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Livestock Development in the Kyrgyz Republic д-р Г. Элеманова Dr. G. Elemanova 21-23 of March, 2016 г. Algeria.

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Presentation on theme: "Livestock Development in the Kyrgyz Republic д-р Г. Элеманова Dr. G. Elemanova 21-23 of March, 2016 г. Algeria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Livestock Development in the Kyrgyz Republic д-р Г. Элеманова Dr. G. Elemanova 21-23 of March, 2016 г. Algeria

2 Location

3 Natural climatic conditions of Kyrgyzstan The territory of Kyrgyzstan, which is situated in the centre of Central Asia, is 199 000 The average height of the territory over sea level is 2 750 m The climate is extreme continental. The sunny weather – is the most typical for the climate of the republic (247 days). The South of Kyrgyzstan is situated mostly in a subtropical climatic zone where the atmospheric precipitation drops out generally in the spring and in the fall. More than three quarters of the territory occupy mountains. There are about 2000 lakes The climate of the North Kyrgyzstan ii continental.The winter is moderately warm, and the summer is very hot and droughty

4 The volume of agriculture, forestry and fishery production for 2015 made up 197,1 billion som (2010 -115,1 billion som). The growth rate by 2014 has made 106,2%, including stock breeding – 102,5% (93,6 billion som), and crop production – 110,1% (99,1 million som). The agriculture share in the gross domestic product structure makes 14,0% % The volume of agriculture, forestry and fishery production for 2015 made up 197,1 billion som (2010 -115,1 billion som). The growth rate by 2014 has made 106,2%, including stock breeding – 102,5% (93,6 billion som), and crop production – 110,1% (99,1 million som). The agriculture share in the gross domestic product structure makes 14,0% % The agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic The increase of gross release volumes of the agricultural production for 2015 in comparison with 2014 is connected generally due to the significant increase in crop production by 10,1% (the positive contribution of it is estimated at the level of 5,1 items). In a total amount of agricultural production the share of stock breeding production has made 47,5%, crop production – 50,3%, the other 2,2% fall on forestry, fishery and services. The total area of agricultural grounds – more than 10.8 million hectares, including: arable lands – 1.2 million hectares (11.1%), pastures – 9.6 million hectares (88.9%).

5 Общая площадь сельскохозяйственных угодий – более 10.8 млн. га, в том числе: пашни – 1.2 млн. га (11.1%), пастбища – 9.6 млн. га (88.9%). Type of animal Unit1990201020112012201320142015 Cattle, sum total thousands heads 1300,71298,81338,51367,41404,21458,41492,5 including cows thousands heads 670,9666,4684,1699,3718,5744,3757,4 Sheep and goats thousands heads 5163,65037,75288,15423,85641,25829,05929,5 Horsesthousands heads 379,0378,4388,9398,7407,4433,0449,6 Poultry thousands heads 4942,74749,84815,35076,55385,75420,05586,2 Dynamics of a cattle population and poultry in the Kyrgyz Republic for 1990-2015

6 Общая площадь сельскохозяйственных угодий – более 10.8 млн. га, в том числе: пашни – 1.2 млн. га (11.1%), пастбища – 9.6 млн. га (88.9%). Production Unit1990201020112012201320142015 Meat in live weight Thousand tons 451,1343,1346,4352,5355,2369,0380,2 Milk Thousand tons 1185,01359,91358,11382,41408,21445,51481,1 Egg Million pieces 713,8372,9391,0416,9422,3445,8432,9 Wool Tons 39003108561109511333115901181112085 Dynamics of stock breeding production in the Kyrgyz Republic for 1990-2015

7 Development of livestock breeding By the results of certification (recertification) there are 137 breeding subjects in the republic, including 10 state breeding plants and 1 state breeding farm. 120 farmer breeding plants. By the results of the state inspection of breeding subjects for 2015 in the republic the quantity of breeding animals makes: Sheep - 47 606 heads KRS – 10 749 heads Horses-3 151 heads Yaks – 2 893 heads Pigs – 6 046 heads Birds -130 013 heads In recent years there are high-quality changes to the best, especially in private breeding farms which are engaged in breeding business more purposefully, their professional level has increased, keep and breed highly productive cattle, apply the advanced methods of artificial insemination and reproduction of herd.

8 Regulatory legal support of livestock breeding 1. The law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About breeding matter in livestock breeding of the Kyrgyz Republic". The law was enacted on April 27, 2009 No. 133. The law establishes legal, economic, organizational bases of activities for cultivation of breeding animals, production and use of breeding production (material), and is directed to preservation and increase of a gene pool of breeding animals, reproduction and improvement of their productive qualities The purposes of breeding matter in animal husbandry are: - creation of conditions for subjects of breeding matter in the solution of reproduction questions ; - breeding of highly productive farm animals; - preservation of a gene pool of breeding animals and introduction of modern technologies of selection. Problems of breeding business are: - the organization of selection and breeding work in livestock breeding - creation of conditions for new highly productive raising of breeds, types, lines, families, preservation and improvement of the existing gene pool of agricultural animals and birds.

9 2. The resolution of the Kyrgyz Republic government of July 5, 2011 No. 367 "About the adoption of National strategy of livestock breeding development in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2011-2015" The breeds of farm animals of own selection which are well adapted to the local climatic conditions in the republic are : - sheep - kyrgyz fine-fleece, the Kyrgyz mountain merino, tyan-shansky semi-fine-fleece, Alay semi-crude-wooly, aykolsky meat - grease; - cattle - alatausky and aulieatinsky; - horses - new Kyrgyz; - goats - Kyrgyz wool and Kyrgyz down; - poultry - the Kyrgyz breed of hens. The purposes of National strategy are development and preservation of genetic potential of livestock breeding in the republic for ensuring food security of the country, including sufficient raw materials - processing industry.

10 The main objectives of development and preservation of livestock breeeding genetic potential are: - steady increase in production of the main livestock products (meat, milk, eggs and wool); - production of safe livestock products; - purposeful state support of breeding plants; - creation of the Center for the organization and coordination of selection and breeding work and artificial insemination of the farm animals; - providing farmer, country farms of the republic with high-valuable breeding young growth for improvement of productive qualities of local cattle; - development, introduction of science and the best practices achievements, removal of new and improvement of the existing breeds, types and lines of animals, effective production technologies of livestock breeding products; - attraction of direct investments and ensuring the state support of breeding farms; - rational use of pastures and increase in production of forages, creation of primary seed farming of forage crops; - development of cooperation, integration in the villages, improvement of work quality of rural producers.

11 Achievements in the international cooperation 1. PPKR of October 29, 2013 No. 582 "About measures of support of breeding farms in the Kyrgyz Republic". According to the Memorandum of understanding between the Government of KR and the U.S. Government. Purpose -preservation of genetic resources of breeding animals and creation of gene pool farms. Amount of financing- 4913,195 thousand dollars of the USA, from them 4563,450 thousand dollars of the USA noninterest bearing credit and 349,745 thousand dollars of the USA of a grant. Result - the Agency of the USA on the international development (YuSAID) has transferred MCX and M of KR commodity and material resources (agricultural machinery, the equipment, 391 breeding livestock and breeding material which are realized to livestock farms. 2. "Agricultural Investments and Services" project (AISP) Purpose - development of the rural areas, assistance in the ensuring food security. Total cost – 33,5 million US dollars, including: WB – 13 million US dollars, MFSR – 9 million US dollars, the EU – 6,7 million euros (in an equivalent of 8,8 million US dollars), co-financing of PKR – 1,5 million US dollars, community investment– 1,2 million US dollars Result - Improvement and management of pastures. The law of KR "About Pastures" of January 26, 2009. Increase in charges for use of pastures from pasture users.

12 "Development of support agricultural services". Qualitative vaccines and preparations are purchased. "Improvement of food security". 292 public seed funds for food and forage crops for the republic are established, including 101 seed funds on fodder and 191 on food crops. 3. The decree of the Kyrgyz Republic Government of May 20, 2015 No. 216-r. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Islamic development bank. Financing - 300 000 US dollars Islamic development bank. 938000 US dollars, Indonesia through the National center of Singosari for artificial insemination, 132000 US dollars Kyrgyzstan. Purpose - strengthening of the institutional potential for management of the artificial insemination program ; updates of a valuable production chain of the IO program for improvement of quality of the frozen seed production; improvements of efficiency of cattle due to genetic improvement of local breeds; Result - 4 groups of students, 53 people were trained in Indonesia on artificial insemination of KRS and sheep.


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