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INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2011-12 Budget Worksession July 11, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2011-12 Budget Worksession July 11, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2011-12 Budget Worksession July 11, 2011

2 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Requested Action Presentation Outline

3 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Requested Action Presentation Outline

4 I-Drive CRA Created in 1998 Finding of Transportation-Related Blight Background

5 Convention Center Investment Infrastructure Improvements Economic Development Background


7 Community Redevelopment Plan Adopted CRA Trust Fund Created CRA Advisory Committee Formed in 2002 Background

8 CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Requested Action Presentation Outline

9 Recommends Priorities for Expenditure of Trust Fund Recommends Projects for Inclusion in Redevelopment Plan BCC has Final Approval of Expenditures CRA Advisory Committee

10 International Drive Master Transit and Improvement District International Drive Resort Area Chamber of Commerce ETC of Central Florida, Inc. Tangelo Park Civic Association Universal Boulevard POA 2 At-Large Representatives CRA Advisory Committee

11 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Presentation Outline

12 I-Drive Resort Area Directional Signage SCOOT System N. International Drive Sidewalk Improvements I-Drive Area Sidewalk Improvements Completed Projects

13 COMPLETED PROJECTS Tangelo Park Pedestrian and Traffic Calming Improvements Westwood Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Pedestrian Assessment Completed Projects

14 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Presentation Outline

15 Summary: Capital Improvement Projects $13.4M Future Capital Outlay $28.3M Total: $41.7M Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget

16 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Other Projects Requested Action Presentation Outline

17 BCC/CRA Approved Capital Program in September 2006 and July 2009 – John Young Parkway – Destination Parkway – International Drive – I-Drive Transit Lanes – I-Drive Pedestrian Bridge Budget Overview

18 John Young Parkway Budget Overview

19 John Young Parkway Widen From 4 to 6 Lanes Add Continuous Right Turn Lanes SR 528 to Florida’s Turnpike Construction

20 Destination Parkway Budget Overview

21 Destination Parkway Budget Overview New 4-Lane Roadway International Drive to John Young Parkway Enhanced Convention Center Access Public/Private Partnership Construction

22 International Drive Budget Overview

23 International Drive Budget Overview Widen From 4 to 6 Lanes Westwood Boulevard (S) to Westwood Boulevard (N) Intersection Improvements at Central Florida Parkway Design/Construction

24 BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget Overview I-Drive Transit Lanes 12 ft. lanes East and West Side 2.8 mile corridor Utilize existing bus pullouts and right-turn lanes Right-of-Way Donations Necessary Design

25 BUDGET OVERVIEW I-Drive Pedestrian Bridge Elevated Pedestrian Crossing at Convention Center West Concourse High Pedestrian Activity Design Budget Overview

26 BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget Overview SCOOT System Expansion Additional Intersection System Upgrades Infrastructure Improvements Design/Installation

27 BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget Overview Tangelo Park Improvements Additional Traffic Calming Pedestrian Improvements Design/Construction

28 BUDGET OVERVIEWBudget Overview Pedestrian Enhancements Throughout CRA Pedestrian Assessment Sidewalks Safety Improvements Design/Construction

29 Budget Overview PROJECTFY 11-12 Budget John Young Parkway$2.7M Destination Parkway$7.5M International Drive$0.8M I-Drive Transit Lanes$0.07M I-Drive Pedestrian Bridge$1.4M SCOOT System Expansion$0.14M Tangelo Park Pedestrian - Traffic Calming$0.05M Pedestrian Enhancements – throughout CRA$0.75M TOTAL$13.4M

30 Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget –Continues funding the approved Capital Program (2006 and 2009) –Additional Projects include  SCOOT System Expansion  Tangelo Park Improvements  Pedestrian Enhancements Budget Overview

31 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2011-12 Budget Budget Overview Requested Action Presentation Outline

32 Adoption of the CRA Resolution to approve and adopt the proposed FY 2011-12 budget for the International Drive CRA. Requested Action

33 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2011-12 Budget Worksession July 11, 2011

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