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Grant Management Seminar 1 District 5470 Stewardship, Qualification and Memos of Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Management Seminar 1 District 5470 Stewardship, Qualification and Memos of Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Management Seminar 1 District 5470 Stewardship, Qualification and Memos of Understanding

2 Grant Management Seminar 2 Purpose Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation grant Learn stewardship expectations Prepare clubs to implement the MOU Qualify clubs to receive grant funds

3 Grant Management Seminar Distribution of D-5470 Contributions to TRF Annual Fund Year money donated to TRF Amount donated to Annual Fund 50% returned to D-5470 (DDF) 50% to World Fund 2010-11 DG Steve Berg $ 218,6162013-14 DG Wally Miller $ 109,308 2011-13 DG Roger Ptolemy $727,5702014-15 DG Clyde Church $ 363,785

4 Grant Management Seminar Club Memorandum of Understanding Club Memorandum of Understanding This document is the official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provided by The Rotary Foundation (TRF). It is an agreement between the club and its district, explaining what measures the club will undertake to ensure proper implementation of DISTRICT GRANTS AND GLOBAL GRANTS and management of Rotary Foundation District and Global Grant funds. By authorizing this document, the club agrees that it will comply with all Foundation requirements. 1. Terms of Club Qualification 2. Club Leadership Responsibilities for Qualification 3. Financial Management Plan 4. Bank Account Requirements 5.Document Retention 6.Report on Use of Grant Funds 7. Method for Reporting and Resolving Misuse of Grant Funds 4

5 Grant Management Seminar CLUB QUALIFICATION 5

6 Grant Management Seminar 6 Club Qualification Requirements Attend a grant management seminar Agree to club memorandum of understanding and submit signed MOU to district When applying for a Global Grant, notify District Global Grant Chair Peter Jeschofnig prior to applying to TRF to determine if District matching funds are available.

7 Grant Management Seminar 7 Terms of Qualification Valid for one year Club responsibility for grant funds Disclose conflicts of interest Cooperate with all audits Use grant funds properly Implement the club MOU

8 Grant Management Seminar Club MOU Club Officer Responsibilities: one club member needs to be responsible for managing grants & all requirements Financial Management Plan: written, standard set of accounts, record of all receipts, disbursements, inventory 8

9 Grant Management Seminar 9 Grant Management Ensures that projects Have proper financial control Adhere to technical standards Meet the needs of the beneficiaries Fulfill their objectives Safeguard funds

10 Grant Management Seminar 10 Successful Grant Projects Meet community needs Include frequent partner communication Have implementation plan Are sustainable Maintain proper stewardship of funds

11 Grant Management Seminar Stewardship Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, which ensures that funds are used properly and benefit populations in need.

12 Grant Management Seminar 12 Stewardship Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: Rotarian supervision Financial records review Oversight of funds Reporting irregularities Timely submission of reports

13 Grant Management Seminar Stewardship Practices Have Rotarians supervise project Implement projects as approved Follow standard business practice Report irregularities Submit reports Retain documents

14 Grant Management Seminar Stewardship Activities Report tracking Routine monitoring Random and targeted audits Investigating allegations Stewardship seminars Qualification

15 Grant Management Seminar 15 Conflict of Interest Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits)

16 Grant Management Seminar Questions???? 16

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