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1 6 th European Alcohol Policy Conference 27 th November 2014 Kate O’Regan Project and Policy Officer Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)

2 About ECL Pan-European umbrella organisation created in 1980 based in Brussels, Belgium Members are cancer organisations at national level across wider Europe ECL member leagues have a combined income of over 700 million Euro (US$1,209,000,000), over 6,000 staff members and more than half a million volunteers in their fight against cancer. We serve as a source of information on canceron initiatives set up at the European level, on EU decisions o and legislations related to cancer, o on the status of various o European on-going projects that all seek to fight cancer. ECL serves as a platform of exchange of best practices, where members learn from each others' experiences.

3 Alcohol can cause cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus, breast, colorectum and the liver Alcohol and Cancer: the facts Source: The Irish Cancer Society Source:

4 Source: Irish Cancer Society Five drinks a day increases the risk of mouth, throat and digestive system cancers by over 100% 1 in 4 of male deaths between 15-29 years are due to alcohol Alcohol is a risk factor in some 60 diseases Taking all diseases and injuries at global level into account, the negative health impact of alcohol consumption is 31.6 times higher than benefit Alcohol and Cancer: the facts

5 Europe has the highest drinking levels in the world, the highest alcohol per capita consumption and the highest alcohol- related harm problems. Chronic diseases, to which alcohol is the 3rd main cause, are expected to cost global economy over 30 trillion USD over the next two decades. Alcohol related harm costs the EU €155.8 billion annually Alcohol and cancer: the facts Source: Drug and Alcohol Information and Support Ireland

6 Classed as Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Alcohol and tobacco together are estimated to account for about 75% of oral cancer cases in Europe Two drinks a day increases the risk of bowel cancer by 10% - 20% One drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer by 7% Alcohol and Cancer: the facts Source: Drug and Alcohol Information and Support Ireland

7 Alcohol and Cancer: the facts In womenIn men Source: Bagnardi K Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Cancer

8 ECL works with Eurocare to: Reduce alcohol related harm Increase awareness on the health risks associated with alcohol consumption Educate and inform the public Support the call for an EU Strategy on Alcohol Policy action is needed!

9 Cancer leagues take action at National level Example: Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark Source:Dutch, Danish and Swiss Cancer Society

10 The Irish Cancer Society actively engage in dialogue with the Government on alcohol issues Hosted May 2013 European Week Against Cancer Conference on Healthy Lifestyles, subtheme Alcohol Prevention – global coverage Cancer leagues take action at National level Example: Ireland Source: Irish Cancer Society

11 Cancer leagues take action at National level Example: Irish Cancer Society raises awareness Source: Irish Cancer Society Interdepartmental Working Group on alcohol Now awaiting a new Public Health ( Alcohol) Bill

12 A joint initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the European Commission Twelve simple messages on how to reduce your risk of cancer through lifestyle changes /adaptations An updated recommendation on alcohol consumption has been included ECL welcomes the new European Code against Cancer Source: Association of European Cancer Leagues

13 ECL welcomes the new European Code against Cancer 6. If you drink alcohol of any type, limit your intake. Not drinking alcohol is better for cancer prevention Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Successful cancer prevention requires these individual actions to be supported by governmental policies and actions.

14 Key learnings Alcohol should be included in all policies, including cancer policy This link is too often overlooked or unknown Citizens have the right to know about the risks associated with alcohol consumption EU (and National) policy should protect the rights and health of citizens via a comprehensive alcohol strategy

15 Thank you European Week Against Cancer is May 25-31 each year

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