rays to visualize the dimensions of the heart and large blood vessels. angi/o means blood vessel cardi/o means heart -graphy means recording

20 Cardiac Catherization  A procedure in which a catheter is passed into a vein or artery and is guided into the heart. When the catheter is in place, a contrast medium is introduced to produce an angiogram (picture of blood flow and/or blockages)  Also called Angiogram.

21 Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)  A record of the electrical activity of the myocardium.  Stress tests are ECGs used to assess cardiovascular health and function during stress such as exercise on a treadmill.


23 Electrocardiography  The process of recording the activity of the heart. electr/o means electric cardi/o means heart -graphy means recording The machine that is used to record the heart activity is called an Electrocardiograph.

24 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft  Also, referred to as CABG  This is open heart surgery which involves implanting a leg vein as a bypass around blockages in the coronary arteries.


26 Valvoplasty  The surgical repair of a heart valve. valv/o means valve -plasty means surgical repair http://www.heart-valve- blog/2008/03/21/what-do- normal-heart-valves-look-like /

27 Aneurysmectomy  The surgical removal of an aneurysm. -ectomy means surgical removal

28 Aneurysmorrhaphy  To suture an aneurysm. -rrhaphy means to suture

29 Arteriectomy  The surgical removal of part of an artery. arteri means artery -ectomy means surgical removal

30 Types of Hypertension  Essential Hypertension (primary hypertension) Elevated BP of unknown cause  Secondary Hypertension Elevated BP caused by another medical problem  Malignant Hypertension A sudden onset of severely elevated BP. It can be life-threatening

31 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)  An emergency procedure for life support consisting of artificial respirations and manual external cardiac compressions.

32 Echocardiography  An ultrasonic diagnostic procedure used to evaluate the structure and function of the heart.


34 The “echo” image will show if the structures inside the heart such as the valves, are working normally.valves

35 Transesophageal Echocardiography  An ultrasonic procedure that view the heart from the inside of the esophagus.

36 Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty  Also known as Balloon Angioplasty  A procedure done with a cardiac catherization which uses a small balloon on the end of a catheter. This balloon flattens the plaque and opens up the coronary vessel. angi/o means blood vessel -plasty means surgical repair/reconstruction

37 Restenosis  Describes the condition when an artery becomes blocked again after an angioplasty. re- means again -stenosis means narrowing

38 Atherectomy  The surgical removal of plaque from the interior lining of an artery. ather- means plaque -ectomy means surgical removal

39 Endarterectomy  The surgical removal of the lining of an artery that is clogged with plaque. end- means within arter means artery -ectomy means surgical removal

40 Abnormal Heart Rhythms  Fibrillation – Rapid, random, and ineffective contractions of the heart.  Defibrillation (Cardioversion) – The use of electrical shock to restore the heart’s normal rhythm if it stops or if fibrillation occurs

41 Pacemaker  An electronic device that is implanted under the skin and helps to regulate the heartbeat.

42 Cardiac Arrhythmia  Also called Dysrhythmia.  An irregularity or the loss of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat.

43 Flutter  A cardiac arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions are rapid but regular.

44 Bradycardia  An abnormally slow heartbeat < 60 beats/minute. brady- means slow card means heart -ia means abnormal condition

45 Palpitation  A racing of the heart associated with certain heart disorders.  Also, it may be present as a response to a panic attack.

46 Tachycardia  An abnormally fast heartbeat > 100 beats/minute. tachy- means fast card means heart -ia means abnormal condition

47 Heart Disease Facts Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women & men in US. Heart disease death rates per 100,000 population for the five largest U.S. racial/ethnic groups are as follows:  Blacks: 300  Whites: 228  Hispanics: 173  American Indian/Alaskan Natives: 160  Asian and Pacific Islanders: 128

48 Works Cited: normal-heart-valves-look-like/  Diversified Health Occupations, 7 th Edition by Louise Simmers  Introduction to Medical Terminology by Ann Ehrlich and Carol L. Schroeder Created by: Kathy Vidal Health Science Technology teacher

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