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Which of the following lists shows the correct order in which these presidents served? A. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe.

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Presentation on theme: "Which of the following lists shows the correct order in which these presidents served? A. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which of the following lists shows the correct order in which these presidents served? A. George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe B. George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson C. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Monroe D. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson

2 One result of British regulations such as the Sugar and Stamp Acts was America’s resentment of — A. foreign alliances B. locally appointed governing bodies C. taxation without representation D. government control of speech

3 The New Jersey Plan proposed during the Constitutional Convention called for equal representation of all the states, which led to the creation of the – A.Supreme Court B.Senate C.President’s cabinet D.House of Representatives

4 The Battle of Vicksburg was important in the Civil War because it — F. allowed the Confederate army to seize Washington, D.C. G. broke the Union blockade along the Gulf of Mexico H. enabled the Confederate army to seek French assistance J. gave the Union army control of the Mississippi River

5 The U.S. Constitution maintains a republican system of government through the — A.president’s power to veto acts of Congress B. appointment of federal judges to life terms C. election of representatives who make laws D. creation of a presidential cabinet

6 Based on the cartoon, which of the following best explains the impact of the Monroe Doctrine? F. The United States would not allow foreign nations to form alliances. G. The United States would not allow further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere. H. The United States would serve as a negotiator between European nations. J. The United States would protect the economic interests of Europe.

7 Which of the following would provide the best primary source material about the works of Abraham Lincoln? F. A biography of Lincoln G. An interview with a descendant of Lincoln H. A collection of speeches written by Lincoln J. A historical analysis of the Lincoln–Douglas debates

8 By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood And fired the shot heard round the world. — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Excerpt from “Concord Hymn” These lines of poetry by Ralph Waldo Emerson refer to the: A. Native American struggle against white settlers B. North’s battle to restore the Union C. American fight for independence from Great Britain D. clash over landholdings in Mexico

9 Which area on the map was acquired by the United States as a result of the Mexican War? F. Area 1 G. Area 2 H. Area 3 J. Area 4

10 King John of England signed the Magna Carta in 1215. What idea did the Founding Fathers borrow from this document to include in the Bill of Rights? A. People accused of a crime have a right to a trial by a jury of their equals. B. People accused of a crime will be imprisoned until proven innocent. C. People have only those individual rights granted to them by the king. D. People must be born in a country to have the rights of a citizen.

11 The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which: A. was the first government to have a president B. established the doctrine of separation of powers C. had the power to veto acts of Parliament D. was the first representative legislature in the English colonies

12 What factor was most important in growing cotton in the 1800s? A. Slave labor B. Foreign investment C. Dry summers D. Improved transportation

13 This cartoon represents the point of view of which reform movement? A. Child labor B. Temperance C. Abolition D. Women’s rights

14 In 1787 Congress established a system for creating new states from western territories — A. through the Monroe Doctrine B. through the Northwest Ordinance C. with the Treaty of Paris D. with the approval of the Three-Fifths Compromise

15 In the early 1800s, industrialization increased in the United States because — F. European markets for American goods expanded G. higher prices required the creation of new factories to provide jobs H. interchangeable parts made the production of goods more efficient J. farming was no longer profitable

16 Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?... I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! — Patrick Henry, 1775 Based on this excerpt, a reader can conclude that Patrick Henry believed — A. the colonists would be labeled traitors B. negotiating with Great Britain was necessary C. freedom was worth dying for D. loyalists would join the patriot cause

17 In the Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that Union soldiers had sacrificed their lives to ensure that “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” What type of government was Lincoln referring to? F. Monarchy G. Oligarchy H. Aristocracy J. Democracy

18 Which region was mainly involved in shipbuilding, forestry, and fishing? A. Middle colonies B. Southern colonies C. New England D. Western frontier

19 The year 1787 was a decisive moment in U.S. history because that was when – A.The first representative government was established in North America B. The British surrendered at Yorktown to end the American Revolution C. The U.S. Constitution was written D. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the U.S.

20 Which of the following best explains one of the changes in immigration shown on this graph? F. Free housing was offered to immigrants arriving after 1855. G. A famine plagued Ireland between 1845 and 1850. H. The German National Assembly passed a constitution in 1850. J. Labor strikes occurred in Great Britain between 1840 and 1845.

21 We are going to do great on the History STAAR because we are: A.Smart … and awesome B.Awesomely smart C.Smartly awesome D.All of the above

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