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BRICS Network University Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES)

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Presentation on theme: "BRICS Network University Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRICS Network University Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) Ekaterinburg, April 2016

2 How the Brazilian Universities were selected?  National public call: December 2015  Brazil has selected: -12 proposals -9 universities (graduate programs graded 6 and 7, according to CAPES’ evaluation)  Final result: March 2016  Applications: 40

3 Graduate Programs 6 and 7 Grades 6 and 7 reserved for PhD must meet two conditions: Equivalent performance to international level of excellence in the area Highly differentiated level of performance in relation to the national ranking in the area Graduate Programs: Grade Scale 5 6 7 1 and 2 = Not Approved 3 to 5 = Approved Programs 6 and 7 = Approved Programs: International excellence 123 456 7

4 Brazilian selected universities Computer Science and Information Security UFMG UFRGS Ecology and Climate Change INPA UFF + USP Economics UFMG UNICAMP + UFRJ Energy UFSC + USP and UFRGS UFV BRICS Studies UNICAMP + UFRJ and UFRGS PUC/RIO Water Resources and Pollution Treatment UFMG UFRJ

5 Computer Science and Information Security UFMG UFRGS Ecology and Climate Changes INPA UFF/USP Economics UFMG UNICAMP/UFRJ Energy UFSC/USP/UFRGS UFV UNICAMP/UFRJ/UFRGS PUC-RIO Water Resources and Pollution Treatment UFMG UFRJ BRICS Studies 40 submitted projects 12 approved projects Brazilian selected universities

6 Computer science and information security 1.Federal University of Minas Gerais 2.Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Ecology and climate change 1.National Institute for Amazonian Research 2.Fluminense Federal University * University of São Paulo Economics 1.University of Campinas 2.Federal University of Minas Gerais * Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Ministry of Education Brazilian selected universities

7 Energy 1.Federal University of Santa Catarina * University of São Paulo * Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Federal University of Viçosa 2. Federal University of Viçosa BRICS studies 1.University of Campinas * Federal University of Rio de Janeiro * Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro 2. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Water resources and pollution treatment 1.Federal University of Minas Gerais 2.Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Ministry of Education Brazilian selected universities

8 Founded in 1927 Located at Belo Horizonte – Brazil’s Southeast Region 2.929 Professors 4.299 Staff 75 undergraduate, 77 Master and 63 Doctorate Courses 32.242 Undergraduate Students 16.368 Graduate Students (4.683 Masters, 4.230 Doctorate, 7.034 Continued Education) Ministry of Education Federal University of Minas Gerais

9 Founded on November 28, 1934 (unifying Colleges from 1895) Location: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State = Southern Brazil Faculty: 2,864 Staff: 2,731 Number undergraduate / graduate courses: 95 / 314 Number undergraduate / graduate students: 31,280 / 11,327 Number Masters / Doctor students: 5,752 / 5,575 office-relinter office-relinter Ministry of Education Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

10 Founded on July 28, 1952 Location – Manaus, Amazonas / Northern Brazil. 160 Professors 460 Staff No undergraduate and 10 graduate courses. No undergraduate students 590 graduate students (210 Masters, 380 Doctorate) Website - Ministry of Education National Institute for Amazonian Research

11 Foundation: 1960 / 1934 Location: Rio de Janeiro / São Paulo Professors: 3,579 / 6,090 Staff: 4,471 / 17,192 129 undergraduate and 77 graduate courses / 94 undergraduate and 255 graduate courses 52,558 Undergraduate Students UFF 59,081 Undergraduate Students USP 6,305 Graduate Students UFF (4,121 M - 2,184 D) 30,038 Graduate Students USP(14,130 M - 15,908 D) and Ministry of Education Fluminense Federal University São Paulo University

12 Founded on 1966 Located in Campinas-SP (100 Km from São Paulo) 1,800 Professors (99% with PhD) 8,500 Staff 66 undergraduate and 153 graduate courses. 18,000 Undergraduate Students 18,000 Graduate Students (# Masters. # Doctorate) Ministry of Education University of Campinas

13 Founded on December 18, 1960 (unifying Colleges from 1917) Location: Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State = Southern Brazil Faculty: 2,290 Staff: 3,174 Number undergraduate / graduate courses: 116 / 157 Number undergraduate / graduate students: 28,792 / 16,917 Number Masters / Doctor students: 5,323 / 3,676 intercambistas/?lang=en intercambistas/?lang=en Ministry of Education Federal University of Santa Catarina

14 Founded in 1922 Location: Viçosa, Minas Gerais 1281 Professors 2410 Staff 67 undergraduate and 48 graduate courses (25 PhD) 14000 undergraduate students 3000 graduate students (1600 Masters, 1400 Doctorate) Website – Ministry of Education Federal University of Viçosa

15 Founded: 1940 Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Faculty: 1.341 Staff: 1.790 Number of Undergraduate courses: 47 Number of undergraduate students: 12.974 students Number of Graduate courses: 31 Master programs and 25 Doctorate programs Number of Graduate students: 1.451 Masters students and 1.167 Doctorate students Website: - Ministry of Education Pontifical Catholic University Rio de Janeiro

16 Founded on 1920 Location / Brazilian region Rio de Janeiro/ Southeast 5.000 Professors 9.330 Staff 39 undergraduate and 345 graduate courses. 46.000 Undergraduate Students + 3.124 (distance learning) 11.542 Graduate Students (6.004 Masters. 5.538 Doctorate) Website Ministry of Education Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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