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Chapter 8 The Preschool Years: Getting Ready for School and Life.

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1 Chapter 8 The Preschool Years: Getting Ready for School and Life

2 Preschool Years Programs for preschool children have changed over the years. One clear change is the focus on a more academic program for preschool-aged children. Many parents of preschool children recognize how important the preschool experience is for the future school success of their children. Many are looking to public education to ensure a preschool experience for all children. This chapter focuses on the characteristics of preschool children, and the type of environments that support their learning and development. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to discuss the importance of developmentally appropriate practices and learning environments for the preschool child.

3 Preschool Programs Preschool programs are designed to ensure that three to five year olds have readiness skills and behaviors needed for kindergarten. Eighty percent of four year olds are involved in some type of preschool. Thirty eight states have some form of preschool or Head Start. More states are moving toward universal preschool which means access to free and public preschool will be available.

4 Benefits of Preschool According to research, adults who attended preschool tend to have: Benefits of Preschool higher earnings and hold on to jobs lower crime rates higher four year college attendance higher math and reading skills skilled jobs fewer special ed placements during time in school

5 Factors Influencing Preschool Popularity Working parents – especially those who cannot afford quality childcare believe public schools should provide quality preschool for all children. Highly educated workforce – business leaders view early childhood education as a way to develop a highly skilled and productive workforce. Equal opportunity – many believe it is important for low income children to start school early, in order to keep pace with their middle class counterparts. Cost Effective – high quality preschool benefits all children and increases the possibility that these children will be more successful in school, and grow up to be better citizens, earn more money, and pay more taxes.

6 Preschools Yesterday and Today Preschools YesterdayPreschools Today Primary purpose: Socialize children Enhance social and emotional development Prepare children for kindergarten or first grade Primary Purpose: Support and develop capacity to learn Provide academic, social, and behavioral skills required for kindergarten entry Deliver health, social, economic, and academic services to children and families Early intervention to prevent social problems

7 Characteristics of Preschoolers Many have one or more years of child care experience Many have watched hundreds of hours of T.V. Many are technologically sophisticated Many have experienced family trauma (divorce, abuse) Some have experienced homelessness —others glitz and glamour

8 Preschoolers’ Physical Development Preschoolers:  lose baby fat  have improved motor coordination which allows them to participate in locomotor activities with more confidence;  have more awareness of what they can and cannot do:  use activities to explore relationships between themselves, space, and objects in space:  participate in fine motor activities such as cutting, pasting, and coloring.

9 Preschoolers’ Social and Emotional Development Preschool children are in Erickson’s initiative vs. guilt psychosocial stage of development. Children develop initiative by doing things and being involved in activities. Teachers should include ways for preschool children to develop initiative during instruction. Preschool children also learn self regulation, which is the ability to control emotions control behaviors delay gratification build social relations with others. (see pg. 209 for guidelines to help promote children’s self regulation)

10 Cognitive Development Preschoolers are in Piaget’s preoperational stage of cognitive development. The following are characteristics of the preoperational stage:  children will be able to use symbols;  children will not be able to reverse mental actions;  children will focus on one thought or idea to the exclusion of others;  children will not understand that quantity does not change simply because appearance changes;  children will be egocentric.

11 Language Development Characteristics of preschooler’s language development:

12 School Readiness School readiness refers to the extent to which a child possesses the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be ready for learning and school success. Readiness for kindergarten focuses on preschoolers knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following areas:  Kindergarten academics  Self regulation  Self-care and motor skills  Social expression (See Figure 8.2 for details of each area)

13 School Readiness Skills and Dispositions Specific approaches to learning are believed to represent readiness. Attention Self- direction Problem solving Problem solving Creativity Curiosity/ initiative Curiosity/ initiative Persistence

14 School Readiness Skills and Dispositions Language Skills Receptive Language ability to listen and follow directions Expressive Language ability to talk fluently, communicate needs, and express oneself in the language of the school Symbolic Language knows the names of people, places, and things and knowing concepts Vocabulary vocabulary of three to four thousand words

15 School Readiness Skills and Dispositions Early Literacy Skills The following six variables are correlated to literacy development:  Alphabetic knowledge  Phonological awareness  Rapid automatic naming  Rapid automatic naming of objects or colors  Writing or writing one’s name  Phonological memory

16 English Language Learners Preschool teachers will likely work with children for whom English is not the first language. Strategies for working with English Language Learners (ELL) include:  Keeping ELL children active and involved;  Creating a buddy system for ELL children;  Teaching daily living vocabulary words and phrases;  Incorporating children’s culture into activities;  Integrating technology to help Ell children learn English.

17 School Readiness and Culture

18 Cultural dimensions that influence school readiness include: Parents’ attitudes and beliefs about early learning; Parent-child interactions that support the type of learning the child will experience in school; The ways in which knowledge and skills important to school learning are communicated and used in the family; Primary language used in the home.

19 Preschool Curriculum Preschools are currently viewed as places where preschoolers are prepared for kindergarten. Academic skills (reading, writing, math), along with social skills are stressed in preschool. Thirty-eight state departments of education provide preschool standards for programs within their states. Standards are explicit statements of what preschoolers should know and be able to do before they enter kindergarten. Subjects for early learning standards include mathematics, literacy, science, social studies, fine arts, health, and safety. Since they set required standards, states are now in control of setting preschool curriculum.

20 Preschool Curriculum Essential curricular content areas for preschool programs are:

21 Preschool Daily Schedule A full-day preschool program should include: Opening Activity Group meeting/planning Learning center time Bathroom/hand washing time Snacks Outdoor Activity/Play Bathroom Toileting Lunch Nap time Good-bye time Relaxation Centers Special projects Group time

22 Play and Preschool Play has been central to preschool programs. The value of play in children’s learning and development has been promoted by a number of theorists, including:  Froebel (who first promoted the idea)  Piaget  Dewey  Vygotsky (See pg. 224 for a list of what children can learn through play.)

23 Implementing the Curriculum Through Play When implementing the curriculum through play, teachers should: Provide a time for play as a legitimate part of the curriculum; Supervise and participate in play activities; Observe children while they play; Make sure the indoor and outdoor learning environment is structured so that children will learn through play; Provide developmentally appropriate materials and equipment for children; Attend to indoor and outdoor safety; Ask children questions about their play.

24 Different Kinds of Play

25 Kindergarten Transition Teachers can help preschool children and their families transition into kindergarten by:  preparing children ahead of time for the new situation;  helping parents understand the differences between preschool and kindergarten standards, dress, behavior, and parent-teacher interactions;  providing an opportunity for children to meet their new teacher;  letting parents know about supplies and materials the new kindergartner will need;  providing support for bilingual and special needs children and their parents;  cooperating with kindergarten staff and arranging kindergarten visits for preschoolers.

26 What’s next Characteristics of preschool programs Universal preschool Benefits of preschool Reasons for the popularity of preschool Changes in the purpose of preschool Characteristics of preschoolers physical development social/emotional development cognitive development language development Self-regulation School readiness approaches to learning language skills early literacy skills Working with ELLs Influence of culture on school readiness Preschool curriculum Preschool daily schedule Importance of play Proponents of play Different kinds of play Kindergarten transition

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