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Chapter 15-1 A New Deal Fights the Depression New Deal: FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression ***FDR expands the Federal govts role in the economy***

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15-1 A New Deal Fights the Depression New Deal: FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression ***FDR expands the Federal govts role in the economy***"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15-1 A New Deal Fights the Depression New Deal: FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression ***FDR expands the Federal govts role in the economy*** FDR greatly expands the power of the Federal govt

2 Essential Q Did FDR do enough to end the Great Depression OR did he expand the size of government too far?

3 Focus Q: Jan. 7 What have you done recently that you are proud of? When was the last time you gave someone a compliment? Who? Why? When was the last time you got a compliment? Who? Why?

4 Focus Q: Jan. 8 See the chart on page 500. List and describe 3 programs that helped create jobs during the New Deal.

5 FDR’s Philosophy? ….examine the problem, try something…if it doesn’t work, we will try something else…..

6 Chapter 15 vocab New Deal 1CCC 1 AAA 1deficit spending 1 fireside chats 1Bank Holiday 1 Works Progress Administration (WPA) 2 Social Security Act 2 Frances Perkins 3TVA 5

7 Vocab review 1.Work in pairs 2.draw a picture and make a simile for any vocab term 3.put on board, students guess what term it is

8 Focus Q Read p. 488 “One American’s Story” Summarize in 2 sentences

9 Focus Q: Jan. 12 Page 493, read “The Supreme Court Reacts.” 4 key words or phrases 1 sentence summary

10 Summarize this cartoon. Characters? Message?

11 Focus Q: Jan. 6 What is the New Deal? Describe 2 programs that put people back to work. Describe 2 programs that gave people more confidence in banks and the stock market.

12 Focus Q What 2 New Deal programs did the Supreme Court strike down? What is the main idea of this cartoon? Page 493

13 Reading Passage Summary Page 496-98 “Focusing on Farms” This is exam material!

14 Focus Q put text at top of p. 493 about liberal and conservative critics on Elmo. Summarize in your own words. Main point? Details? See and explain the cartoon at the top

15 15-1 handout assignment 1.30 seconds to sit next to a partner 2.Read your section (5 minutes) Summarize: underline/circle the Main point, details 3.Show and explain on Elmo 4.Audience: which review sheet Q? I wonder, reminds me of, simile

16 Vocab review 1.Work in pairs 2.draw a picture and make a simile for any vocab term 3.put on board, students guess what term it is

17 What you’ll learn….. Chapter 15—why FDR created the New Deal and it’s impact on the USA. 15.1—FDR uses govt programs to combat the Depression  What problems should govt try to solve?  What are we responsible for?

18 Why this is important…… 1.Critics say this began a huge inc. in the size of the federal govt. 2.The New Deal created many govt programs that benefit us today. Social Security, unemployment insurance FDIC—insures bank deposits TVA—flood control, electricity, jobs SEC—regulates banking, investing

19 What were Americans suffering from during the Depression? Lack of work, food, and hope. Which would be most devastating to you? Why?

20 Comparing FDR and Hoover Hoover Rugged individualism No direct relief Did too little, too late FDR ***“Can-do” attitude Warm, friendly, simple language Good communicator Confident***

21 Election of 1932 HooverFDR

22 Who is being blamed for the Great Depression?

23 What were 3 general goals for the New Deal? relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform

24 Describe what Fireside Chats were. Fireside chats—simple, informal language— people feel like FDR is talking to them personally— on the radio— explain parts of the New Deal

25 Describe what Fireside Chats were. 1.1 st chat March 12—tells people to have confidence in the banking system— success of banks depends on public support of govt and banks 2.Many return their money to banks 3.APV. 490

26 Fireside Chats—America Listened

27 Regulating Banking and Finance 1.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)—guarantees deposits up to $5000 2.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in June 1934—regulates the stock market 3.***SEC, FDIC helps people regain confidence in banking and investing systems***


29 Were you payin’ attention quiz…. What was FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression called? Did it work? Give me evidence. What ended the Great Depression?

30 Rural Assistance 1.Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) ***objective: raise crop prices by lowering production ***(lower supply, raises prices) 2.***N.D. wants to decrease farm surpluses***

31 Rural Assistance 1.Pay farmers subsidies (money) to not plant some crops Cotton farmers paid $200 M to plow under 10 M acres of cotton Hog farmers slaughter 6 M hogs—angered some who thought that meat could feed the hungry 2.Did raise farm prices ***Supreme Court rules AAA is unconstitutional***


33 Rural Assistance 1.Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)— renovates 5 existing dams, builds 20 ***JOBS*** 1.Provides jobs, provides hydroelectric power, helps with flood control 2.Criticism: govt doing what private businesses should do

34 TVA Dams and Power Plants

35 Fontana Dam, North Carolina

36 Norris Dam, Muscle Shoals, AL

37 A little humor….. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

38 Providing Work Projects 1.Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)—men 18-25— 1933 to 1942—build roads, parks, plant trees, soil- erosion and flood control projects **JOBS!!** $30/month, keep $5, $25 sent home—housing, food, uniforms provided—most camps segregated—11% were AA helps nearly 3 M men, planted more than 200 M trees in Great Plains—avoid another Dust Bowl planted over 3B trees, developed over 800 state parks (Ludington), built over 46,000 bridges

39 CCC Camps 1932-42

40 p Clearing Roads

41 Planting trees in Shenandoah National Park

42 Erosion Control

43 Deficit Spending 1.FDR reluctantly used DEFICIT SPENDING—  spending more $ than the govt gets in revenue (taxes). 2.Should only be used in an emergency. 3.This means FDR and the govt borrowed $ to fund New Deal programs.

44 Many Critics of New Deal Liberal (Dems) critics: New Deal didn’t go far enough— conservative (Repubs) critics: New Deal provided too much direct relief, controlling business, socializing the economy

45 What was “court-packing?” 1.***1935 Supreme Court says NIRA, 1936 AAA unconstitutional*** 2.FDR mad—tries to reorganize the S. Court add 6 new justices—wants to add judges sympathetic to FDR and the New Deal— court-packing, get it?

46 What was “court-packing?” 1.Hurts his image—much protest— 2.*** by Court-packing FDR was violating 1) judicial independence, 2) separation of powers, 3) checks and balances***

47 What is FDR proposing to do? ***Add 6 Supreme Court Justices***

48 Why did “Court- packing” upset many Americans?

49 Notebook assignment 1.Divide paper in quarters 2.Put one of these topics in each quadrant: CCCFDIC Court –packingAAA 3.Two (2) details for each 4.“I wonder” “this reminds me of” draw a picture make a simile

50 CCC 1. 2. FDIC 1. 2. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) 1. 2. Court-packing 1. 2.

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