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Wendy Sauer, GMMB October 4, 2010 Creating an Effective Communications Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Wendy Sauer, GMMB October 4, 2010 Creating an Effective Communications Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wendy Sauer, GMMB October 4, 2010 Creating an Effective Communications Plan

2 Today’s Goal This session will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to create a communications plan tailored to your target audiences and organizational goals, and CPPW’s vision and priorities. 2

3 Objectives 3 Together, we will: Review importance of a communications plan and a plan’s components Consider components through the lens of the Let’s Move campaign Practice developing key messages

4 How comfortable do I feel with developing a communications plan? 1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Pretty good 4. Very confident Self-Assessment 4

5 What is a communications plan and why do I need one? A document or “roadmap” that lays out the best ways to accomplish a communications goal Identifies how you will communicate important messages to your key audiences Helps you focus your outreach efforts Allows you to utilize your resources more efficiently and effectively 5

6 What goes into a communications plan? Situation Analysis Goals and Objectives Target AudiencesKey Messages Spokespeople and Partners TacticsBudgetTimelineMeasurements 6

7 Case Study: Let’s Move Campaign 7

8 Situation Analysis The SWOT Analysis – What are your organization’s strengths? – What are your organization's weaknesses? – What are opportunities your organization has access to? – What are the threats to your organization and its goal? What factors do I consider prior to developing my communications plan? 8

9 What are your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of communications? What opportunities will help your communications efforts and what threats will challenge them? Turn and Talk 9

10 Goal and Objectives Goal = Communications goal not the overall goal of your program Goal is aligned with your organization’s and CPPW’s vision and priorities Objectives = measurable steps toward your goal 10 What do I want to accomplish?

11 Goal and Objectives: Case Study Goal: To combat childhood obesity through a comprehensive approach that engages every sector impacting the health of children and provide schools, families, and communities with tools to help kids be more active, eat better, and get healthy. Sample Objectives: Build consensus among parents and caregivers around the importance of healthy food and physical activity. Mobilize schools to serve healthier food. Encourage adults to demand access to healthier food in their neighborhoods. 11

12 Target Audience Identify a list of people or groups that it will be important for you to communicate with in order to accomplish your goal Consider segmenting audience into tiers (e.g. tier 1: priority; tier 2: a broader, less defined audience) 12 Who do I want to communicate with?

13 Target Audience: Case Study 13

14 Key Messages Key messages are the 3–5 most important points to communicate to your target audience to accomplish your goal Key messages: – Tell your story – Focus your audience’s attention – Foster consistent communications – Allow partners to tell your story – Help assess the effectiveness of communications 14 What do I want to communicate?

15 Characteristics of Effective Messages Clear and concise Easy to say Easy for an audience to understand and remember Factual and specific Memorable and persuasive 15

16 Crafting Key Messages Problem – Solution – Call to Action Problem: What issue are you addressing? (Childhood obesity? Secondhand smoke?) Solution: What is being done about the problem? (New resources? Free classes?) Call to action: What do you want your audience to do? (Join a class? Write a letter?) 16

17 Key Messages: Case Study 17 The childhood obesity epidemic in America is a national health crisis. Obesity causes several chronic health issues including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and asthma. Unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise are leading contributors to childhood obesity. While no single action will reverse the childhood obesity epidemic, improving eating habits and increasing physical activity are two critical strategies. Together, we can solve the problems of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight.

18 Tailoring your message Messages need to engage, persuade, and compel your audience Tailor key messages to align with your audience’s interests and motivations Use your own words to tell your story – you are the expert 18

19 Tailoring Your Message: Case Study 19 Key Message: While no single action will reverse the childhood obesity epidemic, improving eating habits and increasing physical activity are two critical strategies. Tailored Message: Principals, teachers and parents can help make schools healthier places to learn by providing quality nutrition, integrating physical activity during the school day, and teaching children about the importance of embracing a healthy, active lifestyle.

20 What are your organization’s key messages? How can you tailor these for your target audiences? 20 Practice

21 Spokespeople and Partners Partnerships are important to accomplishing your goal. Partners: – Provide connections – Support outreach efforts – Add credibility – Maximize resources 21 Who can help me communicate my message?

22 How can I make partnerships effective? Build partnerships in good times Understand how partners benefit Be there for your partners Formalize the relationship – Explicit agreement – Specify tasks and responsibilities Prepare partners for success Maintain regular communication Express appreciation Evaluate effectiveness 22

23 Prepare your partners Clearly communicate your goals Provide support materials – Key messages – Talking points – FAQs – Stories – Videos – Posters 23

24 Partnerships: Case Study 24 US Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services Health care providers School food providers Media companies Professional sports organizations

25 Tactics Tactics are specific, measurable activities that will help reach your audience and ultimately accomplish your goal Examples: – Develop and distribute fact sheets and frequently asked questions – Send electronic newsletters or blog urging constituents to become informed /take action – Send letter to elected officials – Testify before a council meeting – Media relations – News conference, long-lead pitch – Paid media – Print ads, Web banners – Social media: Facebook, Twitter Remember: CPPW grants cannot be used for lobbying Stay tuned: Learn more about tactics in the Advocacy Training Session 25 How can I share my message?

26 Sample Tactics: Case Study 26 Launch media event: “kick off” of White House kitchen garden with children from DC school Create and broadcast Public Service Announcements (PSAs) featuring sport celebrities Establish a task force on child obesity to review programs and policies related to childhood nutrition Develop and launch a “one-stop shopping” website: Develop letter writing templates for parents and principals Craft informational handouts for families Launch a Let’s Move Facebook page

27 Letter Writing Template: Case Study 27

28 Poster: Case Study 28

29 Facebook Page: Case Study 29

30 Other Communications Plan Components Budget Detailed estimate of all costs required to complete your project; allows you to stay within a targeted budget and adjust where necessary Consider using Microsoft Excel Timeline Provides a detailed and clear list of tasks to make workload manageable Measurements Evaluate outreach activities and refine them to better reach the target audience Examples Surveys Website hits Media coverage Partnerships formed Feedback from audience 30

31 How comfortable do I now feel with developing a communications plan? 1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Pretty good 4. Very confident Self-Assessment 31

32 Contact: Nicole Sadow-Hasenberg Alanna Beebe Need Help? 32

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