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German American Partnership Program All about GAPP.

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Presentation on theme: "German American Partnership Program All about GAPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 German American Partnership Program All about GAPP

2 Why GAPP? Improve German Meet new people, make new friends Learn about German Culture To challenge yourself

3 Prerequisites Minimum 2 years of German. Participation is based on demand and an interview. Students in German 3 and 4 are given priority. Must host a German student. Must be taking German when hosting.

4 GAPP Requirements Speak German while in Germany (absolut kein Englisch!) Spend10 days in school at the Johann-Gottfried- Herder-Gymnasium Spend 3 weeks in Halle GAPP is a two-year commitment: we travel in odd years (June-July) and host in even years (January- February)

5 What do we do in Halle? Give presentations about American life. (In German) Attend homeroom daily. Participate in scheduled events.

6 What about Halle?

7 What about Halle In the state of Sachsen-Anhalt (Former East Germany) Population of 250,000

8 What about Halle? 1st mentioned in year 806 Is on the river Saale Salt springs brought wealth, thus it was named Halle

9 Exchange Facts: 2009 The 09 group leaving for Germany

10 Halle

11 A Warm Welcome

12 The official reception. Our official reception into Halle, given by the principal of the school. (Notice the shirts)

13 The Shirts Shirts were given to us by our exchange partners, a ‘club’ t- shirt of sorts.


15 Linett and Annika Giving their presentations on American food, all in German of course.

16 Andreas and Dean attending class

17 GAPP and Herder Students Making friends and enjoying a game of “Ninja”

18 Welcome BBQ A group of GAPP students and Germans hanging out around the fire.

19 Hanging out At a playground

20 Meeting new kids at Lunch

21 Visiting Magdeburg

22 The Trips

23 An imposing statue Part of the Völkerschlagsdenkmal

24 The Human Hamster Wheel An exhibit at the Century Tower Elbauernpark

25 Another demo... At the century tower

26 An old-style German Windmill Part of the open air museum, a small town full of preserved German buildings

27 This mural is made entirely of Meissen porcelain tiles!

28 Annika and Bryan... Sitting in an old German style home, also in the open air Museum

29 Harrison takes a picture Of the Hundertwasserhaus in Magdeburg.

30 At a pebble beach on the Baltic Sea

31 Students biking At Hiddensee

32 Another tour... A tour of a newspaper facility

33 An open air market... in Stralsund

34 Out on the town. Some free time at the Lübeck marketplace.

35 The bikes at Hiddensee A selection of bikes from Hiddensee, the resort island.

36 The view at Hiddensee A view of one of the Hiddensee roads.

37 A tour of a geological institute at the university of Halle Rocks...

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