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KCPS Board Workshop October 8, 2014 Academic Division BP 1.1 “Transitioning to the NWEA Assessment”

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1 KCPS Board Workshop October 8, 2014 Academic Division BP 1.1 “Transitioning to the NWEA Assessment”

2 Rating Definitions No Progress made toward the District’s SMART Goal. Making progress toward the District’s SMART Goal and additional data is pending. Performing at or above the District’s SMART Goals at this point and time. Exceeding the District’s SMART Goal and the set MAP Performance Index (MPI) Goal.

3 Overall Rating

4 Accountability, Assessment and Academic Precision Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA)

5 Transition from Acuity to NWEA Acuity was an assessment that provided districts with predictability on how their students would score on the MAP which was aligned to the Show-Me-Standards (GLEs and CLEs). DESE realigned their standards to align with the Common Core standards. Districts will be assessed on the Missouri Learning Standards in 2014- 2015. KCPS transitions from Acuity to NWEA which means:  On-line Summative Assessments K-8  Five achievement levels instead of four  ELA, Math, Science and Reading  Test Stamina  ELL and SPED accommodations have to be restructured

6 Process of Transition Professional Development for all classroom teachers K-8  August – A four member team from each school received Train the Trainer instruction from NWEA facilitators to guide schools in administering and proctoring the Fall assessment.  September – Teachers learned how to read the students data reports and how to use those reports to make instructional decisions. Transition to:  Lexile Score – Reading Level  RIT Score – Rasch Unit – is a measurement scale developed to simplify the interpretation of test scores. Students typically start at the 180 to 200 level in 3 rd grade and progress to the 220 to 260 level by high school.  Learning Continuum – Student performance level. Provides what students are ready to learn, and how to differentiate instruction for both individual & skill based small groups.  District Average RIT – average RIT score for all students in the school district in the same grade who were tested at the same time. Use of Technology

7 Areas of Improvement

8 Forecast for the Future Use the Data to Drive Instruction Achievement Status and Growth Projections Goal Setting with Individual Students Use Screening (Skills Checklist) and Survey Assessments to Monitor Progress School and District Essential Reports

9 Curriculum and Instruction Shifting Gears

10 What C and I Has Learned About the NWEA Will answer - “Are my students learning?” Aligned to Missouri Learning Standards Rigorous assessment One data point (Formative, Interim, and Summative) Inform instruction (enables effective grouping and differentiating) On-line assessment Provides information about resources to assist in providing a personalized learning path

11 Curriculum Alignment with NWEA Results Reading Goal 1 - LiteratureGoal 2 - Informational Text Goal 3 - Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Literature has been more of a focus before the MLS in K- 2. Decoding and comprehension will be an instructional focus to enhance these goals. Informational text has been a focus, but the complex task is a focus for differentiation. Before students can properly comprehend the literature and informational text, vocabulary has to become a focus. This is the focus of the curriculum. 3 rd grade is just moving into prefixes and suffixes, so morphemic analysis is a new skill/strategy.

12 Student A Student B Student F Student H Student A Student D Student H Student C Student E Student D Student J Student I Student K Student L Student F Student H Student C Student F Student H Student D Student J Student A Student D Student H Student A Student D Student H Student K Student E Student B Student C Student E Student C Student E Student F Student H Student A Student E Student C Student K Student F Student H Student A Student B Student F Student H Student C Student E Student C Student N Student D Student J Student I Student K Student L Student D Student J Student A Student B Student F Student H Student C Student E


14 School Leadership Monitoring & Supporting Instruction

15 Monitoring and Supporting Instruction Leveraged Leadership District—Analyze District Trends Building—Develop the building profile by Grade Level Classroom—Using the Class Goal Report— Group Students by Academic Interference Student—Understand that it is not a Pass/Fail

16 Monitoring & Supporting Instruction Ensure that all Principals and Staff Understand the test Assess the Needs of the Data Teams Provide Training for the Data Teams Classroom Walk-Throughs with Specific Feedback

17 Goal-Setting: Preparing for Success District—Set MPI Goals Building  Develop students’ keyboarding skills  Attend the NWEA PD to learn how to effectively disaggregate the data and use that data to plan quality instruction for student growth

18 Goal-Setting: Preparing for Success Building & Classroom  Afford Students the opportunities to become familiar with the electronic Productivity Tools  Use data groupings from NWEA to create Learning Stations Student—Goal Setting, Student-Led Conferences Parent—Support Student Academic Goals.


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