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 Who’s involved?  Judaism  Christianity  Islam.

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2  Who’s involved?  Judaism  Christianity  Islam

3  Jerusalem is the capital of Israel  center for their modern and ancient homeland  Holist Site  Remaining part of the Second Temple: Western Wall or the Wailing Wall

4  Jerusalem is the site where Jesus had his final suffering and crucifixion  Many towns and villages important to the life of Jesus are near Jerusalem  Holy Sites:  Mount Saint Olives  Church of the Holy Scriptures

5  Third holist city to Muslims after Mecca and Medina  Holy Cite:  The Dome of the Rock Where Muslims believe that the profit Muhammad rose into heaven

6 With a partner think of the reasons why there is conflict over the city with the three religions?

7  The Ottoman Empire controlled the region from 1520-1922  After World War I the empire fell apart and the land went to England and France  England: Southern Section Modern day Israel and Jordan  France: Northern Section Modern day Lebanon and Syria  England and France were to control the lands ONLY until the countries were ready for independence

8  Thousand of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust considered Palestine as their homeland and wanted to settle there  World supported a Jewish nation-state UN devised a plan to spilt Palestine into two states one for Arabs and one for Jews Israel was established in May 14, 1948  Main Problem: Surrounding countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen invaded Israel to prevent the establishment and the Jews fought back

9  By 1950’s Israel was established as a nation

10  Who should have control over the Holy City?  With three major religions considering the city a holy cite there is an issue with the idea of who should control it Main question: Should be it the capital of a Jewish or Palestine state?

11  Palestinians retain control of East Jerusalem while Israel annexes several Jewish settlements near Jerusalem Would enlarge Israeli territory  Israel retains control of West Jerusalem and Jewish Quarter of the Old City Palestine would control the Old City and East Jerusalem This is how the city is controlled today  Palestinians control the Temple Mount but give up the right of return to Israel Israeli government fears the mass numbers that will return and would overwhelm Israel  An international agency has control of the holy sites

12 The next images will be of the conflict in Jerusalem….. What do they tell you?

13 Johnson, B. (2004). The Western Wall. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from Benjognsonartist Web site:

14 Steitieh, N. (2007). Atlas Tours. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from Atlas Tours Web site:

15 Brdar, P. (2003). Jerusalem Pictures. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from Web site: rge.jpg

16 (2003). American Students for Israel. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from American Students for Israel Web site:

17 (2006, May). viewimages. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from East Jerusalm, Israel Web site:

18 (2006). Palestinians conflict with Israeli police outside Jerusalem. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from People's Daily Online Web site:

19 (2007). israel and middle east conflict. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from israel and middle east conflict Web site:

20 (2006). Jewish holidays of Sukkot. Retrieved November 14, 2007, from English People's Daily Online Web site:

21 3 things you learned today 2 things you are still confused about 1 question you have

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