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A Second Grade Social Studies Unit.  A Place in Time Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "A Second Grade Social Studies Unit.  A Place in Time Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Second Grade Social Studies Unit

2  A Place in Time Lesson 1

3   Read the Introduction and Chapter 1  Listen to learn about the journey to the New World aboard The Mayflower. A Place in Time

4   Click on the ship.  Follow the timeline for more information about the journey on The Mayflower. A Place in Time

5  BRAINSTORM:  What events occurred on The Mayflower?  What other events might have occurred? A Place in Time

6  Create a timeline.  Imagine that you were a pilgrim on The Mayflower.  Create a timeline with three realistic events that could have occurred.  Include:  Picture of event  Sentence to describe what happened  Sentence to describe how you felt  Events that are dated in a logical and chronological order A Place in Time

7  The First Year Lesson 2

8   Read Chapters 2 and 3  Listen to learn about the first year in Plymouth Colony. The First Year

9   Click on the rock.  View the slideshow and learn about the first Thanksgiving. The First Year

10  Create a Venn Diagram to compare Thanksgiving then and now. ThenNow The First Year: Thanksgiving

11  Daily Life Lesson 3

12   Read Chapters 4 and 5  Listen to learn about the day-to-day life of a pilgrim. Daily Life

13   Click the pilgrims.  View the slideshow and learn about the day-to-day life of the pilgrims. Daily Life

14   Read highlights from these stories.  As we read, we will take notes about the pilgrims’ lives. Daily Life

15  A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Child Lesson 4

16   Review the notes about the pilgrims’ lives. A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Child

17   Imagine you are a pilgrim child.  Create your own book! A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Child My Day as a Pilgrim

18  A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Child My Day as a Pilgrim  Include at least 5 of the following pages:  Getting dressed  Morning chores  Breakfast  Work & dinner  Afternoon chores  Evening meal  Bedtime

19  Education Lesson 5

20  Education

21  All about our school: How many students are in our class? How old are the kids in our class? How many classes are in our grade? How many grades are in our school? What do we learn in school? What do we write on? What do we read?

22  New England Colonies: Every town with more than 100 families had to hire one schoolmaster to teach grammar school. Only boys from wealthy families were allowed. Education

23  Middle Colonies: Colonists set up private schools based on their religions. Girls were not allowed to attend unless they were Quakers. Education

24  Southern Colonies: Children were taught at home by private tutors. When they became teenagers, they went to college in New England or were sent to Europe. Girls did not attend school. Education

25  What did pilgrim children learn in school?  “The Three Rs” R eading ‘R iting ‘R ithmetic  Obedience  Manners  Religious beliefs  Skills they needed for daily life Education

26   Boys  Latin  Farming  Raising cattle  Hunting  How to use and clean a gun properly  Girls  Sewing  Spinning  Weaving  Food preparation  Food preservation Education What did pilgrim children learn in school?

27  Education What did pilgrim children do? 4:00 do chores 12:00 lunch 5:00 eat breakfast 1:00 math 6:00 walk to school 2:00 learn manners 7:00 school begins 3:00 copy sentences 8:00 recite poems 4:00 walk home 9:00 read from Bible 5:00 do chores 10:00 recess 6:00 supper 11:00 penmanship 7:00 homework 8:00 bedtime

28  One-room schoolhouse Clapboard or log buildings Large fireplace at one end Education

29  Some schoolhouses had double desks. Others had shelves along the walls that served as desks. Education

30  Let’s read! Education

31  The first book from which the colonial children learned was not really a book at all. It was a thin piece of wood about five inches long with a handle. This wood was covered with a thin piece of paper attached around the edges with a thin sheet of clear horn. The handle had a hole through which string was strung. The hornbook was worn around the neck or hung by the side. On the paper was printed the alphabet, alphabet letter combinations, Lord's Prayer and Roman numerals.

32  Education

33  Trace the template on tag board. Cut it out. Use your best handwriting to write the alphabet and the vowels on the cardstock. Trace the template on wax paper. Cut it out. Glue the top of the wax paper to the top of the tag board. Punch a hole in the handle and attach a string. Decorate the back to make it look like wood.

34  Create a Venn Diagram to compare education then and now. ThenNow Education

35  ThenNow Education Using your Venn Diagram, complete these sentences: Education in Colonial Times is similar to education today because __________________________________________________________________. Education in Colonial Times differs from education today because __________________________________________________________________.

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