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The Palestinian - Israeli Conflict V.. Terms to know related to the Palestinian conflict… PALESTINEISRAEL Muslims (Arabs) Hamas (radical organization.

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Presentation on theme: "The Palestinian - Israeli Conflict V.. Terms to know related to the Palestinian conflict… PALESTINEISRAEL Muslims (Arabs) Hamas (radical organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Palestinian - Israeli Conflict V.

2 Terms to know related to the Palestinian conflict… PALESTINEISRAEL Muslims (Arabs) Hamas (radical organization fighting for Palestinian State) PLO – Palestinian Liberation Organization Jewish Zionist -movement for reconstituting a Jewish national state in Palestine

3 The Balfour Declaration (Nov 1917) British government promised the Jewish people that they would create a Jewish national homeland in Palestine (remember, this is where the Arab Palestinians were living…) Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) Secret agreement between England, France & Tsarist Russia dividing the Ottoman Empire into areas of future British & French control/influence. Tensions Build… Blue = French Red = British Green = Russia Purple = Int’l

4 So…why the conflict between the Israelis (Jewish) & the Palestinians (Arabs)? The local people of this land were Muslim Arabs. Name of their land was “Palestine” British occupied this land after WWI

5 Jewish Migration to their Homeland After World War II Jewish people were escaping from a shattered Europe. Many owned nothing and had stepped straight out from Hitler’s death camps. They sought refuge in the land of their ancestors- Judea. Both Jews and Arabs wanted control of this land. Both had legitimate claims: Jews had it first Arabs had it longest and had it at the time.

6 Jewish Migration to their Homeland By 1939 the number of Jews in Palestine rose from 85,000 to 445,000!!! When the British prevented immigration of Jewish Holocaust survivors to Palestine following WWII, the Jewish community began to wage an uprising and guerrilla war. This warfare and United States pressure to end the anti-immigration policy led to the establishment of The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946.

7 The Partition Plan of 1947 This resolution was passed to help resolve both the recent humanitarian disaster befallen the European Jews as well as the long- running conflict between Zionist ambitions to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and the competing “civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish” Arab majority there

8 Palestine Divided into 2 Countries: Israel & Palestine In 1947, the United Nations recommended that Western Palestine should be partitioned as follows: Jewish state Arab state Jerusalem - A city sacred to all religions, would become an international city. The Palestinian Arabs & the Arab states rejected this UN decision. –Demanding a single state and removal of Jewish migrants, promising war if the UN followed through with the proposal.

9 Israel Becomes a Country On May 14, 1948, at the end of the British Mandate, the state of Israel was officially declared. The same day the armies of seven Arab countries invaded Israel. By the end of 1948, Jews had taken ¾ of Palestine, including parts they were willing to give up in 1947, plus parts of Jerusalem. Palestinians were left with no country at all.

10 Palestinians are left homeless Most Palestinians were forced to leave their homes 700,000 had to flee to neighboring countries. Some moved to Gaza strip in Egypt, or the West Bank in Jordan. 1967 - 6 Day War ended with Israel taking over WB, GS and Golan Heights (from Syria) More than 1 million stayed in WB under Israeli control and those that fled were unable to return to their homes. Over 1 million living as permanent refugees outside the area once known as Palestine.

11 But here is a child injured in the fighting. Does it matter if he is Jew or Muslim?

12 Jewish crowds taunting a Muslim woman.

13 Here is one possible solution to the problem……. A wall.

14 The wall dividing Palestinian Arabs from Jews.

15 Is this a good solution?

16 Are humans so unbending that we have to do this to the world?

17 Jerusalem – The Holy City Jerusalem - ancient city that has been fought over for thousands of years. This is partly because it is a place of religious importance for Christians, Muslims & Jews.

18 Israel-the countryside. The land itself has been a cradle of human civilization. It formed the western end of the ‘fertile crescent’ that stretched from Persia to the Mediterranean. Water is the key element here. If you have a well then your land will produce wonderful crops. Otherwise it will be desert.

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