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Jami Ellington Landscape Design 3 rd pd Mr. McKie November 20, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Jami Ellington Landscape Design 3 rd pd Mr. McKie November 20, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jami Ellington Landscape Design 3 rd pd Mr. McKie November 20, 2002

2 Temperature: The optimum temperature range for growing Bahia grass is 77- 86 degrees F. Color: Bahia grass has a medium to dark green color with semi-wide blades, and a running root system. Soil: Bahia grass will grow on a wide range of soils, and is naturally adapted to sandy or light textured soils, and it can also grow well on wet clay soils. Climate: It is found in sunny, warm, humid climates where little water is needed.

3 1. Bahia grass is tropical to subtropical low growing, creeping grass. 2. It Is valued for its dense cover, easy productivity, and good establishment. 3. This type of grass can also be used for erosion control and a good livestock feeder. 4. Bahia grass is very shade tolerant, salt tolerant, and very resistance against drought. 5. It is a very vigorous, aggressive grass during it growing season.

4 6. Bahia grass is dormant during the winter, and will not return until early spring. 7. The cost of Bahia grass seeds are expensive, 5lbs cost $16.95, 10lbs cost $26.95, and 25 lbs cost 52.95.

5 Bahia grass was discovered in the coastal Gulf of Florida panhandle and has since grown into one major pasture grasses. This grass is a full sun, high heat, drought resistant, easily seeded establisher. It can grow in shadier conditions than most warm season grasses. The fertility rates for Bahia grass is lower than any other foraging grasses and it can withstand heavy herd trampling and recover from overgrazing rather quickly.


7 You can mostly find Bahia grass in Zone 4 which is the warm regions. As you can see from the map that the warm region is the southern part of the United States. The other map shows exactly in which states Bahia grass is located. Bahiagrass is a good all-around purpose grass that has increased in use due to it's ability to survive period of drought. It is also a relatively low maintenance grass with less disease and insect problems than some of the other warm season grasses.

8 The states are North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, portions of Texas and California.

9 Bahia grass is used in various ways but mostly used for feeding livestock in hay forms.

10 Most of the time, Bahia grass is found in many places. With it’s incredible growing rate and it’s ability to grow on almost any type of soil, Bahia grass is one of the most common grasses in the United States.


12 That’s all YA’LL !

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