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Unlocking Foresight Know-How 1(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Unlocking Foresight Know-How 1(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unlocking Foresight Know-How 1(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

2 In an uncertain world, leaders need the ability to conduct future “due diligence” on their organisation Very few business or government leaders possess the knowledge, tools, methodologies or expert advice to engage in this essential leadership discipline. Most have been trained to manage to a single future. But the global business environment is in constant change, and problems are complex, interconnected and systemic, all leading to great uncertainty for organisations and governments around the world. Whilst impossible to predict the “future,” today’s leaders need to anticipate possible futures, to think ahead in order to assess their possible strategies more widely and in more depth. What is the need? 2(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

3 Why Strategic Foresight is Important Strategic Foresight uses the discipline of anticipatory thinking to develop a range of strategies and plans for the future. Strategic Foresight equips leaders with the tools to envisage major changes that may affect their individual organisations and gain insight into how they might play out over longer timeframes. Engaging in Strategic Foresight positively affects the behaviours of planning, goal-setting and makes for robust decision-making. Strategic Foresight is critically needed for any organisation. 3(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

4 How is this need met now? Today, there is not a “one-stop shop” source dedicated to bringing vetted, practical foresight knowledge together in one place Even if leaders know of the practice of Strategic Foresight, most will have limited access to know how, or struggle to find expert practitioners: there are many books and academic papers available, of varying quality very few organisations have in-house futurists 4(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

5 Our Vision Unlocking the potential of strategic foresight for the benefit of business, government and society, both today and for a better future. Unlocking Foresight Know-How provides easy to find foresight knowledge and material, simple to access, and intuitive to understand, It is backed up by a community of foresight practitioners and academics, and shared data resource. UFKH SERVICE Reaching those who need foresight COMMUNITY Supporting the foresight and academic communities SHARED RESEARCH DATA 5(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

6 Launch: April 2016 To date…… Pilot being reviewed by leading strategic foresight practitioners. Emerald Publishers, Association of Professional Futurists, World Future Studies Federation, Foresight for Development, providing investment-in-kind and content for launch of functional web site. We are in sponsorship discussions with: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (global) Grant Thornton Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales Law Society Statoil. “There is a gap in the market and a market in the gap.” Tanja Hichert, CEO Hichert & Associates Pty Ltd (South Africa) 6(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

7 The Unlocking Foresight Know-How Hub will be run by a CIC (Community Interest Company) that will reinvest its profits. It will be self-funding in five years. The project will be funded through: -Public and private sponsorship and subscription -Transactional revenue from sale of micro-content -Grants contributing to the building of the Shared Resource Data Library How it will work 7(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

8 Unlocking Foresight Know How Team Patricia Lustig – Director, UFKH Author of recently published Strategic Foresight: learning from the future and a number of other books and articles in the area of Strategic Foresight. She has been an Operational Manager in energy and ICT Fortune 100 companies and is now CEO of LASA Development. Her main focus is helping organisations develop insight into emerging trends, build a strategy based on this insight and implement the changes needed to carry it out. Supported by: Annmarie Gabriel – Marketing Jennifer M Gidley PhD – Research Advisor & elected President of WFSF Lizzie Hall – Digital Operations Manager Julian Owens – FD & Partner, Griffith Clarke Gill Ringland – NED & CEO, SAMI Consulting 8(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

9 Thank You Please contact for further 9(c) unlocking foresight know-how CIC introduction

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