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Pollinator Stewardship: Protecting Bees with Safe and Responsible Use

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Presentation on theme: "Pollinator Stewardship: Protecting Bees with Safe and Responsible Use"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollinator Stewardship: Protecting Bees with Safe and Responsible Use
VUONG, Nguyen Truong Crop Protection Stewardship Manager Naypyitaw, Myanmar February 24, 2016 Classification: PUBLIC

2 Introducing Syngenta The importance of bees About NNIs
Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

3 Syngenta: Integrating technologies...
Corn Soybean Cereals Diverse Field Crops Specialty Crops Vegetables Sugar cane Rice Crop Protection Seeds and traits Seed care Lawn and Garden ...with the broadest portfolio in the industry Classification: PUBLIC

4 Eforia/Alika insecticide
Corn seed Virtako insecticide Ortiva fungicide Gramoxone herbicide Veg seed Eforia/Alika insecticide Anvil fungicide Sofit herbicide Karate insecticide Classification: PUBLIC

5 Helping growers meet the challenges of global food security
Our ambition is to bring greater food security in an environmentally sustainable way to an increasingly populous world by creating a worldwide step-change in farm productivity large-scale farms >100 Ha 450M smallholder farms ~2.0 Ha Classification: PUBLIC

6 The Good Growth Plan One planet. Six commitments.
by increasing the average productivity of the world’s major crops by 20% without using more land, water or inputs by improving the fertility of 10 million hectares of farmland on the brink of degradation by enhancing biodiversity on 5 million hectares of farmland by reaching 20 million smallholders and enabling them to increase productivity by 50% by training 20 million farm workers on labor safety, especially in developing countries by striving for fair labor conditions throughout our entire supply chain. One planet. Six commitments. Classification: PUBLIC

7 The importance of bees Introducing Syngenta About NNIs
Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

8 The importance of insects in crop pollination
of this, 87% 80% crop species require insect pollination from bees Classification: PUBLIC

9 The Importance of Pollination: Food Security and Economy
30% of global food production depends on bees $120- $220bn global economic value Classification: PUBLIC

10 Syngenta and our customers depend on bees.
Classification: PUBLIC

11 About NNIs Introducing Syngenta The importance of bees
Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

12 Type of insecticide used to control sucking pest insects
Benefits of TMX Type of insecticide used to control sucking pest insects SEED SOIL FOLIAR Current Future Classification: PUBLIC

13 The importance of NNIs to modern agriculture
Less toxic More effective Lower dose OLD CHEMISTRY More toxic Less effective Higher dose Classification: PUBLIC

14 How NNIs work Pest insect ingests, inhales or touches product containing NNI NNI acts on a specific protein in the brain of pest insects Permanently stops pest insects from being able to feed Classification: PUBLIC

15 NNIs can harm bees if not used properly
(as can many insecticides) Direct spray onto crops where bees are foraging is the biggest risk on small farms Dust from treated seeds is a risk on large farms where planters are used Classification: PUBLIC

16 Simple stewardship Introducing Syngenta The importance of bees
About NNIs Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

17 Understand the Label Classification: PUBLIC

18 Get to know local beekeepers
Know where their hives are located Learn how bees benefit the crop Classification: PUBLIC Image source:

19 Don’t spray when bees are present
Learn when and where bees are foraging Don’t spray when bees are present Classification: PUBLIC

20 Maintain spraying equipment
Use the correct nozzle and spray pressure Minimize spray drift onto adjacent fields and flowering weeds Don’t spray if there is wind present Classification: PUBLIC Image source;:

21 Provide alternate habitat for bees off the crop, such as flower strips or weed margins
Classification: PUBLIC

22 In summary... Syngenta’s Bee Ok Checklist
Classification: PUBLIC

23 Syngenta pollinator initiatives
Introducing Syngenta The importance of bees About NNIs Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

24 Syngenta Supporting Pollinators in Asia Pacific
Localised research projects Safe Use Training Partnership Operation Pollinator Hives on Farms BeeConnected Classification: PUBLIC

25 Krishi Vikas Aivam Mahila Uthan Samiti
A N Z A S E A N C N N E A Kofu City Ag Committee (Snow Brand Seeds) S A Karnal KVK Krishi Vikas Aivam Mahila Uthan Samiti Classification: INTERNAL USE ONLY

26 Q&A Introducing Syngenta The importance of bees About TMX
Simple stewardship Syngenta pollinator initiatives Q&A Classification: PUBLIC

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