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IQ: Decide which of the following contain energy: - A donut - Charcoal - A plant - A car parked at the top of a hill - A radio playing music P. 62 4/20.

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Presentation on theme: "IQ: Decide which of the following contain energy: - A donut - Charcoal - A plant - A car parked at the top of a hill - A radio playing music P. 62 4/20."— Presentation transcript:


2 IQ: Decide which of the following contain energy: - A donut - Charcoal - A plant - A car parked at the top of a hill - A radio playing music P. 62 4/20 FORMS OF ENERGY FOLDABLE

3 1)Heat 2)Chemical 3)Light 4)Electrical 5)Mechanical 6)Sound 7)Nuclear 7 FORMS OF ENERGY

4 Definition:  Is the ability to do work or cause a change. Interesting facts:  There are many different types of energy.  Measure in Joules (J)  All matter has energy! ENERGY

5 Definition: the energy of moving particles of matter, present in everything! Interesting Info: There is more Heat Energy in an Iceberg (more particles) than there is in a boiling pot of water! Examples: Sun, Fire, Body, electricity, friction Pic/Symbol: 1) HEAT ENERGY (KINETIC)

6 Heat depends on the number of particles Temp. depends on the speed of particles Which has more Heat? Which has more Temp? An unheated swimming pool or a cup of boiling water? Ice Sculpture or lit match? HEAT VS. TEMPERATURE

7 Definition: Energy from the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) Interesting Information: Light energy is used to cook or heat up food in the microwave. Examples: Sun, light bulb, lightning, UV rays etc. Picture/Symbol: 2) LIGHT/RADIANT ENERGY/ELECTROMAGNETIC (KINETIC)

8 Definition: Energy created by vibrating objects. Interesting Information: Sound travels through a medium and the speed of sound depends on the density of the medium! Higher volume or higher pitch = higher energy. Examples: speaker, radio, TV, thunder, or someone’s voice Picture/Symbol: 3) SOUND ENERGY (KINETIC)

9 Definition: Energy stored in the chemical compounds (bonds) of food & fuel. Info: One of our most abundant and important sources of energy! Released during chemical reactions or burning. Examples: Fossil Fuels (Oil, Gas, & Coal) wood, food, batteries etc. Pic/Symbol: 4) CHEMICAL ENERGY (POTENTIAL)

10 Definition: The energy of moving electrons. Interesting Information: Static Electricity- a build up of charge, not moving. Current electricity- a flow of electrons from –ve to +ve. Examples: Power plant, batteries, TV, static, current, etc. Picture/Symbol: 5) ELECTRICAL ENERGY (KIN./POT.)

11  Definition: Uses atomic reactions to produce heat, radiation, electricity and light, from the nucleus of an atom.  Info: A lot of energy from a little bit of matter. E=mc 2 Examples:  Fission (split) in nuclear power plants and fusion (fuse) of radioactive nuclei on the sun. Picture/Symbol: 6) NUCLEAR ENERGY (POTENTIAL)

12 Definition:The energy of an object that is due to its position (potential) or motion (kinetic). Interesting Information: ME Total ME= PE + KE Examples: Roller coaster, car, walking, blinking, breathing, wind, ocean Picture/Symbol: 7) MECHANICAL ENERGY (POT. & KIN.)

13 Identify all forms of energy present in this picture: 4/19 P.56 MECHANICAL- POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ENERGY



16 7A) POTENTIAL ENERGY Potential energy is stored energy Energy of position with the potential to move. Ex) Standing on a diving board, a stretched rubberband. GPE = mgh or weight (mg) x height (J) Highest at max height. Higher with higher Mass.

17  Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Highest at bottom of tallest hill.  Any object that is moving has kinetic energy.  Ex) Ball Moving, Wind, Sound, skier going downhill. 7B) KINETIC ENERGY

18  m = mass (in kg), v = velocity (in m/s), and KE = kinetic energy (in J = joules).  There is a direct relationship between KE and mass and between KE and v squared.  Therefore as MASS INCREASES, KE INCREASES. And as SPEED INCREASES, KE INCREASES. KE= ½ mv 2 (Joules) PE and KE conversions 7B) KINETIC ENERGY EQUATION

19  There is an inverse relationship between potential and kinetic energy  As an object goes up, its PE increases, KE decreases, and as it goes down its PE decreases, KE increases. Total ME= PE + KE stays same. Pendulum TOTAL ME = KE + PE


21 IF THE BOX WEIGHS 10N WHAT IS ITS PE AT HEIGHTS A,B, AND C? WHEN WILL ITS KE BE THE LEAST VS. GREATEST? What is the total Mechanical Energy of the box from A to C if we ignore energy lost on friction?


23 1.What is the GPE of a 1kg ball at a height of 10m? (g= 10m/s 2 ) 2.What is the total ME of a ball with PE= 20 J and KE = 10 J? 3. KE of a car with a mass of 500kg going at 10km/h? SOLVE

24 Study Jams Matter and Energy

25 IQ: Decide which of the following contain energy: - A donut - Charcoal - A plant - A car parked at the top of a hill - A radio playing music P. 60 4/20 FORMS OF ENERGY FOLDABLE

26 OQ: Identify the main type of energy represented by the following: a. An infrared lamp in a restaurant keeps food warm ________ b. a student listens to an Ipod ___________________________ c. A student picks up his backpack ________________________ d. A backpack that is on a students’ shoulders_______________ d. A hamburger is eaten at lunch _______________ e. Reactions on the sun that produce heat and light __________

27 IQ: Decide which of the following contain energy: - A donut - Charcoal - A plant - A car parked at the top of a hill - A radio playing music P. 60 4/20 FORMS OF ENERGY FOLDABLE

28 OQ: Identify the main type of energy represented by the following: a. An infrared lamp in a restaurant keeps food warm ________ b. a student listens to an Ipod ___________________________ c. A student picks up his backpack ________________________ d. A backpack that is on a students’ shoulders_______________ d. A hamburger is eaten at lunch _______________ e. Reactions on the sun that produce heat and light __________

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