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Medieval Europe World History "Two things define your success in life: (1) The way you manage when you have nothing; (2) The way you behave when you have.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Europe World History "Two things define your success in life: (1) The way you manage when you have nothing; (2) The way you behave when you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Europe World History "Two things define your success in life: (1) The way you manage when you have nothing; (2) The way you behave when you have everything.“ Islamic Quote

2 Today’s Objectives: SWBAT….. Explain major events and the impact on Medieval Europe.

3 Agenda/Homework Collect summary questions Complete Medieval Stations activities Major Events - 3*2*1 notes - video clips - Black Death reading - Magna Carta reading

4 THE MIDDLE AGES Major Events 500 A.D. – 1500 A.D.


6 NOBLES/LORDS  Kings gave Nobles (Barons, Dukes, Lords) the power to govern the manors.  Nobles were in charge of court and trials  Nobles punished people found guilty  Nobles gave serfs permission to leave the manor  Nobles had complete control laws and the daily lives of people living on the manor.

7 NOBLES V. THE KING  In England, the King wanted his power back  The King set up courts under his jurisdiction (legal authority)  This took power from the nobles  Nobles wanted to keep their power.

8 MAGNA CARTA, 1215  Nobles made King John sign a document at Runnymede.  The document was called the Magna Carta  Magna Carta gave nobles back their power  This means the king loses some power and now shares powers with nobles  England ruled my a limited monarchy  The nobles met and in time became the legislature called Parliament

9 MAGNA CARTA   Many ideals of the Magna Carta can be found in the U.S. Constitution


11 THE CHURCH  The Church had economic power.  The church owned on average 1/3 of the land on the manor  The Church got money through tithing (money given by the congregation)

12 THE CHURCH  The Church had political power  The Church is at its most powerful  The Church was led by popes.  Popes were more powerful than kings!  The Church had its own laws and courts  Inquisition - courts  Heresy- crime  Burned at the stake - punishment  Some parish priests ran schools.

13 THE CHURCH  4FC1&index=8 4FC1&index=8

14 THE CRUSADES  The Crusades were battles between Christians and Muslims.  They were fighting over the Holy Land - Jerusalem

15 THE CRUSADES  Palestine was under control of the Byzantine Empire.  In the 1050’s the Turks invaded the Byzantine empire  The Turks were Muslim  The Muslim Turks took over Palestine, Holy land.  The Muslims and Jews also considered Jerusalem their Holy Land.  The Pope called for a crusade to get back the Holy Land

16 REASONS FOR THE CRUSADES  The Pope wanted to increase his power  Christians believed it was their duty to fight for the Holy Land  Nobles wanted to gain wealth.  Some people like travel and excitement  Serfs hoped to escape oppression

17 THE BLACK DEATH  Known as the bubonic plague  A highly infectious disease spread by the fleas on rats.  Started in China  An epidemic that spread from country to country.  Spread by rats on ships bringing goods to trade.

18 THE BLACK DEATH  In six years the plague killed over 25 million people in Europe.  That’s one person out of every three


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