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Physical Education, Health, The Arts & World Languages Erika Leydig, Lorrayne Murphy, Josh Ortman & Anthony Wood Panel Discussion... the key element in.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education, Health, The Arts & World Languages Erika Leydig, Lorrayne Murphy, Josh Ortman & Anthony Wood Panel Discussion... the key element in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education, Health, The Arts & World Languages Erika Leydig, Lorrayne Murphy, Josh Ortman & Anthony Wood Panel Discussion... the key element in the change process is the teachers....


3 Physical Education: Health: Arts/Music/Drama: World Languages:

4  Develop fitness skills  Acquire a healthy active lifestyle  establish self-esteem through goal achievement  Foster healthy attitudes

5  Elementary 3.8  Middle School 7.8  High School 2.1 Trost and de Mars (2010)

6 Relationship Between Academics and Physical Activity. Trudeau and Shepard (2008)  No adverse academic affects  Gains in GPA  Positive influence on learning

7 Health & Nutrition  Lunch Wars by Warwick Mansell  In 2006, federally funded schools wellness policies  Public schools must meet nutritional guidelines.  Otimal cognitive and physical growth * Phi Delta Kappan, Nov 2009, vol 91 issue 3 p92-93

8 Classic Food Pyramid (revised)



11 Marcel DuChamp Fountain 1917 (photographed in 1917 by Alfred Steiglitz)


13  Multiple aspects of artistic expression  Formulate and promulgate new rationale  Aesthetic sensibility  Unique way of knowing/understanding  Interdisciplinary studies

14  Gardner's Theory of Intelligences  Educate the whole child  Brain Plasticity  Creativity breeds innovation, success and necessary qualities to continue to be world leaders


16  Aphasia Therapy Singing and Speaking Tone Aphasia TherapySinging and SpeakingTone  Motor Recovery Studies Motor Recovery Studies  Music and Emotions Music and Emotions  Music and Autism Music and Autism  Children and Music Making Children and Music Making  Brain Stimulation Adult Brain StimulationAdult  Musician Studies Absolute Pitch Studies Musician StudiesAbsolute Pitch Studies

17  What traditions could characterize a community and how could these traditions be imbedded into the art curriculum?  How will the individual be recognized? How will these differences be accommodated, validated and valued?

18  Communication  Cultures  Connections  Comparisons  Communities Source: American Council on the Teaching of foreign languages (ACTFL), 700 S Washington ST, Suite 210 Alexandria, VA 22315


20  Achievement  (1) effort, (2) ability, (3) level of task difficulty, or (4) luck.  Causal dimensions of behavior  (1) locus of control, (2) stability, and (3) controllability Kearsley, D. G. (1994-2010). Attribution Theory (B. Weiner). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Attribution Theory (B. Weiner):

21  Operating Level I  Environmental  Operating Level II  Motivation/Aptitude  Language Acquisition Context III James A. Coleman, A. G. (2007, December). Motivation of UK School Pupils Towards Foreign Languages: A Large-Scale survey at Key Stage 3. 35(No 2), pp. 245-281.

22  Captivate the students interests  Foster intrinsic motivation  Use the language as the means to communicate topics of interest to students  Positive motivation Kearsley, D. G. (1994-2010). Attribution Theory (B. Weiner). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Attribution Theory (B. Weiner):

23 Works Cited Agriculture, U. S. (2010, May 12). Retrieved November 18, 2010, from Allan A. Galdhorn, F. B. (2006). Curriculum Leadership: Development And Implementation. Sage Publications. Duchamp, M. (1917 ). Photo Bucket. Retrieved 2010, from Photo Bucket: Duchamp_Fountaine.jpg James A. Coleman, A. G. (2007, December). Motivation of UK School Pupils Towards Foreign Languages: A Large-Scale survey at Key Stage 3. 35(No 2), pp. 245-281. Kearsley, D. G. (1994-2010). Attribution Theory (B. Weiner). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Attribution Theory (B. Weiner): Ryman, R. (n.d.). Pace. Retrieved 2010, from Moma: School, H. M. (2010). Neuroimaging Laboratory. Retrieved 2010, from Neuroimaging Laboratory : Tan, A. (n.d.). Retrieved 2010, from Trost, S.G. & der Mars, H.V. (2010) Why We Should Not Cut P.E. Educational Leadership (Health and Learning), 69(4) 60-65. Trudeau, F. & Shepard R. J. (2008) Physical Education, School Physical Activity, School Sports, and Academic Performance. Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5(10) 1-12.

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