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NAPA, CALIFORNIA CONSOLIDATION STAKEHOLDER DISCUSSION Monday, September 13 th, 2010 Hosted by Yountville Community Center.

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Presentation on theme: "NAPA, CALIFORNIA CONSOLIDATION STAKEHOLDER DISCUSSION Monday, September 13 th, 2010 Hosted by Yountville Community Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAPA, CALIFORNIA CONSOLIDATION STAKEHOLDER DISCUSSION Monday, September 13 th, 2010 Hosted by Yountville Community Center

2 International Association of Chiefs of Police Background/History  World’s oldest and largest police professional organization  Founded in 1893, St. Louis, Missouri  20,000 police leaders as members (January 2010)  Representation from 105 countries  Created FBI NCIC, fingerprint systems (1920’s)  Created the National Model Policy Center (1970’s)  Created the Commission on Law Enforcement Accreditation (1980’s)  Created the National Criminal Intelligence Model (2003)  Mission – To help improve the quality of law enforcement and justice  Goal – To provide leadership support to all types and sizes of law enforcement services

3 Services, Support and Technical Assistance to Smaller Police Departments  Partnership with U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)  Target: 15,000 police agencies with less than 25 sworn officers  Services: Technical assistance, education, information, policies, training  Product: Big Ideas for Smaller Agencies Quarterly Newsletter  Product: Consolidating Police Services  Staff: Four full time @ IACP HQ, Consultants: 15 chiefs & Sheriffs  Issues: Technology, planning, website development; grant development; recruitment, retention, mentoring, internal affairs, budgeting, strategic planning, new chief support - police chief’s desk reference (PCDR)  Project Manager: Elaine Deck,, 800-843-4227, ext.

4 History of Consolidation  ‘Eternal’ issue- cost effective service delivery  Governing body driven, vs. agency level  Measuring obstacles/opportunities- difficult, complex task  Jurisdictional Issues, personalities play a role  Agency identities, cultures, histories play a role  1950’s—several solid examples of consolidation  1960’s—less momentum, economy driving individual approaches  1990’s—return to focus, again due to economic realities  2010—ecomonic downturn driving increased consideration

5 Types of Consolidation  Functional: Two or more agencies combine certain functional units, such as emergency communications, dispatch, or records.  Cross Deputization / Mutual Enforcement Zones / Overlapping Jurisdictions: Agencies authorize each other’s officers to pool resources and improve regional coverage, for example, permitting a city police officer to make arrests in the county and a sheriff’s deputy to make arrests in the city.  Public Safety: City or county governments may unite all police, fire, and emergency medical services agencies under one umbrella.  Local Merger: Two separate police agencies form a single new entity. The agencies may be in small communities or metropolitan areas.  Regional: A number of agencies combine to police a geographic area rather than a jurisdictional one.  Metropolitan: Two or more agencies serving overlapping jurisdictions join forces to become one agency serving an entire metropolitan area, as happened in the Toronto area.  Government: A city and adjoining county consolidate their entire governments, creating a “metro” form of government for all citizens.


7 Tackling All the Issues  Legislative/legal (can you spend money in another jurisdiction?)  Governing body (who ends up in charge, by law?)  Who runs the new agency (who steps down/who steps up?)  Economics (do you have the money for this?)  Politics  Officer morale (going up or down?)  Organizational structure (designing it)  Officer deployment  Impact on recruitment/retention  Impact on career mobility  Unions (FOP) (contracts, obligations)  Image (is this what you really want?)  Citizen opinion (for or against, or even aware!?)  Media perspectives (influential)  Business community perspective (their stake in this)  Myths, good and bad, need to be ‘debunked’ (like you save from day1)  Short term vs. life cycle impact (critically important to grasp)  Facilities (Build? Where?)  Equipment (guns, cars, other technology)  Badges, logos, uniforms  Training, policies, procedures (CALEA accreditation)


9 IACP Consolidation Retreats 1995-2010  Charlotte-Mecklenberg, NC (city-county consolidation)  Quad Cities- Davenport, Bettendorf, Scott County, IA/IL (multi-city)  Tri-City Consolidation- Harrisville, North Ogden, Pleasantville, UT  Chemung County/Elmira, NY (multi-city)  Ishpeming/Negaunee, MI (multi-city)  Hamilton-Wenham Townships Consolidation, MA (multi-township)  Benton County/Corvallis Restructuring, OR (city-county)  Rockford/Winnebago County, IL (city-county)  Belvedere/Boone County, IL (multi-city and county)  Camden County Park Police, NJ (multi-city and park police)  Binghamton/Broome County, NY (multi-city/county)

10 Retreat Objectives  One day-consensus driven outcomes  Involvement of all key stakeholders  IACP role as facilitator  Bringing content experts to the table  Helping jurisdictions make rational, informed decisions  Focusing on critical topics in an informal environment  Ensuring timely, cost-effective strategies are adopted

11 Moving Toward Consolidation  False progress (Belvedere example)  Insurmountable obstacles (Camden County)  Measurable success (Jacksonville/Duval County)  Large city success (Charlotte-Mecklenburg County)  Need for strong leadership  Life cycle costs (capital, start up, plus 20 years)  Identifying alternative opportunities (sharing expertise, resources)  Study vs. action—the critical need for decision-making

12 Thank you! John Firman Research Center Director International Association of Chiefs of Police Phone: (800) THE-IACP ext. 207 Email:

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