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Presentation on theme: "BOVINE ENDOMETRITIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Uterine inflammation Endometritis - Definition
Superficial inflamation of the endometrium Disruption of surface epithelium Infiltration with inflammatory cells Occurs as Ascending infection during Natural service Artificial insemination Parturition Abortion Rare by Haemotogenous route No overt sign of illness

3 Uterine inflammation Pyometra Purulent inflammation of endometrium
Significant fluid accumulation in uterine lumen Metritis/ perimetritis Inflammation involving all layers-occurs during Difficult calving Retained placenta Uterine prolapse Overt sign of illness observed

4 Uterine Defense Mechanism
Anatomical and Physical barriers Vulva and Vestibule Muscular sphincter Cervix Mucosa lined by collagenous rings Cervical and Vaginal mucus Clear, transparent and elastic – estrum Scanty and tenacious – Diestrum Uterus Muscular layer Physical propulsion of particulate material Local Immune system Cellular Humoral

5 Diagnosis of Endometritis
Significantly impairs reproductive Performance 1.Rectal palpation Insensitive and non specific method 2.Observation of vaginal discharge

6 Diagnosis of Endometritis
3.Vaginoscopic examination By Speculum Nature of cervical discharge visualised More reliable

7 Diagnosis of Endometritis
4.Endometrial Biopsy Impairment of subsequent fertility Impractical in practice settings

8 Diagnosis of Endometritis
5.Endometrial Cytology Done by uterine lavage Using 2 way foley catheter 20 of saline is flushed into uterus and collected, centrifuged and sediment examined Presence of variable amount of Nutrophils 8 to 10% indicate endometritis Acute/Sub acute Numerous Lymphocyte Chronic

9 Diagnosis of Endometritis
White side test Subclinical endometritis procedure 2ml of cervical mucus + 2ml of 5% NAOH Colour Degree 1 Turbid or no colour - Normal 2 Light yellow colour - Mild 3 Yellow colour Moderate 4 Dark Yellow Severe

10 Endometritis scoring Vaginal mucus character
Score 0 = clear or translucent mucus 1 = mucus containing flecks of white or off-white pus 2 = < 50 mL exudate containing < 50% white or off-white mucopurulent material 3 = > 50 mL exudate containing purulent material, usually white or yellow, but occasionally sanguineous

11 Endometritis - treatment
Antibiotics/Antiseptics Inconsistent results Development of resistance Inhibition of phagocytic activity PGF2a Stimulation of expulsion of uterine contents Stimulation of Phagocytosis Increases secretion of IgA IgG

12 Endometritis - treatment
Immuno modulators LPS -100 µg dissolved in 50ml of Phosphate buffered saline I/ut Oysterglycogen –Biologically active

13 Prevention of Endometritis
Calving hygiene Intensive management of Post partum cows to prevent complications Nutrition of peri parturient cow Feeding Anti oxidant Vit E and Selinium


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