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Section Outline 1 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights I.The Amendment Process II.The Debate in Congress Section Reading Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Section Outline 1 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights I.The Amendment Process II.The Debate in Congress Section Reading Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section Outline 1 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights I.The Amendment Process II.The Debate in Congress Section Reading Support Transparency

2 2 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights Main Idea After some debate, the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to protect Americans’ individual rights and freedoms. Key Terms Bill of Rights Amendment process Convention

3 The Amendment Process Bill of Rights —List of citizens’ rights —The Anti-Federalists insisted on this addition to the Constitution. 3 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights Amendment Process —The way that changes are made to the Constitution National Convention —An assembly that may propose amendments

4 4 of 7 The Bill of Rights Section 1: Adding the Bill of Rights The Debate in Congress Congress, June 1789 —James Madison declared that Americans believed that the Constitution did not adequately protect their rights. Congress, August 1789 —Congress begins preparing the Bill of Rights —Influences include the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Colonial Charters, and state constitutions Congress, December 15, 1791 —The Ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) are ratified and become part of the Constitution.

5 5 of 7 The Bill of Rights: Section 1 Color Transparency: Foundations of Our American Rights

6 6 of 7 The Bill of Rights: Section 1 Color Transparency: Foundations of Our American Rights 1. What document was a first step toward individual rights for all English people? 2. What rights turned up most often in these statements of individual rights? The Magna Carta trial by jury; due process; no excessive bail or fines

7 7 of 7 The Bill of Rights: Section 1 Section Reading Support Transparency

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