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Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities Welcome by SCE Introductions Name Position (SCT, SC, DC, CET, ETC) Location Instructors 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities Welcome by SCE Introductions Name Position (SCT, SC, DC, CET, ETC) Location Instructors 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities Welcome by SCE Introductions Name Position (SCT, SC, DC, CET, ETC) Location Instructors 1

2 Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities Housekeeping Items (phones, breaks, etc.) Sign-in sheet Networking information Evaluations 2 What are you looking at?

3 3 Class ParticipationClass ProblemsAttendance is Required (Sign-in sheet) Critical Elements

4 4 Provide field personnel the basics concerning inspection and quality assurance activities for conservation practices Improve documentation of the quality of construction of conservation practices Emphasize safety for field employees including construction activity Purpose

5 5 The participant workbook is for training only. Information from reference manuals should be current, but the most current version can be found online. Participant Workbook

6 6 The last two section are design packets as examples and for use in answering class problems. Add the 11x17 drawings to these sections. Information in the design packets may be examples of good or bad designs. The class problems will identify this. Participant Workbook

7 7 Any of the electronic worksheets used for instruction will be available upon request. URL’s or instructions for obtaining files will be in the handouts. Other files will be provided upon request. Electronic Files

8 8 Times are shown on the agenda in order to provide guidelines to the instructor of each topic, however The schedule is flexible and topics will be fully explained before moving to the next item. ASK QUESTIONS Write down 2 questions The Agenda

9 Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities 9 OMG! DBPP LOL

10 Course Objectives Upon course completion participants should be able to: 1.Identify the importance of construction inspection/quality assurance 2.Identify the critical elements of construction requiring inspection from the plans and specifications 3.Understand the requirements and benefits of good record keeping (notes and pictures) 4.Recognize potential changes to the plans and specifications based on site conditions and construction methods 10

11 Course Objectives (continued) 5.Explain and ensure adherence to construction specifications 6.Understand procedures for acceptance of materials and inspection tools/methods for earthwork and concrete 7.Understand contract documentation requirements 8.Explain proper methods of installing pipe and appurtenances 9.Understand safety policy and identify unsafe conditions or construction practices 11

12 Course Content 12 A.Safety B.Record Keeping and Documentation C.NRCS Technical Assistance and the Role of the Inspector D.Earthwork Quality Assurance E. Concrete Installation Quality Assurance

13 Course Content (continued) 13 F. Pipe and Appurtenances Installation G. Surveys and Quantities H. Miscellaneous Practices and Installation I. Student Presentations - Discussions

14 Construction Inspection for Field Office Activities – Instructor Introduction 14

15 Why is Construction Inspection/ Quality Assurance needed? 15

16 Why is Construction Inspection/ Quality Assurance needed? 16 “An entirely safe and substantial design may be entirely ruined by careless and shoddy execution, and the failure of the structure may possibly be the result. Careful attention to the details of construction is, therefore, fully as important as the investigation and design.” – Justin, 1932

17 Reasons for Construction Inspection/Quality Assurance To insure that a project is installed at the location and to the dimensions and grades using the construction materials specified in the plan. To verify work complies with the contract requirements or minimum (eFOTG) standards. Required for completion certification. 17

18 Quality Assurance National Engineering Manual (NEM) NEM 512.31(B) Activities performed by or for the owner including: observing construction methods and procedures, reviewing quality control testing activities of the Contractor, conducting material testing to evaluate Contractor’s quality control system, and other measures to ensure compliance with the contract provisions. 18

19 19 Construction Inspector?


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