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Intro to Dairy Cattle. Objectives…Lingo Describe terms commonly used with dairy cattle. Identify six major breeds of dairy cattle.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Dairy Cattle. Objectives…Lingo Describe terms commonly used with dairy cattle. Identify six major breeds of dairy cattle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Dairy Cattle

2 Objectives…Lingo Describe terms commonly used with dairy cattle. Identify six major breeds of dairy cattle.

3 Terms…Lingo Gestation the time between when the egg is fertilized and the birth of a calf. Gestation length for Cattle is 285 days Parturition The process of giving birth Colostrum The first milk of an animal after birth

4 Terms…Lingo Ideal Dairy Type Stature Angularity Level rump Long & Lean Neck Milk Veins Strong Feet & Legs

5 Dairy Cow vs. Beef Cow


7 Terms…Lingo Artificial Insemination First started in about1300 A.D. Breeding without the use of a male specimen 75% of all inseminations are used on dairy cattle Less than 5% of bulls are retained Over $225 million spent on bull semen in the last year

8 Terms…Lingo Lactation The secretion and production of Milk – usually a 305 day cycle for dairy cows Reproductive system System used to reproduce cattle by natural, in vitro, and various artificial means of insemination. Mammary system System responsible for producing milk after parturition

9 Terms we have Learned Mammary System Reproductive System Lactation Gestation Parturition Colostrum Artificial Insemination What do these terms have in common?

10 A Few More Terms… Bovine - A general family grouping of cattle Bull - A bovine male Cow - a female bovine that has produced a calf What are the following? See some similarities?



13 A Few More Terms… Calf -A young male or female bovine animal under 1 year of age Steer – A bovine male that is castrated Heifer - A young female bovine before she has produced her first calf Springer – a female bovine who is pregnant with her first calf (usually between 15 and 24 months old)

14 Breeds of Dairy Cattle 6 breeds to learn Pay close attention to Color Import year Size Characteristics Origin

15 Ayrshire (A-yer-Shire) Origin: County Ayr, Scotland Size: 1200 lbs mature Imported: 1822 Color: light to dark red, brown, with white

16 Ayrshire Characteristics: Adapted to harsh winters Well adapted to rocky terrain Average Production:17,000lbs (@2000 gallons) 3.9% butterfat 3.3% protein


18 Brown-Swiss Origin: Swiss Alps Size: 1500 lbs mature Imported: 1869 Color: Solid brown with varying shades Characteristics: Milk has higher fat and protein Light colored band around muzzle

19 Brown Swiss Average output per milk cycle 21,000 lbs (@ 2450 gallons) 4.0% butterfat 3.5% total protein


21 Guernsey (Gern-Zee) Origin: Island of Guernsey, in the English Channel Size: 1150 lbs mature Imported: 1840 Color: Light brown with white markings Characteristics: Milk is a golden color Docile nature

22 Guernsey Production per milk cycle 14,700lbs (1700 gallons) 4.5% butterfat 3.5% protein


24 Jersey Origin: Island of Jersey, Britain Size: 1000 lbs mature Imported: 1850 Color: Light brown with no white; black around muzzle Characteristics: Highest butterfat and protein Well-shaped udders

25 Jersey Production per milk cycle – 16,000lbs (1860 gallons) Butterfat – 4.9% Protein 3.7%


27 Milking Shorthorn Origin: England Size: 1400 lbs mature Imported: 1783 Color: Red and white or just red/just white, roan Characteristics: Adaptable Dual-Purpose

28 Milking Shorthorn Produces 15,400 lbs (@1880 gallons) per lactation cycle 3.8% butterfat 3.3% protein


30 Holstein-Friesan Origin: Netherlands Size: 1500 lbs mature, minimum Imported: 1621 Color: Black and white, red and white Characteristics: Most popular dairy breed in the U.S. (85% of the U.S. Dairy herd- Ag Census 2012)

31 Holstein-Friesian Highest producer – 28,000 lbs (@3260 gallons) per milk cycle 2.5-3.6% butterfat 3.2% protein

32 Review Terms What did we learn today? How do these all go together? Breeds Which came to the U.S. First? What is the largest? Smallest?

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