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1 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange e-Health solutions for Africa May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange e-Health solutions for Africa May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange e-Health solutions for Africa May 2014

2 2 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange: a major investor in developing economies  Orange provides telecommunication infrastructures and communication services  With its Orange Labs and two Orange Technocenters based in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and in Amman (Jordan) Orange is at the forefront of R&D targeting the communication needs of emerging and developing countries with a particular focus on reaching out to rural populations.  Our company also provides integrated services in the fields of health, agriculture, energy, public governance, and education…  … in partnership with governments, local authorities, international, regional, and non-governmental organizations.

3 3 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange Presence worldwide… our Group provides services for residential customers in 32 countries* and for business service customers in 220 countries and territories

4 4 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange disposes a development program focusing on innovative services in emerging countries Infrastructure & Connectivity Products & Services Ecosystems & Enablers Social + Business Innovation community phones low-cost voice + internet rural coverage open development platforms solar BTS infrastructure sharing incubator s Orange African Social Venture Prize investment funds low-cost handsets Orange Money e-government e-health local contents e-education local agents m-agriculture

5 5 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange works closely with stakeholders and ecosystem actors to develop e-Health projects  Initiate collaborative work among a multidisciplinary team (Orange corporate and country teams, University, Entrepreneur, Company, NGO…)  Stimulate the development of new creative applications with local partners following population needs  identify creativity challenges  select ideas of applications to be developed in the code camp or directly in collaboration with universities and/or small entrepreneurs  stimulate the team building for future implementation of the concepts  Respond to public tenders in coordination with the other stakeholders  Find the appropriate funding provider to finance a specific project  In case of success, operate the project with all the stakeholders

6 6 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program  Conducts the prior opportunity studies that support the viability of a market (public or PPP).  Funds the project and its pilots  It relies in the long term on: Project economic viability and impacts (direct and indirect) Construction of an ecosystem of partners committed and who have an interest beyond the initial phase  After the initial phase, to ensure the project economic sustainability. There are three financing schemes: entirely public ( through loans granted to State or public policy orientation) partly public (through loans granted to States and public policy orientation) + call to the market (payment of a fraction of the costs by end-users) totally private (funding of the recurrent costs by corporate customers and/or by end-users ) Projects’ Sustainability

7 7 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange provides its core technology solutions to surpass local health challenges and answer the needs Orange Healthcare Value Chain Health Application s Partners Patients Healthcare ecosystem M edical Devices Cloud / Hosting M2M, International backbones & Last mile Global Integration, Helpdesk, services to end users Specific developments (Security, portals, apps) Collaborative tools, video conf services… service management - consulting – project management – field services

8 8 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Orange key distinctive elements Strong presence in many African Countries Country Business Units can identify needs and support pilot projects Orange Corporate can liaise with institutional donors for upstream financing Ability to develop and adapt a large range of technological bricks Ability to launch experimental protocols, evaluate usages, and project’s impact..

9 9 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program some health case studies

10 10 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program mobile applications to monitor maternal and infant health  each year, 125K pregnant women and 870K new born die in Africa during the first week  financial access to quality health care is a major preoccupation  organisational bottlenecks slow down the development of health systems facts and figures  facilitate follow-up  ease medical treatment payment  save transport time and money patient benefits  innovative system to promote care  strengthen the national health systems  implicate community-based insurances for health ministries  Members of “mutuelle de santé” are visited weekly by community agents  Medical data collected on the field by CHW on a basic phone is sent via SMS to the health system  Alerts generate messages to the CHW and the patient is sent to health post when needed.  Mother and children access to free consultations and drugs thanks to their “mutuelle” membership.

11 11 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program Data Collect Epidemiology case / m-Training & Information  Situation  The epidemiological surveillance is not operational in remote areas below the district level,  Diseases surveillance system based on the widespread use of mobile phones could have a real impact  Solution: two M-Health services  Epidemiological Surveillance  M-Training and M- Information  Partners:  Merieux Foundation  Senegalese national network of laboratories (MOH) National Public Health Laborator y Regional Laboratory Health Center Laboratory Health Post national network of laboratories in Senegal M-Health Services  Data collection of disease cases through mobile phones from the laboratories to the main site ensures a better and quicker transmission of information on diseases outbreaks.  m-Training and m-Information using voice services based on IVR tools enable field workers to answers quizzes, listen medical communications and ask questions through a virtual call center

12 12 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program  only 4% of African’s GDP is spent on health  73% of Africans have a mobile phone  63% of the African live in rural areas facts and figures  a trustful medical advice  no judgment  anonymous patient benefits  other way to address patients  benefit from its notoriety  optimise resources for medical providers patientcall centre SMS/Voice health hotline for access to medical advice Orange’s case studies

13 13 Orange collaboration with USAID and SHOPS Program titre de la présentation Thank you

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