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Development of Curriculum and Syllabi in Tanzania A paper presented during the Heads of Secondary schools meeting Organized by CSSC at St. Gasper Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Curriculum and Syllabi in Tanzania A paper presented during the Heads of Secondary schools meeting Organized by CSSC at St. Gasper Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Curriculum and Syllabi in Tanzania A paper presented during the Heads of Secondary schools meeting Organized by CSSC at St. Gasper Conference Hall, Dodoma 10 th Dec. 2013 By: Juliana B. Mosi Tanzania Institute of Education December 2013

2 Outline  Background  The key Roles of TIE  Development of framework and core- curriculum  Development of curriculum support materials  Training of stakeholders  M & E of curriculum  Conclusion.

3 Background  The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT).  Originally, it was established by the Act No. 13 of 1963 under the then University College of Dar es Salaam.  In 1975, the parliament passed the Act No. 13 Article 4 that established IE as a corporate body under the then Ministry of Educ & Culture (MoEC) and independent of the UDSM.

4 The Key Roles of TIE  Curriculum design and Development  TIE is responsible for design and development of curricula for pre-primary, primary, secondary and teacher education levels  Design and development of T/L Materials  Conduct training programmes for teachers and other stakeholders  Provide technical and professional advice to government through the ministry on matters related to curriculum and educational reforms.

5 Development of Curriculum  The process entails several features like development of the roadmap and action plan for the particular activities.  Development of the activity proposal- e.g curriculum review proposal.  Documentary review of the existing relevant information from local and international sources for information update.  Field work for further data collection

6 Contn…  Research report writing and dissemination to different groups of stakeholders.  Thus, several stages are involved: Planning, Needs assessment, curr. framework devt & core curriculum, devt of syllabi, devt of T/L resources, sensitization &capacity building, piloting/testing, process review & improvement, wide scale implementation, M&E.

7 Contn…  Curric. can be defined as a set of courses, course work and content offered at school/college/university. Simply a course of study.  Everything a learner undergoes on with- in the school, including extra-curricula activities, guidance, and interpersonal relationships.  Is a guide for education provision, management and supervision at various educational levels.

8 Contn…  Its content includes background information about a particular doc. & targeted level  Education Policy statement & related ones  Aims and objectives of education in Tanzania  The structure of education in Tanzania  The structure of the curriculum content- Learning areas and subjects

9 Contn…  Required resources and standards  Teaching methodology /approaches  Assessment of students achievement  The syllabus – prelims, competences, objectives, topics, s/topics, specific objectives, T/L strategies, T/L resources, assessment, number of periods.

10 Development of Curr. Support Materials  Teaching guides (for teachers) for all subjects in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools.  Practical manuals for secondary schools.  Modules for teacher trainees in T.Cs  Module on teaching strategies for pre-primary schools.  Subject teaching aid kits and charts for pre-and primary schools.  Textbooks for primary and secondary schools.

11 Trainings  According to Act No. 13 of 1975, TIE has the mandate to conduct trainings and issue certificates, diplomas and other relevant awards on subjects within its competence.  Continuing education programmes including: In-service training to teachers and other stakeholders Short courses in various areas. Post-graduate diploma in curr. design & devt.

12 Monitoring & Evaluation of curriculum  Is done periodically during curriculum piloting and implementation  Provides data on relevance and effectiveness of the implemented curriculum  Creates room for decision making whether to maintain, to review or to change the existing curriculum  Different stakeholders are involved, teachers, learners, parents, school inspectors, examiners, curriculum developers, policy markers, employers,

13 Conclusion  Curriculum development is a long and dynamic process  It takes on board the involvement and participation of stakeholders at each stage for its success and acceptance by the key actors & implementers.  Any curriculum review or change is supported by research findings and observations.  Every legitimate stakeholder in the process has the key role to play and ensure its effectiveness.

14 The End Thank you for Listening

15 Group Work a) Try to assign the key role in curriculum design and development to each of the following key groups. b) Show who are the direct or indirect stakeholders. 1.Teachers 2. Curriculum developers 3.Learners 4. Parents 5. policy markers 6. School inspectors 7. Examiners 8. Textbook publishers 9. Head of schools 10. District education officers 11. Special needs group 12.Researchers and university lecturers. 13. Book publshers. 14.Employers and business group.

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