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May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012 Roger Swinbourne - AECOM Integrating sustainable decision making into urban development.

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Presentation on theme: "May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012 Roger Swinbourne - AECOM Integrating sustainable decision making into urban development."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012 Roger Swinbourne - AECOM Integrating sustainable decision making into urban development

2 Introduction May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 2 Introduction –Planning decisions –Emerging frameworks –Embedding more sustainable decisions –Case study

3 Planning decisions May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 3 Planning more sustainable outcomes:

4 Emerging Planning Frameworks Emerging planning and decision making frameworks: –Australian Green Infrastructure Council Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) –Green Building Council of Australia Green Star Communities Framework and rating tool –Major Cities Unit Urban Design Protocol for Australian Cities –Focus of state and regional strategies More commonly structuring around sustainability concepts May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 4

5 Emerging Planning Frameworks Implications : A common language with industry resonance A recognised set of principles and benchmarks Application : Project positioning and setting strategic priorities Design development and options assessment Major projects planning approvals documentation Project governance and reporting frameworks Benchmarking project elements Project rating May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 5

6 Case Study – Embedded decision making Marsden Park – Master Planning –An example of embedding sustainability considerations into a decision making framework –Utilised frameworks, technology, and stakeholder input –Applied across a design and planning methodology May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 6

7 Case Study – Embedded decision making PIA Congress 2012May 1, 2012Page 7

8 Case Study – Embedded decision making Application: Decision making support tool GIS based visual multi criteria analysis Easy to communicate Qualitative and quantitative factors Relevant through the development cycle May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 8 Sustainable Systems Integration Model (SSIM) SSIM enables you to evaluate the sustainability merits of alternative urban form and system solutions, using evidence based and transparent assessment.

9 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 9

10 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 10

11 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 11

12 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 12

13 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 13

14 Case Study – Embedded decision making PIA Congress 2012May 1, 2012Page 14

15 Case Study – Embedded decision making May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 15

16 Conclusions In summary Importance of embedding long term considerations Emergence of frameworks to guide planning decisions Current opportunities in technology to better inform decision making Role and responsibility of industry – if we are not planning for the future who is? May 1, 2012PIA Congress 2012Page 16

17 Thank you Roger Swinbourne Associate Director – Urban Sustainability Consultant

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