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1- Acute non-specific 2- Acute specific 3- Chronic non-specific 4- Chronic specific.

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3 1- Acute non-specific 2- Acute specific 3- Chronic non-specific 4- Chronic specific

4 Acute non-specific Viral: more common Secondary bacterial Common in cold damp weather and in children Clinical features: mild sore throat, mild constitutional symptoms( fever, malaise). Severe symptoms if there secondary bacterial infection. On examination: diffuse mucosal congestion and enlarged tender cervical lymph nodes. Complications: more prevalent in children Otitis media,laryngitits,bronchitis,ludwigs angina,septicemia, acute rheumatism and nephritis. Treatment: supportive

5 Acute specific 1- Herpetic: H.simplex and H.zoster 2- Vincents angina: fusifom bacilli and spirochetal Micro-organisms. 3- Diphtheric pharyngitis: Coryn.diphtheriae 4- Candidiasis: cand.albicans 5- Infectious mononucleosis 6- Blood dyscrasia

6 Herpetic pharyngitis Simplex: caused by herpes simplex virus. Common condition which may be associated with herpes of the lips together with mild constitutional symptoms and small vesicles in the mouth and oropharynx. Zoster: herpes zoster. Is a rare condition except in immunocompromised patients. Vesicles occur in the distribution of cranial nerves. Pain more severe. Treatment: supportive and antivirals (acyclovir).














20 Chronic non-specific pharyngitis Aetiology: 1- recurrent acute pharyngitis 2- sinusitis 3- dental 4- chemicals : alcohol,tobacco,dust 5- excessive or faulty use of voice. Clinical features: 1- irritation 2- snoring 3- constant hawking (desire for clearing of the throat) Treatment: Correction of the underlying cause No role for tonsillectomy op.

21 Chronic specific pharyngitis 1- TB pharyngitis 2- Syphilis 3- Others: leprosy, sarcoidosis, scleroma, wegners granulomatosis.

22 Oral manifestations of systemic disease 1- Hematological: agranulocytosis, leukemia, AIDS (hairy leukoplakia, candidiasis, kaposi’s sarcoma) 2- Acute exanthema: chicken pox, measles, glandular fever 3- Drug reactions: cytotoxic and sulpha (agranulocytosis) phenytoin (gum hyperplasia) 4- Vitamin deficiency: vit.c(gingivitis), iron, B-, 12 and folate deficincies(glossitis), nicotinic acid(cheilitis) 5- Autoimmune and connective tissue disease: SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, sjogrens synd., Behjet disease (oral ulcerations)

23 6- Cardiovascular: angina, cynosis, drugs 7- Cerebrovascular: CVA(motor and sensory dysfunction), anticoagulant(hge,petechial rash) 8- Pulmonary: COPD, steroids 9- Endocrine: DM(periodontal and bad oral health), addisons disease(pigmentation) 10- Gastro-intestinal: ulcerative colitis and crohns disease(oral ulceration)

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