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1.What European nations imperialized Africa? 2.Who were the Boers? 3.How did the Zulus respond to European imperialism? 4.Why were Liberia and Ethiopia.

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Presentation on theme: "1.What European nations imperialized Africa? 2.Who were the Boers? 3.How did the Zulus respond to European imperialism? 4.Why were Liberia and Ethiopia."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.What European nations imperialized Africa? 2.Who were the Boers? 3.How did the Zulus respond to European imperialism? 4.Why were Liberia and Ethiopia the only African nations to remain free?

3 In the 1870s the Belgians began to trade with Africans in the Congo. King Leopold Fearing they would miss out on various raw materials, the other European nations scrambled to establish their presence on the continent.

4 In 1884, to avoid conflict amongst themselves, European leaders met at the Berlin Conference to set up rules for colonizing Africa. No Africans were invited. Berlin Conference

5 The Berlin Conference (1884) Meeting of European powers to carve out “spheres of influence” in Africa


7 Cape Colony In the mid-1600s, Dutch farmers known as Boers settled in southern Africa in Cape Colony. The Boers built Cape Town as a supply station. The Boers Cape Town Cape Colony Boers AFRICA But thenthe British come…

8 In the late 1800s, the discovery of gold and diamonds in the northern Boer territory set off the Anglo-Boer war. The war was from 1899-1902 and involved bitter guerrilla fighting. The British won, but at a great cost. The Anglo-Boer War British Boers




12 European Territory AFRICA Cape Town Cape Colony In 1910, with southern Africa secure, the British established the Republic of South Africa and instituted apartheid. Apartheid – government policy calling for separation of the races. South Africa

13 1867 diamond & gold deposits discovered in Boer territory 1890 Cecil Rhodes expands control of South Africa Annexes the Boar Republics Boers resist & fighting lasts from 1899-1902 1910 British form Union of South Africa( *Racial segregation until1993)


15 Britain France Germany Italy Portugal Belgium Spain Europeans In Africa By 1914

16 Britain’s claims in Africa were second in size only to France, but included heavily populated areas with greater natural resources. British Territory Britain controlled Egypt because of its strategic location.

17 France was very powerful in North Africa, and later spread into West and Central Africa. The territory France controlled was as large as the United States. French Territory

18 The newly formed German empire had to fight many battles against African natives to take lands in the southern half of Africa. German Territory Germany would lose its colonial territories after its loss in World War I.

19 The Italians crossed the Mediterranean and conquered Libya. They then took Somaliland in the horn of Africa, but were beaten badly by the Ethiopians. Italian Territory

20 King Leopold and other wealthy Belgians exploited the riches of the Congo, and brutalized the natives. Many Africans were enslaved, beaten, and killed. Belgium Territory

21 C:\Users\Owner\Documents\BHS 2008-2009\CWP\Genocide Presentations\The Berlin Conference\Berlin Conference\BBC NEWS Africa King Leopold's legacy of DR Congo violence.mht Of the Europeans who scrambled for control of Africa at the end of the 19th century, Belgium's King Leopold II left arguably the largest and most horrid legacy of all. While the Great Powers competed for territory elsewhere, the king of one of Europe's smallest countries carved his own private colony out of 100km2 of Central African rainforest. While the Great Powers competed for territory elsewhere, the king of one of Europe's smallest countries carved his own private colony out of 100km2 of Central African rainforest. He claimed he was doing it to protect the "natives" from Arab slavers, and to open the heart of Africa to Christian missionaries, and Western capitalists. He claimed he was doing it to protect the "natives" from Arab slavers, and to open the heart of Africa to Christian missionaries, and Western capitalists. While the Great Powers competed for territory elsewhere, the king of one of Europe's smallest countries carved his own private colony out of 100km2 of Central African rainforest. While the Great Powers competed for territory elsewhere, the king of one of Europe's smallest countries carved his own private colony out of 100km2 of Central African rainforest. He claimed he was doing it to protect the "natives" from Arab slavers, and to open the heart of Africa to Christian missionaries, and Western capitalists. He claimed he was doing it to protect the "natives" from Arab slavers, and to open the heart of Africa to Christian missionaries, and Western capitalists. King Leopold II left arguably the largest and most horrid legacy Congolese that didn’t cooperate or didn’t produce enough wealth had their hands chopped off He turned his "Congo Free State" into a massive labour camp, made a fortune for himself from the harvest of its wild rubber, and contributed in a large way to the death of perhaps 10 million innocent people.

22 Although the leaders of the old imperialism, the African claims of the Portuguese and Spanish were minimal. Portuguese Territory Spanish Territory

23 Liberia

24 After the slave trade was outlawed, abolitionists in the United States promoted the idea of returning freed slaves to Africa. Independent Africans In the early 1800s, President Monroe helped free slaves settle in Liberia. The former slaves named the capital city Monrovia in his honor. President Monroe

25 Ethiopia Menelik

26 Independent Africans The Ethiopians kept their freedom through a successful military resistance. Emperor Menelik II modernized the army, along with roads, bridges, and schools. When the Italians invaded they were defeated so badly by Menelik that no other Europeans tried to take Ethiopia.

27 Positive ResultsNegative Results 2. Improved medical care, sanitation, and nutrition 2. Created population explosion  famine 3. Increased agricultural production 3. Produced cash crops needed by Europeans, and not food for Africans 4. Improved transportation and communication facilities 4. Exploited natural resources: minerals, lumber, rubber, human rights. 5. Expanded educational opportunities 5. Downgraded traditional African culture  westernization

28 BritainFranceGermanyBelgium Home Area (Square Miles) 94,000212,600210,00011,800 Home Population (Millions) 45.54267.58.3 Global Colonial Area (Millions of Sq. Miles) Global Colonial Population (Millions) 4706513 European Imperialism by 1914

29 RegionPercentage Colonized Australia100% Africa90.4% Asia56.5% Americas27.2% European Imperialism by 1914

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