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Promotion of Safety Unit 12 Using Body Mechanics

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion of Safety Unit 12 Using Body Mechanics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion of Safety Unit 12 Using Body Mechanics
Preventing Accidents & Injuries Fire Safety Lab Safety

2 12:1 Using Body Mechanics Body Mechanics: refers to the way the body moves and maintains balance while efficiently using all body parts

3 Reasons to Use Good Body Mechanics
Muscles work best when used correctly Correct use of muscles make lifting, pushing and pulling easier Prevents unnecessary fatigue , strain, and saves energy Prevents injury to self and others

4 Good Body Mechanics PREVENTS INJURY
What principles of good body mechanics are being used?

5 8 Basic Rules 1. Maintain a broad base of support by keeping feet 8 to 10 inches apart a. Place one foot slightly forward b. Point toes in direction of movement

6 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
2. Bend from the hips & knees to get close to an object. Keep back straight. DO NOT bend at the waist.

7 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
3. Use STRONGEST MUSCLES – shoulders upper arms hips thighs Back muscles are WEAK. Example of POOR body mechanics

8 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
4. Use the weight of your body to help push or pull an object. Try to push, slide, or pull rather than lift.

9 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
5. Carry heavy objects close to the body. Stand close to the object or person being moved.

10 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
6. Avoid twisting your body. Turn with your feet and entire body when you change directions.

11 Basic Rules of Body Mechanics
7. Avoid bending for long periods 8. If patient or object is TOO heavy, get help. You can also use mechanical lift, wheelchair, or transfer belt.

12 Preventing Accidents Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) establishes safety standards for the workplace. 1. Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard 2. Bloodborne Pathogen Standard

13 Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard
Employees must be informed of all chemicals and hazards in the workplace.

14 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Sheet of paper that provides information about hazardous products in the workplace. Product ID info about the chemical Protection or precautions needed Instructions for safe use of chemical How to handle spills, clean-up, & disposal Emergency first aid procedures if exposed


16 Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
Provides mandates that protect health care providers from diseases caused by exposure to body fluids What body fluids are infectious???

17 PPE = Personal Protective Equipment
Gloves Gowns Masks Goggles & face masks Breathing barriers

18 Biohazard bags for proper disposal of infectious waste.

19 Ergonomics An applied science used to promote safety and well-being by adapting the environment & using techniques to prevent injuries.

20 Patient Safety Do NOT perform any procedure on patients unless you have been instructed to do so. Ask questions if you do not understand. Follow instructions carefully.

21 Patient Safety - continued
Provide privacy Knock on door before entering Speak to patient and identify yourself Close doors and draw curtains

22 Patient Safety Identify your patient 1. Check wristband
2. Repeat name 2x 3. Check name on patient’s bed and chart

23 Patient Safety Explain the procedure to the patient. Answer any questions and make sure you have consent. Remember: The patient has the right to refuse any treatment!

24 Patient Safety Before leaving a patient in bed: 1. Check comfort
2. Check bed 3. Check call bell 4. Arrange supplies so they are within reach

25 Lab & Classroom Safety Clean up spills at once
Drink only plain water in plastic bottles to avoid spills

26 Lab & Classroom Safety Keep long hair pulled back when working with equipment or in lab Avoid hoop earrings especially when working with stethoscope

27 Lab & Classroom Safety Report any injuries to teacher at once

28 Lab & Classroom Safety Report damaged or malfunctioning equipment immediately! Damaged electrical equipment must be turned off & unplugged.

29 Lab & Classroom Safety No open-toed shoes, ESPECIALLY FLIP FLOPS.
Feet must be covered – no CHINESE SLIPPERS.

30 Lab & Classroom Safety No EATING in lab.
No EATING or DRINKING near computers

31 Lab & Classroom Safety Clean-up is EVERYONE’S responsibility

32 Lab & Classroom Safety Accidents can be prevented by following directions. Observe safety precautions.

33 Lab & Classroom Safety Make sure your hands are dry when handling anything electric. When removing an electric plug from the socket, pull the plug itself.

34 Lab & Classroom Safety Eye protection (SAFETY GLASSES) are required for some lab procedures. Eyeglasses are NOT as effective as safety glasses, face-shield, or splash-proof glasses.

35 Eye Protection

36 Lab & Classroom Safety Before starting a lab activity---
Read all the instructions.

37 Lab & Classroom Safety Keep classroom aisles clear to allow for safe exit.

38 Lab & Classroom Safety Cabinet doors and drawers must be kept closed.
Who should close them??

39 Lab & Classroom Safety Fire must be reported immediately!
Prepare to evacuate!

40 Observing Fire Safety Fires need three things to start:
1. Oxygen (air) 2. Fuel (any flammable material) 3. Heat (sparks, matches, flames)

41 Major Cause of Fires Carelessness with smoking and matches

42 In Case of Fire… ALWAYS REMAIN CALM Then remember R – A – C – E
R = Rescue anyone in immediate danger A = Activate the alarm C = Confine the fire E = Extinguish the fire Prepare to evacuate

43 Oxygen Precautions Post “No Smoking – Oxygen in Use” sign
Remove all smoking materials, candles, lighters, & matches Avoid use of electrical equipment Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol & nail polish) Avoid static electricity by using cotton

44 Preventing Fires in Hospitals

45 Other Types of Disasters
Tornadoes Hurricanes Earthquakes Floods Bomb threats

46 Responding to Disasters
Remain calm Follow the policy of the facility Provide for your safety and the safety of your patients

47 Be prepared at home. . . Assemble a Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
See handout Assemble a Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

48 Be Prepared for an Emergency
Get a kit Make a plan Be informed Listen to the information provided by the American Red Cross

49 Identifying Emergency Symbols
New Emergency Management Symbols

50 Other Emergency Area Symbols
Maltese Cross represents Fire Dept Star of Life represents EMS

51 Other Important Symbols
Hospital First Aid

52 More Emergency Signs

53 Complete Unit 12 Worksheets

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